I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Thirty-nine

*~Tom's Point of View~*

''What do I tell him? What do I tell him? What do I tell him?'' I muttered to myself as I gave my apartment a final once over.

I had to leave to get Jules in about ten minutes and I still had no clue what I was going to tell the guys about my absence this weekend.

I had thought of every possible excuse and found flaws in all of them.
I'd considered just packing up and going, but I couldn't do that to Bill. Plus, the press would go nuts and by the time I got back I'd be married to a Russian stripper and have three different baby-mamas.

My phone started to ring in my pocket and I looked at the called ID to find it was Jules.

''Hey babe.'' I answered.

''Hey, are you leaving soon?'' she asked.

''I'm ready to go, I just don't have an excuse yet.'' I admitted.


''I'm thinking.'' I told her.

''Tell them you're sick and contagious and not to come over and then get your fine ass over here.'' she said and I laughed.

''You're a genius babe.'' I told her.

''I try.''

''I'll see you soon.'' I said and then hung up.

I quickly dialed Bill's number and put on my best impression of someone sick. I was no actor, but I planned on hamming it up.

''Hello?'' Bill's perky voice answered.

''Hey.'' I replied, trying to sound sick.

''What's wrong?'' my brother asked worriedly.

''I'm so sick.'' I lied.

''Do you want me to call mom?''

''No, don't call her; don't come over, any of you. I'm really contagious.

''What do you have?'' he asked suspiciously.

''Some flu; I called the doctor. He told me to stay in and not see anyone for like three days.''

''You're lying.''

''Am not.''

''Are so.''

''Am not. I'm really sick. I feel like shit.''

''Right, sorry.''

''I'll call you when I feel better. I wont be over to the studio at all this weekend.''

''You're sure I can't come over?''


''Alright, call me when I can.''

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

Bill sounded like he knew I was stringing him along for a while there, but by the end I was pretty sure he bought it.

Whether he did or not though, I couldn't care less. I had told my lie and was off to get Jules.

*~Bill's Point of View~*

''You're sure I can't come over?'' I asked.

''Positive.'' Tom said.

''Bullshit.'' I said after we had hung up.

'Really sick'? 'A few days'? I knew my brother well enough to know when he was lying and he just had.

What I wanted to know was why.

There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to spend the weekend with some girl, screwing her brains out. He'd gone off for a day or two before, but he'd never lied about it.

That meant there was something different about this girl; she meant something to him.

And I intended to find out who she was.

*~Jules' point of view~*

I carried my stuff out to the front of my building and sat on my bag on the sidewalk as I waited for Tom.

I couldn't believe he didn't have an excuse. Hopefully my 'fake sick' ideas had helped.
If he didn't show up soon though, I as going to have to assume that it didn't.

I soon saw the sexy car that was Tom's Audi driving down the street towards me and a smile crept across my lips.

I tossed my stuff in the back and got in the passenger's seat. A smile mirroring my own was spread across his face.

We both knew that we couldn’t exactly suck face right there, but I had a feeling that as soon as we could, Tom would pull over.

Instead, for the time being, he dropped one hand into my lap and squeezed my thigh.

I gave him the directions and we were off.