I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Twenty-three

Sunday afternoon I was supposed to go out with my mom to pick out some stuff for the wedding. My wedding. It was in a few months but to be honest, since I started working for Tokio Hotel, I'd pretty much forgotten about it all together.

I had planned on spending half the day in bed, but I was faced with an unorthodox awakening when my phone began to buzz angrily on my nightstand.

''Hello?'' I answered groggily.

''Jules? It's Mr. Henry.'' I perked up at that.

''How are you sir?'' I asked as I rubbed my eyes with my free hand.

''I'm all right. I was hoping you could stop by the office today.'' Mr. Henry said.

''But it's Sunday sir.'' I reminded him.

''I know, I wont keep you long, I just want to have a word with you.''

''Alright, I'll be over as soon as I can.'' I told him.

''Thanks, I appreciate it.''

We said our goodbyes and then hung up. I rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I was planning on having a shower anyway; I was just doing it earlier.

I would have liked to take a seven-hour shower but Mr. Henry was my boss even if it was Sunday. So I hurried to get ready and decided that I would just get my mom earlier than we had planned.

I left Michael a note, grabbed my keys, and then left.

As I drove to H&J, I wondered what could be the reason behind Henry wanting to see me on a Sunday. He said he 'wanted a word with me'. What did that mean? Was he taking me off of the case because of the rumours about Tom and me? Was he firing me all together?

As that last thought passed through my mind, I unknowingly pressed a little harder on the gas.

''Jules! That was fast, come in.'' Mr. Henry said when I knocked on the front door of H&J.

''I'm supposed to be going out later actually.'' I told him.

''Right, well like I said, I wont keep you long, I just want to ask a few questions.''

''Shoot.'' I replied, sitting in one of the leather chairs in his office while he sat on his desk.

''I want to know how things are going with the band assignment.''

''Great.'' I told him honestly. ''It's been fun.''

''And the rumours don't bother you?'' he asked, sounding almost like he was expecting me to break down and beg him to take me off the assignment.

''No, it's to be expected right? It's a hazard of the job when working with famous people, especially Tom Kaulitz. They see him with any girl and assume he has a new girlfriend.''

''About Tom, how is that part of the assignment working for you?'' Mr. Henry asked and the realization kicked me between the eyes.

I had been wondering this whole time why Mr. Henry was so concerned with me and this assignment and he had just given me the answer. He wanted to know if I was sleeping with Tom.

At first, the thought made me laugh inside. All the rumours had been cleared up when the photos hit the internet and everything was fine. So why would Henry think I was sleeping with Tom?

That's where my internal laughing stopped.

Thus far, the relationship between Tom and I had been anything but professional, and I had thought we were the only ones who knew that.
But what if we weren't? What if everyone else could see it? All the guys I worked with, all the guys he worked with. What if everyone knew just how bad we wanted each other? Then I was pretty screwed as far as my job working for them went. And if I got sacked I'd never see Tom…

I decided to play up my innocence and pretend that I didn't desperately want Tom in my bed or that I had just realized that everyone I worked with might know it.

''Good, it's like working with my old clients, only he's about seventy years younger.'' I said lightly. Mr. Henry smiled.

''Good, I'm glad you're doing all right. You can go, thanks.''

''No problem.'' I smiled and left.

My mom was happy to see me when I got there to pick her up and mistook my earliness for enthusiasm. I was marrying my best friend who should have been born as my brother. Excuse me for my lack of excitement.

The whole time we were picking our way through the bridal store, my mother fawning over what shade of white my invitations should be, I was distracted. My mind was racing a mile a minute over what I had realized earlier.

''Jules? Julia!'' my mom snapped. ''Eggshell or tope?''

''Umm eggshell?'' it was more of a question.

''Good, I like it. For a minute, I thought you had caught deaf.''

''Gone deaf mom.'' I laughed.

We continued to pour over the store and my mind continued to wander over all the questions Mr. Henry had asked and the realization that had hit me.

That had been one hell of a close call.