I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Forty-one

I woke up on my stomach to the feeling of Tom rubbing my back.

''Mmm, good morning.'' I said as I came to.

''I figured your back would be sore from sleeping on the floor all night.'' Tom told me as his hands continued to massage my back.

''It's not sore, but that doesn't mean you can't wake me up like this more often.'' I said with a smirk and he chuckled.

I turned over and Tom laid back so that I could cuddle against him. I kissed him softly on the lips.

''Good morning.'' I said again.

''Good morning.'' He replied, wrapping his arms around me.

''I could stay like this forever.'' I sighed contently, but then started to wonder if that was too much.

To some guys, the word 'forever', when used in the same sentence as something to do with you being together in some way, was pretty much the same as a marriage proposal. I hoped I hadn't just scared him off.

''Me too.'' He replied and I let out an internal sigh of relief.

There was a good chance that we would have stayed like that for a while had Tom's stomach not growled angrily soon after he spoke. I giggled.

''We should find something to eat.'' I said.

''I'm not that hungry.'' Tom insisted, tightening his hold on me.

His stomach growled again and I raised my eyebrows.

''To the kitchen then?'' He said and I laughed.

We got up and I put on Tom's shirt while he put on his boxers.

When we were in the kitchen, I rifled through the grocery bags of food we had brought with us. I spied a box of pancake mix in one of them and was quick to grab it.

''I vote pancakes.'' I said.

''Sounds complicated.''

''Lazy.'' I laughed, setting the box on the counter.

''What do we need?'' Tom asked from the table where he was still looking in the grocery bags.



Tom grabbed a measuring cup and ran some water into it as I rounded up the utensils needed for preparing the dish in question.

''You've got too much.'' I said, looking at the measuring cup Tom had put the water in.

''A little extra makes them better.'' He insisted.

''Yea a little, you've got half a cup extra.'' I laughed. I reached for the measuring cup in an attempt to pour out the excess water but my attempt was thwarted when Tom grabbed me from behind and spun me around, causing me to knock the water over.

''Put me down!'' I laughed. ''I'm trying to cook.''

''I'm trying to cook.'' He mocked and I punched his arm.

I got fresh water from the tap and poured it into the big bowl where I had put the pancake mix to make the batter. I was aware that neither of us had bothered to clean up the spilled water, but I didn't really pay it any attention for the time being.

''Stir that for me?'' I asked Tom while I opened the cupboard.

''You got it.'' he replied, grabbing the electric beater.

I could only hear what was going on because I was bent over in the cupboard, but I heard the beater being turned up to its highest setting and then Tom cursing very loudly.

''What are you doing?'' I stood up and reached for the beater. He was splattering batter all over the place and I felt some hit my face.

''I don't know!'' he yelled as I took the beater from him and turned it off.

''Haven't you ever done this before?'' I asked.

''I have people to do this for me.'' he said and I rolled my eyes.

''Let me show you.'' I said, gesturing for him to come to me. I put the beater in his hand and put mine hand over his. I turned it to the lowest setting and started to move it around the bowl. ''You never start at the highest setting.''

''I know that now.'' He said and I smirked.

When our lesson was finished and the batter was mixed, I set the beater to the side and turned to Tom.

''Ta da.'' I said.

''You've got batter on your face.'' he said. He wiped it away with his index finger and licked it off.

''How do I taste?'' I laughed.

''Amazing.'' He replied and then gently pressed his lips against mine.

I draped my arms around his neck as his tongue slowly pried my lips apart. His hands fell to my waist and I leaned back against the counter.

I swear there must be some kind of Murphy's Law that states that when you're experiencing one of those moments that makes your life a little more complete, something will inevitably go wrong and you will end up laughing.

By some completely unforeseen miracle, when Tom stepped towards me after I leaned back, he slipped on the water that we hadn't cleaned up earlier. He fell and took me down with him.

In his valiant effort to save us, he accidentally grabbed the bowl of pancake batter and brought that down with us as well. It spilled all over the floor and splattered all over us.

I had landed on top of Tom and when I looked down at his batter-splattered face, we both burst out laughing.

''I told you I didn't need to eat.'' He said playfully.

''Yea, yea shut up.'' I replied lightly.

As I looked again at the scene before me, I shook my head disbelievingly.
I was lying on the kitchen floor of my parents' cottage on top of Tom Kaulitz, both of us and the floor covered with pancake batter. Tom was way too cool; I'd never put him and being goofy together. Never in my life would I have imagined something like this.

''What?'' Tom asked.

''We're lying on the floor in pancake batter. We're covered in it and your shirt is ruined.'' I said with a bit of a laugh.

''I would lie in a pile of mud in my favorite white shirt if it meant that I got to lie with you.'' Tom said, putting both hands on either side of my face and stroking my cheek with his thumb. I smiled and my insides turned to mush as he stared deeply into my eyes.

It looked like he had something more to say though, so I waited. He opened his mouth and then closed it again before he spoke.

''Should we try again?'' he asked.


*~Tom's Point of View~*

''I would lie in a pile of mud in my favorite white shirt if it meant that I got to lie with you.'' I said, putting my hands on her face and stroking her cheek with my thumb.

I never would have imagined myself on the kitchen floor, letting some girl dirty one of my shirts because we had spilled pancake mix all over us, before I met Jules. My robust male persona wouldn't have stood for it; but Jules made me different. She made me feel like I didn't have to be such a guys' guy, like I could be an idiot and do goofy things without worrying that it wouldn't look good on my image.

The way she was looking into my eyes made my breath want to catch in my throat. It would have been a great moment to tell her that I loved her. But it wasn't the perfect moment, so I bit my tongue.

''Should we try again?'' I asked instead.

''Definitely.'' She replied with a smile that I would swim across a sea of thumbtacks to see.
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Sorry for the late post, I bought The Sims 3 today and have been completely wrapped up in it since I got home.

Thanks for reading!