I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Thirty-eight

''The red one, where's the red one?'' I asked myself as I rummaged through my drawer in search of my red lace bra.

It was Friday afternoon and I was packing for my trip to the cottage with Tom. Everything was planned and I was excited.

I had gotten the weekend off by telling my boss that my cousin from out of town had come over and that she was only going to be in town for the weekend. I added that I hadn't seen my 'cousin' in a year for effect.

I didn't know what Tom was going to tell the guys though. Bill was his brother, he would know if Tom made up some bogus relative.

*~Tom's Point of View~*

I tossed a box of condoms into my bag as I tried desperately to come up with a reason for my absence this weekend.

We were leaving tonight and I had no clue what I was going to tell the guys.

There wasn't really anything I could tell them though. There wasn't much other than sex and showering that I did without Bill. I couldn't say I was doing something with family because Bill could call my bluff on that.

I could always tell them the truth, that I was going away for the weekend, but then they'd ask questions. They'd want to know who she was and how long we'd been together and I couldn't exactly tell them that now could I?

*~Jules' Point of View~*

''Sunscreen? Yea.'' I tossed that in; just in case.

I was excited to be going away with Tom.

When we got to the cottage, it would be like we left this world and went to one of our own. In our world, there was nothing to stop us from being together.

At the cottage, it would be just Tom and me with no one around for miles. We could sleep together and then spend hours simply lying in each other's arms without running the risk of having someone walk in, or call for us.

There would be absolutely no limit or need for discretion when it came to PDA's. if I wanted to stick my tongue down his throat in the middle of the front lawn, I could without worrying that there was someone with a camera lurking in the bush.

When we were there, we wouldn't have to hide how much we wanted each other. We wouldn't have to hide whatever it was that was sparking between us.

*~Tom's Point of View~*

I was especially looking forward to this weekend because I knew that when we were at that cottage, we wouldn't have to hide anything.

When we got there, we wouldn't have to be so tight lipped about everything. We wouldn't have to keep so many secrets.

On the topic of secrets I was keeping. Jules still didn't know how I felt about her; the fact that I loved her that is.

Through the week, I had been debating on whether or not I should tell her. It was still pretty soon and I didn't want to chase her off or anything, but I'd never felt so strongly so fast about anyone before.

If I told her this soon, it would have to be at the exact moment, when the mood was just so. If it wasn't, she would either think I was using the line as a plot to keep getting in her pants, or that I was crazy for saying it when we were still getting to know each other.

Maybe after this weekend though, we wouldn't be 'getting to know each other'; maybe we would know each other. Maybe then I wouldn't sound so crazy.

*~Jules' Point of View~*

''Running away?'' Michael asked, appearing in my doorway.

''Jeez! You almost gave me a heart attack!'' I said after jumping three feet.

''Sorry, I just got home.'' He laughed.

''Have you seen my sunglasses?'' I asked, rummaging through my bag.

''They're on the counter aren't they? Where are you going?''

''I could have sworn I put them in here.'' I said, heading for the kitchen and ignoring his question.

I grabbed my glasses and put them on my head before going back to my room. Tom would be here any minute to pick me up.

''Again, where are you going?'' Michael asked.

''Away.'' I zipped up my bag and threw it over my shoulder.

''Away where?'' He followed me to the door.

''I'm spending the weekend at the cottage with my cousin Jessica.'' I told him as I put my shoes on.

''You don't have a cousin Jessica.'' He said and a smirk appeared on his lips as he figured it out.

''Exactly.'' I kissed him on the cheek.

''Have fun.'' He laughed.

''I plan on it.''