I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Thirty-seven

''Ok, what's the worst place you've ever done it?'' Tom asked.

''Hmm, I'm going to have to say, against the wall in my parents' walk-in closet.''

''That's not that bad.''

''While my grandfather was in their bed napping.'' I added and Tom let out a bark of a laugh.

''How did you manage that?''

''Well, it was the only place me and my boyfriend at the time could be alone and so we were fooling around when my grandpa came in for a snooze. We were stuck in that closet for two hours; use your imagination.''

''I meant how did you manage your screaming.'' He said teasingly and I smacked his stomach.

''No one has ever made me scream like you.'' I told him, knowing damn well that I had just made his head seven times bigger.

''I figured.'' I could hear the smirk in his voice.

''What about you?'' I asked, looking up at him.

''In a dingy bathroom after a concert.'' Tom said.

''You whore.'' I teased.

''I'm the whore? Miss. In-my-parents'-closet-while-pappy-naps.''

''Shut up.'' I laughed.

It was roughly a week after I'd spent the night at Tom's and we were lying in his bed after yet another episode of mind-blowing sex.

During the time between him falling asleep on me and now, our affair had steamed up considerably. I still worked as his bodyguard most every day of the week, but now we were also sleeping together most every day of the week.

Since Michael knew about and was ok with me banging Tom on a regular basis, the fact that I'd spent quite a few nights at his place was no problem. Michael knew the rules though and hadn't told any of the guys about Tom and me.

To be honest, I didn't think that Owen, Paul, or even Tyler suspected anything. Tom and I had been flirty from the get go and not much had changed in that department, except for the odd ass grab that no one saw.

Our secret affair was going quite well if you asked me.

But there were still those unnamed feelings I was having. I still couldn't figure out what they were.

For all I knew they were the beginnings of love, but they could also be just extreme lust and a deep need for male companionship.

I wished everything wasn't se secretive. It felt like even my feelings were keeping themselves secret on purpose.

''I'm so tired.'' Tom said, running one hand idly through my hair.

''Then go to sleep; I'll make sure the crazies don't get you.'' I said lightly and he smiled.

''Not just that kind of tired; I'm tired of secrets.'' He said, his expression serious.

''Me too.'' I told him.

''Do you know how hard it is to keep this from Bill? He's my brother, my twin, and my best friend.''

''I don't have anyone to talk to about this either.'' I reminded him.

Tom still didn't know about Michael and I planned on keeping it that way as long as humanly possible. Michael was ok with it, but I didn't think Tom would be as understanding.

If Tom knew I was engaged, he'd be furious because I didn't tell him, furious because suddenly our affair was that much more of an affair. But more so, he'd be heartbroken because I didn't tell him, heart broken because suddenly, I wasn't just his anymore.

And I knew I wouldn't be able to take the look on his face if he found out.

''I wish we didn't have to hide this.'' Tom said, brushing a piece of my hair behind my ear.

''Me too.'' I replied, leaning my face into his palm.

''I wish I could just be with you. There's always something though, always someone there.''

''Maybe not.'' I said and he raised his eyebrows. ''My parents have a cottage way out in the sticks. No one's used it since I was like sixteen but they have someone go up and clean it every two months or so, just in case. The cleaner's should have been about a week ago; what if we go there? There would be no one to bother us, no one to stop us from being together. We wouldn't have to hide anything; we could just be with each other.''

The cottage I was talking about was in the middle of nowhere. It backed onto a lake and there weren't and neighbours for miles. It was also, coincidentally, the cottage I lost my virginity in.
My parents agreed to let Michael and me spend a week up there by ourselves and pop goes my virginity.

''That's brilliant.'' Tom said with a smile, his eyes bright.

''I try.''

''But how would we get away? People would wonder if we just took off for the weekend.'' His face fell.

''You're seriously underestimating how well we lie.'' I said with a smirk and he chuckled.

''This weekend?'' he asked.

''This weekend.'' I confirmed.

''I can't wait.''
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Well folks, this will be my last update until Sunday night as I'm going to be away again this weekend for work.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!