I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Thirty

The show went great, as expected; a few crazy fangirls leaped desperately at the band, as expected. The show and its goings on were nothing out of the ordinary.

It was the ride home that stood out.

It was a well-known fact that of the group of H&J bodyguards, I was Tom Kaulitz's individual guard. It was a lesser-known fact that we had slept together…and planned on doing it again.

''There are still girls out there?'' I asked when Owen's voice rang through my earpiece, telling me the news.

''Yea, like fifty.''

''You're way too popular.'' I said to Tom who smirked and then raised my wrist mike to my mouth. ''Alright, I'll take him out the other side.''

I asked Tyler to bring my car around and when he was back in the room with the remaining band members, I left with Tom.

I held the door open for him and closed it, keeping my eyes open for any fans who might have caught on.

''So you're taking me home?'' Tom asked when we started to drive.

''Yea.'' I replied, trying to figure out why he needed to ask when he knew the answer.

''Are you going to tuck me in?'' he asked with a wink and I rolled my eyes. That's why he asked.

''I spent my entire day following your ass around and making sure no crazies got you. I'm tired. You can tuck yourself in if you're that horny.'' I said, making a quick hand job motion and he laughed.

''We'll see.'' He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

''What are you talking about?''

''Nothing.'' He replied as innocently as Tom Kaulitz can get.

I continued to drive and then saw Tom reach over the center console and felt him place his open hand on my thigh. I narrowed my eyes again and he shrugged simply.

He was tracing lightly on my leg with his fingers and the feeling was rather nice, so I didn't stop him.

His hand began to inch higher and soon the feeling went from 'nice' to arousing. Would you have stopped him? I didn't think so.

I made a point of not looking at him, though I could see Tom smirking out of the corner of my eye.

His hand had climbed all the way up my leg and was having its way with my nether regions. My fingers were white on the steering wheel and I bit my tongue to keep from moaning as his fingers worked magic between my legs.

''Jules! My building!'' Tom said when I almost drove past it. I was a little preoccupied.

I didn't stop in front of the building; instead I pulled into the underground parking and stopped in a relatively vacant area.

''What part of 'I'm going home' didn’t you follow?'' I snapped when I put the car in park.

''I just though I'd try and change your mind.'' He replied.

''You do know I could have killed us back there when you were doing that right?''

''You could have stopped me.'' there was a smirk still in place on his lips that I felt the need to wipe off.

''Yea, cause it's so easy to say no to that. What if I was the one doing it while you were driving? What if I reached over and started to feel you up?'' I reached over and lightly brushed his crotch. ''Better yet,'' I undid my seatbelt. ''What if I came across the console like this?'' I climbed over and straddled his lap. ''What if I just started grinding myself against you like this?'' I worked my hips against his. ''What if I started to kiss your neck like this?'' I did as I said.

''I uh-'' Tom stammered. I could feel how hard he was already.

''What if I started feeling you up like this?'' I asked. My tone was as bitter as it had been all along, but the movements I was making as I stroked him through his jeans were slow and sexual. ''What if I kissed you like this?'' I moved my hands up to his neck and smashed my lips onto his, shoving my tongue into his mouth.

Ok, so I was dry humping Tom in the passenger's seat of my car, but hey, if you'd been practically finger-fucked on the way over, you wouldn't have had much self control either.

He brought it on himself, but that was probably his plan. He was groping desperately at my ass and grinding his hips up to meet mine.

I suddenly ceased all movements and sat back.

''So Tom, if I had done all of that, would you have been able to stop me?'' I asked and his mouth fell open as if to ask if I was really going to stop there. I climbed back over into my seat and undid his seatbelt for him. ''I didn't think so.'' I reached over him and opened his door. ''Goodnight Tom.''

I made a shooing motion as he got out of my car. I could see he was having a bit of trouble with his hard on and I laughed to myself.

That'll teach him to tease me.
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I know it's a day late but I'm back! I had a great time this weekend; thanks to everyone who wished me well.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting!