I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Twenty-four

The band was spending three days straight at the studio to work on their album, so Tyler, Paul, Owen, and I had the days off. Since we had spent the first two days drinking and sleeping, on the third day, we decided to do something a little more productive and go to the gym.

The gym we went to was a unisex gym, but it was rare that you saw a woman other than me there. I didn't mind, it had quickly been established that I was one of the boys when I'd spared with some guy who had opened with the cheesiest pickup lines in the book and totally kicked his ass.

We hadn't been in a while and I was looking forward to throwing down with the boys. The gym had a really good wrestling mat and I'd been practicing with Michael. He didn't like it at all.

''Come on Owen!'' I yelled as I laid on the horn. We were outside of his house waiting for him.

''I'm coming!'' he yelled back as he locked his door.

''All ready then princess?'' Paul asked when Owen got in the car.

''Shut up.'' Owen swatted the back of Paul's head and Paul reached around to hit him back.

''Whoa guys, I'm driving here! Save it for the mat!'' I said when I had to duck to avoid being hit by Paul's arm. ''You're going to need that fire, I've been practicing.'' I added proudly.

''Oh, well stand back, she's been practicing.'' Owen said teasingly.

''You laugh now, but you will cry later.'' I assured him and all three guys laughed.

When we pulled up to the gym, there were hardly any cares in the lot and Tyler was already there. Good, the less people at the gym the better.

''Did I tell you guys that Henry called me in yesterday?'' I said, making idle conversation as the four of us took to the treadmills.

''To work?'' Tyler asked.

''No, he wanted to 'have a word'. He pretty much asked if I was sleeping with Tom.'' I told them.

''Are you?'' Paul asked.

''No! Do you have any idea how forbidden that is?''

''So you would then? If it wasn't forbidden that is.'' Tyler said.

''Guys, I haven’t been laid since Michael and I got engaged. I would sleep with Owen at this point.'' I said lightly.

''You say that like it's a bad thing.'' Owen said and we laughed.

With that bit of conversation at an end, we took to our own workout routines.

''I hope you're ready to loose Owen.'' I said as I stretched. It'd been about an hour and a half since we got to the gym.

''I hope you're ready to loose.'' He replied as we took our places.

''Ready?'' Paul asked and Owen and I nodded. ''Go!''

I knew Owen well enough to know his style. He took a blitz-strength approach, rushing his opponent right away. It worked well when his opponent was his size, but not so much when they were my size. I grabbed his arm, twisted it and kicked his legs out. I sat with my knee in his back while Paul counted him out.

''Pinned!'' Paul announced and I could hear Tyler laughing.

''I let you have that one.'' Owen told me.

''Sure you did. Best two of three.'' I replied.

The second time around, there was more of a struggle. I got Owen to the ground but he didn't stay pinned. So began the wrestling part of our match.

I was a little too focused on what I was doing with Owen, so when Paul went to greet someone, leaving Tyler to ref, I didn't know who had shown up.

I was curious though and made the sad mistake of looking. In my moment of distraction, Owen slammed me onto the mat and Tyler counted it off.



''Jules? Are you ok?'' Tom asked, hurrying towards the mat.

''Fine why?'' I replied as I got up.

''He hit you pretty hard.'' Tom said.

''I kicked his ass a few minutes ago.'' I told him.

''Sure you did.'' he said sarcastically.

''I did! Just watch.'' I pushed him away and stepped back to my spot on the mat.

''Ready?'' Tyler asked and we nodded.

''Wont she get hurt?'' I heard Georg ask.

''Just watch.'' Paul said.


Owen lunged and I sidestepped. I caught his arm and threw him to the ground but he knocked my legs out and took me with him. I landed with my elbow in his side when I hit but he hardly seemed to feel it.
He rolled on me and I was almost pinned but I kneed him in the stomach and flipped him. I put an elbow in the back of his neck and twisted on of his arm. Tyler counted it.

''Pinned!'' he announced.

''Yes!'' I cheered as I got up. ''I told you I'd win.''

''Three of five?'' Owen asked, rolling his shoulder.

''Give it up, she kicked your ass.'' Paul said.

I turned to Tom who was wide eyed and slack jawed.


''Told you.''