I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Twenty-nine

When we got to the venue, even though it was relatively early in the day, there were about a hundred or so people lined up to get in. Most of them were girls.

We went in the back and convened in the greenroom.

''Ok, so here's the plan for today,'' Vince said and everyone stopped to listen. ''We'll start with sound checks and whatnot and then we're moving you guys to wardrobe so the stylists can figure out what you're all wearing, then we'll come back here, do an online chat with some fans, and that should leave enough time to hang around for a bit, get dressed, and then do the show.''

''We can dress ourselves.'' Bill said.

''Wardrobe to you then.'' Vince sighed, scratching something onto his list. ''Ten minutes until sound check.'' He snapped his book shut and left the room.

The boys dove into conversations with each other and whatever other activities they had to occupy themselves with. Paul, Owen, Tyler, and I took up a spot in the corner near the door and started a conversation of our own.

''Nope, she's definitely got to have dark hair.'' Paul said.

''Blonde with dark eyes.'' Owen said.

''Dark hair, dark eyes, it's mysterious.'' Paul said, wiggling his fingers.

''You're such a tool.'' I laughed.

''I'm not the one who uses a vibrator.'' He retorted playfully, but not loud enough that anyone but our group could hear- thank god.

''Shut up!'' I laughed, punching him.

''Ow,'' he chuckled. ''Hey, where's your ring?''

I'd hit him with my left hand and I wasn't wearing my engagement ring.

''Not on my finger.'' I said.

''Why not? Wont your man be upset?'' Owen asked playfully.

''When have you ever seen me wear jewelry? I only wear the stupid thing when I go to my parents. And my man doesn't care.'' I told them.

''Yea, and she wouldn't want Tom to know she's engaged.'' Owen added.

''What?'' I laughed despite the fact that I was so nervous I could have shit a brick.

''He totally wants you, and you want him too.'' Owen said and I breathed an inward sigh of relief. For a minute there I thought he knew.

''Who wouldn't want him?'' I asked lightly and the guys laughed.

''Sound check, let's go.'' Vince said when he appeared in the doorway.

Paul and Tyler led the pack with the band in the middle of a security guard sandwich.

Tom still hadn't even said two words to me today. He hadn't looked at me in that way only he could. He hadn't made any subtle passes at me, or blatant ones for that matter. In a minute I was going to say something.

''Ah shit, I forgot my phone in the greenroom. I have to get it.'' Tom said after suddenly stopping.

''Jules.'' Paul said and I nodded. ''We'll meet you there.''

I walked with Tom back to the greenroom. We were quite far away and the trip was silent with a rich coating of tense. At least, I was tense, Tom seemed totally at ease.

''I left it on the table I think.'' Tom said and I nodded stiffly. I tried to over analyze it, but there was nothing to overanalyze. His tone was completely objective and he had only looked at me briefly.

When we got to the door, I used my set of security keys to unlock it. I opened the door for Tom and then followed him in.

I turned around to pull the door closed. When it latched, I turned to face the room and Tom was- right there!

He pushed my body against the door with his and cupped my face with his hands as his lips smothered mine in a fiery kiss.

''Mm.'' I had meant it to be an objection, but it came out as more of a moan.

I hooked my hands around his neck as his slid off my face, down my neck, over my breasts, down my stomach, and to the back of my thighs. He lifted my legs so that they were wrapped around his waist and pushed his hips against mine.

''What the fuck?'' I said, a little short of breath, when Tom started to kiss my neck.

''What do you mean?'' he murmured against my skin.

''You say nothing to me all day and then practically rape me?''

''It's not rape if you're willing.''

''What makes you think I'm-'' he dug his hips into mine and I moaned slightly.

''That.'' he chuckled against my neck. ''You didn't really think I was going to let one afternoon of sex be all for us did you?''

''N-no.'' I stuttered when he bit particularly hard on my neck.

''There you go, we already think alike.'' Tom said.

''We can't do this now.'' I told him.

Don't get me wrong Iwanted it bad wouldn't have minded, but people were waiting for us.

''And why not?

''Because the other might come looking.'' I said.

He thought about it for a minute before letting me down from the door.

''It will happen.'' he assured me.

I stood on my toes and pressed my lips to his, lingering a second past friendly.

''I know.''
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm going away for the weekend so this will be the last post until Monday night.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it and have a good weekend!