I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Forty-two

''Are you sure it's safe for us to be out here?'' Tom asked as we began our trek through the forest beside my cottage.

''Positive.'' I laughed.

After the beautiful disaster our first attempt at pancakes had turned into, we decided that toast was probably a safer choice.

As we ate, I mentioned something about the forest and when Tom said that he wouldn't mind going outside, I couldn't help but put the two together.

When we were kids, Michael and I had spent hours an end exploring and playing in that forest. I knew all the trails start to finish. Even though I told Tom that last fact, he was still worried that we were going to get lost or something. I assured him that I knew where we were going but he was still skeptical.

''So, if a serial killer starts to chase us, you know the way back right?'' he asked and I laughed again.

''I highly doubt that there's any serial killers, but yes I do.'' I assured him.

''Good. So tell me about you.'' Tom said, not making a very smooth topic change.



''What's there to say? I'm no rock star; the story of my life will probably just bore you to death.'' I said lightly.

''I could never find anything about you boring.'' He said as though it was a promise.

There was something about Tom that made my tongue loose, so I told him almost everything. I told him about my old fashioned parents, about my best friend Michael, being careful to leave out our current engagement. I told him about why I wanted to be a bodyguard and the clients I'd had before him.

''So you've pretty much just had creepy old men scamming on you your whole career?'' Tom asked.


''Then I must be a nice change.'' He smirked.

''Very nice.'' I replied. ''Your turn Kaulitz.''

''You've read my file no doubt.'' He said.

''Yea, but what's written in the file isn't what I want to know. I want to know you, not client number oh-six-three-seven.'' I told him.

The truth was, I'd read his file fifty times, trying to find out something about him that I'd missed, some reason for the feelings I felt brewing between us, but I'd found nothing. When he spoke though, when he was talking about his childhood, or Bill, or his mom, that's when I could see it; the reason the feelings were there. I also saw it that morning when we'd fallen in the kitchen. The feelings were there because of that playful, innocent side of him, the side I seemed to bring out.

While he spoke, Tom suddenly took my hand in his. It was a completely unconscious gesture that meant even more because it was such. The fact that he was simply holding my hand without thinking about it, worrying about it, or wondering if it was going to scare me off, said a lot about how he felt about me. The fact that my fingers automatically laced with his said a lot about how I felt about him.

''Your names on them?'' I laughed. We'd been walking and talking for a good two or three hours when Tom told me about how he and Bill wore shirts with their names on them when they were little.

''It was the only way people could tell us apart.'' He said.

''If I have twins, I'm probably going to do the Sam- AH!'' I screamed as my foot caught on a tree root and I tripped.

''Are you ok?'' Tom asked worriedly as he bent down to me.

''My knee.'' I said as I turned over. There was s huge scrape on it that covered most of my kneecap. ''It's just a scratch.''

''A scratch? That's huge! And there's dirt in it. You have to put some disinfectant on it.'' said Doctor Tom PHD.

''Absolutely not. Disinfectant stings and I avoid it all costs.'' I told him. I could take being punched in the face, or thrown to the ground, but when it came to stinging, I was a total suck.

''Not this time. Come on, let's get back and clean you up.'' Tom knelt in front of me and gestured for me to get on his back.

I smiled as I climbed on. I could have walked, but he didn't need to know that.

I directed him to the cottage and he didn't put me down until he set me on the bathroom counter. I reluctantly told him where the rubbing alcohol was and he got the bottle out.

''It's going to sting don't do it!'' I cried as he opened the bottle.

''You have to or you'll get an infection.''

''I'll live through an infection, this pain is going to kill me.'' I told him.

''I'll be sure to attend your funeral.'' He said sarcastically.

''Or we can just not do this.'' I suggested.

''On three. One, two, three.'' He said and then poured.

Stinging overtook my knee and I could hear it bubbling. Out of impulse, I sunk my teeth into Tom's neck as though I was trying to transfer the pain in my knee to him.

''That's kind of turning me on.'' He said, his smirk audible in his voice. I couldn't help but laugh through my clenched teeth.

When the pain finally subsided and the bubbling stopped, I let go. There was a ripe red imprint of my teeth on Tom's shoulder.

''Look at that, you survived.'' Tom teased. ''I can't say the same for my neck though.'' He ran his hand over the almost broken skin where I had bit him.

''I thought it turned you on.'' I retorted playfully.

''Oh it does, and so does your bloody knee.'' He made a sexy growling sound in the back of his throat and I laughed.

''I bet you're just dying to get on this.'' I said sarcastically.

''Oh definitely.'' Tom said, though he didn't sound as sarcastic as me.

''Then get on it.'' I said seductively and then pressed my lips to his.