I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Thirty-six

When I got home, I didn't see Michael; thank god.

After spending the entire night at Tom's, I was sure Michael would be freaking out because he didn't know where I was.

But he wasn't there so I was in the clear for the time being.

I needed to take a shower so I headed for my room. Since I was home alone, I figured I would get undressed there and strut mostly naked to the bathroom.

As I got undressed, I stood in front of my mirror. It was a habit, like I had to make sure my bits and pieces were all still there or something.
But my usually boring undressing routine was interrupted when I caught a glimpse of my right boob in the mirror. There was a dark purple hickey on the side of it.

When I turned to get a better look, I smiled at the little love bite Tom had given me. It was his way of 'marking his territory', so he said.
Because of where it was, it would be easy enough to hide from everyone who wasn't Tom, but I wished I didn't have to.

There was something between Tom and me, a fire of sorts. It didn't have a name yet, but part of me knew that if we didn't have to keep this whole thing top secret, that fire would have a name. If we didn't have to keep this whole thing a secret, there would be more to Tom and me than sex and unnamed feelings.

I left my room in just my underwear, carrying my towel over my arm.

I was humming a tune I didn't recognize when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye.

''Jules is that- whoa!'' Michael said when he came out of nowhere.

''Sorry! I didn't think you were home.'' I apologized as I wrapped my towel around my top half.

''It's nothing I haven't seen before.'' He laughed. ''But what happened?''


''Right here.'' he pointed to a spot on his chest that mirrored my right boob.

''Oh, I uh…walked into a doorknob'' I lied and then mentally kicked myself for coming up with such a lame lie.

''You're not that short. Who did it?''


''You're not that flexible.'' He laughed.

''Tom.'' I said as quietly as I possibly could and a smile appeared on Michael's lips.

''Tell me everything.''

So we sat on the couch and I told Michael what had happened last night.

''He fell asleep?'' Michael asked.

''He was so hammered.'' I told him.

''His ego must have been horribly bruised this morning.'' He laughed.

''Oh it was.''

''So last night was going to be your first time then?'' I hesitated.

''No.'' I fiddled with my towel.

''No?'' Michael asked, sounding almost excited and I laughed.

''Remember when I ''went out for lunch'' and ''couldn't get seated''?'' I asked. He nodded and a smirk formed on his lips as he figured it out.

''He's been boning you that long and you didn't bother to tell me?'' he asked.

''I thought you'd be offended or something.'' I admitted.

''Offended? Why? Because I wasn't having a steamy affair too? You've got needs and clearly takes care of them. no offence taken.'' He said and I let out a relieved laugh. ''So is he good?''

''Four times in one afternoon.'' My nether regions twinged with desire at the memories.

''Jeez, now you're just bragging.'' Michael said and I laughed.


''So are you guys a couple madly in love or what?''

''We're not allowed to be.'' I reminded him.

''Says who?''

''Says my boss and the engagement ring I never wear.'' He rolled his eyes.

''What if you were allowed to be together?''

''I don't know what it is, if it's love or just intense lust, or the start of something huge, or just a temporary attraction, but I know there's something there.''

''How does he feel?''

''I haven't the slightest idea. I've never talked to anyone about this, even him.''

''That's what best friends are for. You should have told me sooner so I could give you some tips.'' Michael said and I laughed.

''I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm glad you're cool about all of this.'' I leaned forward and hugged him.

''Best friend first, fiancé second.'' He hugged me back and I felt his hands on my bare back.

''Did my towel fall?'' I asked.

''Most def.'' He laughed. ''Don't worry, the girls are lookin' good. I'll cover my eyes.''

''You really are my best friend.''

''It's what I do baby.''