I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Four

I had never been so excited to go to work, as I was the first day guarding the name-unknown band.

First off, there were young. Finally I wasn't being assigned to some old guy who was afraid of everything. Second, they were a band. This was the whole reason I'd become a bodyguard in the first place, to guard bands and other actually interesting people. And the best part was that this was a long assignment. Owen had told me that little tidbit before he dropped me off at the Goldstein house the day before.

Owen, Paul, and Tyler had all had at least one worthwhile case. Paul had had quite a few.
So as Owen and I drove to the studio where we would be meeting the band, I was far more excited than him.

''I still can't believe it! Finally a decent one!'' I said, bouncing a bit in my seat.

''Calm down before you bounce us off the road.'' Owen said, putting a hand on my shoulder. ''You know you can't act like this when we get there. Celebrities don't like it when people freak out.''

''I know that. That's why I'm doing it now, so that I don't when we get there.'' I told him.

''Well you'd better cut it out cause we're here.'' Owen said as we turned into a small parking lot.

Tyler and Paul pulled in right behind us and we all got out at the same time. From afar, it all would have looked rather choreographed.

''Lookin' sharp Twiggy.'' Paul said as we walked towards the studio.

''You too.'' I laughed.

We were all wearing the same black dress pants, white collared shit, black shoes, and black suit jacket. The only difference between the boys and me was the tie. I wasn't wearing one.

''Excited?'' Paul asked as he opened the door to the studio.

''Yes.'' I whispered.

''Don't let them know that.'' he reminded me and I rolled my eyes.

''You're from H&J?'' a man asked when we entered the lobby.

''Yes sir.'' Paul answered. He was our unofficial leader. He'd been doing this the longest and was the oldest of our group.

''I'm Vince, the band's manager. The boys are in the other room. If you'll follow me.'' the man said.

''You know we've got a show tonight right?'' Vince asked as we walked.

''Of course sir.'' Paul said.

''You can just call me Vince.'' He said and Paul smiled professionally as he nodded.

''Hey guys, I hope you're decent. The new security detail is here.'' Vince called when we entered what looked like a living room.

''No! I'm naked!'' one voice called dramatically and I cocked my ear towards it. Where had I heard that voice before?

''Very funny. These are the new body guards.'' Vince said.

''Ooh, we actually got a girl this time.'' One boy said. He had long brown hair and was stationed at a laptop on the coffee table.

''Really?'' the familiar voice called from what I assumed to be the bathroom.

''This is Paul, Owen, Tyler, and Julia.'' Each of the boys waved as they were introduced.

''Just Jules.'' I said and Vince nodded.

''That's Georg,'' He pointed to the boy with the laptop. ''Gustav,'' now at the boy who was reading on the couch. ''Bill,'' he pointed to the boy fiddling with his laptop on the other side of the coffee table. ''And that late comer is Tom.'' He pointed to the boy coming out of the bathroom and I felt my eyes pop open.

Now I knew where I'd heard that voice before.

Coming out of the bathroom was a tall boy with deep brown eyes and a nose that was shaped just so. He was sporting dirty blonde dreadlocks and did a double take when he spotted me.

''Now that you've all been introduced, I suggest you get to know each other. By tonight you four have to trust these four with your lives.'' Vince said, referring to the band and us respectively.

Vince left and the three guys I had arrived with spread throughout the room. We had all been given individual assignments, one person we were to stick to like glue. Luck of the draw put me with Tom. How serendipitous.

Tom seemed to be figuring out that the only guard left standing was me and quickly put two and two together.

From the look on his face, I knew he knew where he'd seen me before and I also knew our first meeting would make for some very interesting conversation when I was shadowing him.

''Julia is it?'' Tom asked when I walked over to him. His voice was low but smooth and made my insides melt a little.

''Just Jules.'' I told him.

''Just Jules it is.'' He replied, a smirk forming on his lips and I knew this assignment was going to be even more interesting than I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I'm late, I've been out with my dad all day.

Thanks so much to all my readers, subscribers, and/or commenters. The current rating on this story after only four chapters completely blows my mind. I appreciate it so much.