I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Twenty-five

''That was insane!'' Bill said excitedly.

''I told you I'd win.'' I laughed.

''I'm a little afraid to be around you now.'' Georg said and I laughed again.

''Don't worry, I save it for the fangirls.'' I assured him. ''Why are you guys here anyway?''

''We got bored and your boss said this was a gym that doesn't get too crowded.'' Bill replied.

''Well if you've got time to kill, we wouldn't mind teaching you guys some of this stuff.'' Tyler said.

''Yea!'' Georg said eagerly and the other guys nodded in agreement.

So we paired up with our according band member and started to show them a few things.

''Try to hit me.'' I told Tom.

''No.'' he replied with a bit of a laugh.

''Come on, try.'' I said.

''I don't want to hurt you.''

''You wont.'' I promised.

''Ok, but if I break your jaw or something, I wont be in trouble right?'' He asked and I nodded.

Tom swung at me and it might have hurt, had he actually hit me. But like I'd done to Owen so many times, I grabbed Tom's arm and chicken winged it.

''Ow ow!'' he cried and I let go of his arm.

''I told you you wouldn't hurt me.'' I laughed.

Tom noticed that everyone was watching and he scowled at them.

''Don't you have something you should be doing?'' he snapped and they chuckled as they went back to their business. ''Can you show me how to do that?''

After about three hours at the gym, half of that spent with Tom, and I was spent. From the looks of them though, the guys still had energy to burn.

''I'm spent.'' I announced.

''Me too.'' Tom agreed. ''Do you think you could drive me home? I want to shower and maybe get a nap.''

''You guys can ride with Tyler right?'' I asked and the guys nodded.

''Let's go then.'' I said to Tom, grabbing my gym bag.

Tom and I walked out to my car and I tossed my stuff in the back.
When we got in, Tom looked a little…off.

''Are you ok?'' I asked as I drove.

''Fine.'' He replied quickly. I figured his ego was a little sore from being pinned so many times so I let the matter drop for the rest of the ride.

But when we got to his apartment and that off look was still on his face, I insisted on walking him up. I was a little afraid he might throw himself down the elevator shaft or something if he was alone.

''Are you sure you're ok?'' I asked again.

''I'm fine, why?''

''That look on your face just isn't the usual one.'' I told him.

''I'm not usually this deep in thought.'' he told me as he unlocked his door.

''And what are you so deep in thought about?'' I asked.

''This.'' Tom suddenly pressed his lips against mine in the gentlest kiss I'd ever gotten from him.

I indulged for a minute before I pushed him away, using every ounce of willpower in my body.

''You can't do that.'' I reminded him.

''Jules, I've wanted you so bad from the minute you offered to share your joint with me.'' he confessed.

''State the obvious much?''

''And I think you want me too.''

YES YES GOD YES! ''We're not allowed. Tom I work for you, I could loose my job, ruin my career.''

''That wouldn't happen.'' he assured me.

''How do you know?'' I asked.

''I just do.'' He replied.

''But what if- why am I asking? This isn't going to happen. Goodbye Tom.''

I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him so that my face was just inches from his.

''We don't have to tell anyone.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm, what do you think will happen next? I think that I'll dedicate the next chapter to the person with the most inventive prediction, even if it's wrong. If it's creative, it's a win.

As for the chapter in question, I'm going to be out all weekend with funerals and movies and mother's day so the next post wont come until Sunday. I know it's cruel to leave this cliffhanger, but I simply couldn't resist.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!