I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Thirty-five

*~Tom's Point of View~*

''All night?'' Jules asked, sounding as though she'd just realized how long she'd been here.

''That's friendship.'' I said with a smile she couldn't see because of where she was laying.

''I have to go, I'm supposed to go out with my mom today.'' She said as she got up.

''Alright. '' I said sadly, I really didn't want her to leave. ''I'll see you Monday?''

''Definitely.'' She said with a smile that seemed to brighten my whole world.

''Jules?'' I said just as she was about to leave my room. She turned to face me. ''I swear, that never happens.''

I know I'd said it already, but my ego was seriously bruised and I had to be positive that she didn't have the wrong idea.

''I know.'' She laughed and I smiled.

I would have walked her to the door had it not been for the pounding in my head that seemed to restart when Jules mentioned that she was leaving.

I couldn't believe that I'd actually fallen asleep on top of her last night. I didn't think I'd had that much to drink, but evidently I had and that explained the intense urge to vomit I was experiencing.

But she hadn't cared. She let me fall asleep and then stayed to help nurse me back to health in the morning. Most girls would have been so offended that they would have left as soon as I started snoring and never called again. Instead, Jules had laughed. She thought it was funny.

There was something about her that I couldn't quite place. It was a nameless quality that made her just…amazing.

Maybe it was not one quality but all of them. She was smart, funny, witty, opinionated, beautiful, killer in bed. She was pretty much everything I could ever want in a girl wrapped up into one rockin' body.

Maybe that's why I was falling so hard for her.

It had never happened so fast before and at first I didn't understand why it was happening like that, but after last night, everything became clear. Jules was everything I wanted and, if my feelings served me well, she wanted me too.

Earlier, when she had asked if we were friends, I couldn't believe she actually had to ask. I know that mostly we just screwed around, but even if our deep and meaningful conversations were few, they were what titled us as friends. It was impossible not to open up to her.

Like the other day in the shop; I told her I wanted her there because I needed a woman's opinion. That was a lie. I wanted her there just because, and when she had started to ask about my life, I couldn't help but tell her everything.

By this point I was pretty sure she could have asked me absolutely anything and I would have told her, no questions asked.

I couldn't help it though; it was just the way I was around her.

My deep train of thought was interrupted though when my phone started to ring loudly on my nightstand.

''Hello?'' I groaned.

''Hung over?'' Bill's voice rang through the receiver.

''No.'' I replied sarcastically and he laughed.

''That's what you get for drinking so much. And you didn't even get laid.''

''What makes you think I didn't get laid?''

''Please, I saw Jules take your stumbling ass home.'' Bill laughed.

''Right.'' Little did he know, I would have gotten laid had I not fallen asleep.

It was hard keeping all of this from Bill, he was my twin and I usually had him to talk to about my feelings and stuff like that, but this time he couldn't know. It wasn't that I didn't trust him with this secret, I just didn't want to know what he would think about the whole thing. I doubted he would approve as much as I wanted him –and everyone else- to.

''Well I'll let you get back to your toilet bowl then.'' Bill said.

''Bye.'' I replied and we both hung up.

I dropped my phone back onto my nightstand and laid back down.

I wished that Jules and I could come out about what was going on between us. I wished we didn't have to hide the obvious electricity between us.

There was just so much about her that I loved; her smile, the way she smelled, the way she didn't take shit from anyone, the way she looked when she was trying to be serious, the outrageous face she made when she was having an orgasm.

Even though this whole affair had only been going on for a few weeks, I loved everything about her. I loved her.

I loved her. I had fallen inexplicably fast and unnaturally hard for this girl and I was completely in love with her.

I was smart enough to know though how crazy that sounded, so I decided to keep my mouth shut.

I loved her, but she didn't need to know that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm, how many of you really, truly saw that coming at this point in the story?
I didn't think so.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!