I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Three

''So where was Michael last night? There's no way he was out with his mom.'' Owen said as we drove. We were on our way to Mr. Goldstein's house. My car was in the shop this morning and Owen had offered to drive me.
Normally, Michael would have but he had a meeting.

''He wanted to come but you don't know his mom.'' I said with a bit of a laugh.

''I think I met her before. Wasn't she at-'' he was cut off when my phone started to ring. It was my boss.

''Hello?'' I answered.

''Jules? Are you at Mr. Goldstein's yet?'' Mr. Henry asked.

''On my way sir.'' I told him.

''I called him and told him you would be late. I need you in my office ASAP.'' Mr. Henry said.

''Not a problem. What's this about?'' I asked.

''We'll talk about it when you get here. oh, and bring Owen if he's with you.'' He said.

''Yes sir.'' I replied and then hung up.

''Owen!'' I yelled and he hardly even flinched.

''Julia!'' he replied and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

''Don't call me that. we've got to go to the office, Henry wants to see us.'' I said.

''Why?'' he asked.

''Beats me.'' I shrugged.

Owen made a sharp u-turn at the next set of lights and drove to the agency.

When we got there, Paul and Tyler's SUVs were already in the lot. Apparently Henry wanted all of us. We weren't an official 'team' or anything, but because we stuck together so much, it seemed like we were.

''I called the four of you in here because I have a new assignment.'' Mr. Henry said as we stood around his office. He was sitting on the front of his desk with a file in his hand.

''A new assignment? Just one?'' Paul asked.

''What, are we going to have to fight for it?'' Owen added.

''If that's the case then you guys should just step down now.'' I said and the guys laughed as they shoved me around a bit.

''No, you're not fighting for it. you're all assigned to it.'' Mr. Henry said.

''Even Twiggy over here?'' Owen asked.

''Yes even Twiggy. The band needs at least one female body guard because of all the female fans.'' My. Henry explained.

''Band?'' I asked rather excitedly. I knew it was wrong to get my hopes up before I knew what band it was, but the fact that Henry had chosen us was a good indicator that they were young.

''Yes. I chose you guys because you're around the same ages as the group and thought you wouldn't mind working with someone your own age for once.'' The boss cast a sideways glance at me.

''So they're what? Twenty?'' Paul asked.

''They're twenty-one, twenty-two, and two of them are nineteen, going on twenty this year.''

''Just like you Twiggy.'' Owen said, shoving me with his shoulder.

''You start tomorrow. I've already assigned replacements for your current clients. Here's a file on the band. Get back to work.'' Mr. Henry said, handing the file to Paul.

''Let me see!'' I whined as the boys huddled around the file.

''Take off eh.'' Paul said, pushing me away by my forehead.

''Fine, whatever, I'll just be surprised tomorrow.'' I said, giving up.

All four of us headed back out to the parking lot and piled into our cars.

''So are you gonna need a ride tomorrow too?'' Owen asked as we started –again- to drive the Goldstein house.

''Well considering that you guys wouldn't let me see the file, yea I will.'' I said and he laughed.

''I guess you just need to put on some more muscle Twiggy, then you might be able to fight us off.'' He teased.

''I could have broken Paul's arm.'' I said and Owen laughed again.

''Oh I know. Didn't I teach you to do that?''

''Small but deadly Owen, small but deadly.''

At a towering 5'3 I was definitely tiny and the boys never let me forget it. but despite my size, I was debatably the most dangerous member of our group.

The guys could tease me all they wanted, but I didn't care.

I'd finally been assigned a promising case and I was stoked.
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit of a filler, but completely crucial all the same.

On a totally unrelated note, in my profile I've had something about me being really good at advice in my profile for pretty much ever. But recently, I (along with some other people who posses the same talents as me) have put together an entire site dedicated to giving advice on anything to anyone who asks for it. Check it out if you've got a minute. The link will also be up on my profile.

Finally, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!