I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Thirty-four

When I woke up, Tom was still asleep on top of me. I could tell from the sound of his snoring that he was sleeping pretty hard.

I figured he'd have one hell of a hangover so I didn't try to wake him up. Besides, I liked how he looked when he slept.

But my don't-wake-him-up plan was thwarted when I felt the distinct tickle of a sneeze in the bridge of my nose. When the sneeze let loose, my whole body jumped, bouncing the bed and Tom as well.

He woke with a start and then groaned as he put one hand to his head.

''Good morning sunshine.'' I said softly and his eyes shot open as though last night had just come back to him.

''I swear that's never happened before.'' Tom said gravely as he turned his head up to look at me.

''I know. Don't worry about it.'' I laughed lightly as I lightly traced on the back of his neck with my fingertips.

''Really, never ever happened before.'' He repeated, clearly not finding this as amusing as I was.

''Don't worry about it.'' I told him again. He sighed and rested his head back between my boobs and kissed my chest.

''My head is going to explode.'' He muttered as I stroked his cheek.

''Want me to get you some Tylenol?'' I asked and he nodded. ''I'll have to get up though.'' I told him and he groaned disapprovingly.

He kissed my chest again before moving off of me and burying his head in a pillow.

I got up, not bothering to put on any clothes, and went to the kitchen in search of some medication for my horribly hung over…friend?

What were Tom and I? Was he simply my employer? Was I just someone he employed? Were we friends? Were we lovers?

We weren't just employer and employee, I knew that; our relationship clearly wasn't a purely professional one. But were we friends?

We could be considered lovers; we made love often. I know at first we'd just been screwing but now it was different. I couldn't quite put a finger on it, but something had started to spark between us and I was in no place to deny it.
And just like that we'd gone from screwing to making love. So I guess we were lovers.
But were we friends? Had we simply jumped from professional to physical and completely skipped becoming actual friends?

By the time this whole train of thought had come to a stop, I had the Tylenol and a glass of water and was on my way back to Tom's room. I got back into bed, leaning against the headboard, and he sat up as he took the pills from me.
When he'd finished swallowing them, he replaced his head on my bare chest and wrapped his arms around my torso.

I was tracing idly on his shoulder when I felt him press his lips to my chest. I giggled slightly as he started to suck on the spot he had kissed, seeming intent on leaving a mark.

''There.'' He said a few minutes later when he was sure he had left a nice hickey.

''Marking your territory?'' I laughed lightly.

''Exactly.'' Tom smiled.

''Tom?'' I said after a moment of comfortable silence. He turned to look up at me and planted his chin on my chest. ''Are we friends?''

''With benefits.'' He replied, running one hand up my leg.

''I know we're that kind of friends, but are we friends?'' I asked, not moving my eyes from the dreadlock I was twisting between my fingers.

''I'm not sure what you're getting at.'' I rolled my eyes.

''I know we're friends who fuck, but are we friends that just hang out? Are we friends who can act stupid around each other for no reason? Are we friends who are there for each other? Are we friends?'' my eyes locked with his as I asked my final question.

Tom moved off of me and sat beside me on the bed before he spoke.

''If you want to just hang out, say the word. If you want to act stupid, go for it; you're adorable either way. And I'll be there for you whenever, wherever you need me.'' he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

''So we're friends?'' I asked, my eyes locked with his. His hand dropped to my chin.

''The best of.'' He gently pressed his lips against mine in a kiss that radiated with innocence and sincerity.

I slid down a bit and cuddled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me in a way that made my insides feel oddly warm and fuzzy.

I had been right earlier when I said there was something sparking between us. Now I knew I wasn't the only one who could see it.

Even though he had only been confirming the fact that we were the best of friends, the look in his eyes said there were some different feelings hiding under that friendship.

''If we weren't friends, you probably wouldn't have stayed all night and helped me nurse this hangover.'' Tom said with a bit of a laugh.

''All night?'' Shit. I hadn't even realized.

''That's friendship.''

''I have to go, I'm supposed to go out with my mom today.'' Lie. But I couldn't very well tell him that my fiancé would be worrying about me.

''Alright. I'll see you Monday?'' he asked, sounding quite put off by the fact that I was going.


''Jules?'' Tom said just as I was about to leave his room.

''I swear, that never happens.'' He said seriously and I laughed.

''I know.''