I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Forty-three

After a quickie on the bathroom counter –that turned into an hour on the bathroom floor- Tom and I had retired to the living room to watch a movie.
We hadn't brought any though so we ended up watching some sappy, low budget love movie that made me lactose intolerant it was so cheesy.

Tom had fallen asleep about halfway through.
Most of the time, instead of watching the bad movie, I'd watched him sleep. He was so perfect when he slept. The way his face looked while he was asleep made me think of the night behind the club when I'd needed to touch his face because I liked the way it was shaped.

The relationship I had with Tom had changed so much since that night. It had changed in ways I never thought it would, never thought it could. He'd just been some guy I made out with when we were high but now…now what were we?

I'd contemplated it before and landed on lovers. I liked that title for us.

As the credits of the bad movie rolled, I felt my eyelids getting heavy and the next thing I was waking up.

''How long have you been awake?'' I asked Tom whose arms I was still lying in.

''Not long.'' he told me softly.

''Do you want to have a fire?'' I asked, noticing that it was dark.

''Sounds good to me.'' Tom said with a smile that made all my insides melt.

*~Tom's Point of View~*

When I woke up, Jules was fast asleep in my arms. There was still a bit of light coming through the window and I assumed I'd slept for an hour or so.

I didn't like the fact that I fell asleep though. Every moment Jules was awake, I wanted to be awake with her. At this point, reality was better than anything I could dream and I would have rather been awake than asleep.

There must have been at least an hour between the time I woke up and when Jules did, but I didn't mind.

Just being close to her was enough for me, whether she was asleep or awake.
Her expression was so serene when she slept, as though in sleep she went back to being a carefree child who had no worries except when dinner was.

''How long have you been up?'' Jules asked when she woke up.

''Not long.'' I lied.

''Do you want to have a fire?'' she asked.

''Sounds good to me.''

*~Jules' Point of View~*

There was a wood shed behind the cottage that was always full. We found a lighter and some newspaper and soon enough we had a decent sized fire going.

''So what do you think city boy?'' I asked as I turned my marshmallow stick.

''Just because you have a cottage doesn't make you a country girl.'' Tom said and I laughed.

''I know.'' I pulled my marshmallow out of the fire.

''I like being here; it's nice.''

''Me too.'' I ate my marshmallow and then climbed into Tom's lap. He was sitting with his legs straight out, leaning back on his hands and I sat back against his chest. ''I wish we could stay here forever.''

*~Tom's Point of View~*

''I know.'' Jules laughed.

I like being with you. ''I like being here; it's nice.'' I said.

''Me too.'' She replied. She ate her marshmallow and then leaned back against me. ''I wish we could stay here forever.''

''Me too.'' I kissed her head.

Everything about Jules was perfect, like everything about this moment was perfect. I realized that I'd just been presented with my perfect moment.
Jules looked up at the stars.

''There's so many of them.'' She said. ''Don't they make you feel small?''

''Not really, not when I'm with you. I feel like I could take on the world when I'm with you.'' I told her.

She shifted her gaze from the sky to me, a brilliant smile gracing her flawless features.

''Me too.'' She said and my heart skipped a few beats.

'Me too'; it was a common phrase between us. We had so much in common, but we were also so different. That's one of the things I loved about her; we could be so different yet totally the same.

I could only hope that that common phrase would be repeated when I made my confession.

I looked into her eyes and held my breath.

''I love you.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I didn't post last night, I was so sick, and still am. I've spent most of the day wishing my head would just get it over with and explode.
But! On a lighter note! Tom confessed!
Hmm, I wonder how she's going to react.
Actually, I know how she's going to react, it's you that's left to wonder.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!