I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Twenty-eight

My head had been spinning since I left Tom's apartment and the wave of guilt that had kicked me in the face when I saw Michael and both of our mothers that evening didn't help at all. I felt like I was on a tilt-a-whirl that had been left on overdrive in the rain.

So that night, when I was finally in my own bed, exhausted from the day I'd just had, I didn't sleep a wink. I laid awake all night, staring at the ceiling as my mind ran over my eventful day and the billions of possible situations that could ensue when I got to work in the morning.

When my alarm went of at seven, I simply stared at it, listening to the horrible buzzing noise repeat itself over and over until I was ready to shoot myself. It was at that point I turned it off and headed for the bathroom.

For the first time in my career, I was nervous about going to work. It had nothing to do with the fact that I would possibly get shot by some crazy person who wanted to be a somebody though. It was more to do with the fact that I'd fucked my client yesterday and that's against the rules in all fields except prostitution.

I had no clue what today would bring and it was making me quite jittery.

''Are you ok?'' Michael asked, pulling me out of the trance cast by the cereal crumbs in the bottom of my empty bowl.

''Hm? Yea fine. Why?'' I replied.

''Liar.'' He said with a bit of a laugh.

''I just didn't sleep last night.'' I told him.

''Why not?''

''Too much to think about.''

''Like?'' he asked and I quick debate went on in my head before I spoke.

Michael was, and always had been, my best friend, and he was my best friend before my fiancé. I really had no one else to talk to about secrets and stuff.

''You know yesterday when I told you I went out for lunch?'' he nodded. ''That wasn't exactly true.''

''Do tell.''

''Well I didn't technically 'go out'. Tom asked me to stay and I had lunch with him.'' You didn't really think I was going to tell him I let Tom fuck me senseless did you?

''And? How was it?'' he asked, the look on his face saying that this was the best gossip he'd heard all month.

''It was…fun. He's good at,'' Sex. ''Cooking.''

''Get on that.''

''Dude, I'm practically your wife.''

''That's a technicality; you're my best friend first. And as your best friend I say, get on that.'' he said, putting an arm around my shoulders and shaking me a bit.

''Yea, sure.'' I laughed.

''That's the spirit. Now get to work, and land yourself another date.'' He smacked my butt and I screamed.

''You ass!'' I laughed as I punched him in the arm.

''That's going to bruise.''

''Good!'' I laughed as I left the apartment.

The band had a concert tonight, so today, we were picking them up at their studio and escorting them to the venue where they'd spend the rest of the day doing sound checks and a million other concert prep things.

I met the guys at the studio and we went inside.

''What happened to you yesterday?'' Paul asked as we waited for the band.

''I took Tom home and then went for lunch.'' I told them.

''Michael was looking for you.'' He said.

''Yea, I left my phone in the car by accident.

''Right.'' He said.

Paul and Owen swallowed that just fine, but Tyler was looking at my suspiciously.

''Why do you have that post orgasm glow?'' he asked. You glow after an orgasm?

''It's called a vibrator.'' I replied.

''Too much Twiggy, too much.'' Owen laughed, shaking his head.

That was enough to make them all drop the subject.

''Sorry we're late. Some of us like to over sleep.'' Vince said when he and the rest of the band appeared in the front hall of the studio.

''Well if you had a night like mine you would have slept in too.'' Tom said and my body went rigid.

''Someone got laid.'' Georg laughed.

''Tall blonde, legs up to here.'' Tom said, putting his hand at his chest. I breathed an internal sigh of relief.

''Yea yea, that's all very nice but we have to get to the venue.'' Vince said, pushing the boys towards the door.

The band went outside and got in the van. Paul drove and I rode shotgun.

I had been so stressed about Tom making some kind of pass at me that would totally give us away, but when I looked in my mirror, he wasn't looking back. He was totally engulfed in the conversation.

He was acting like it hadn't even happened. Maybe it hadn't. Maybe it had been some kind of extreme exhaustion induced dream.
No, my imagination couldn't come up with that kind of pleasure.

So it had definitely happened and either Tom didn't think it was that good, was trying to get back at me for leaving him, or was making good on his promise to keep his mouth shut.

I was hoping for the latter.