I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Forty-six

''I swear we didn't have this many clothes when we got here.'' I said as Tom and I continued to round up our seemingly increased amount of clothes.

Isn't it funny how you only notice how much of a mess you've made when you're trying to clean it up?

Somehow, over the course of two days, we had managed to scatter clothing all over the house. There were some by the back door, some in the living room, and Tom had gone to check the bathroom.
Surprisingly though, there was very little clothing in the actual bedroom. We were just on a different level of kinky I guess.

''I found this between the cushions on the couch,'' Tom said as he reentered the bedroom, holding one of my shirts. ''And this behind the toilet.'' He added, holding up one of my bras.

''Thanks.'' I laughed as I took my clothes from him.

''Whoa, whoa, whoa,'' he said, picking up a black and red lace number that was already in my suitcase. He held it against his chest and I laughed. ''When did you wear this?'' he asked.

''You should know,'' I said, walking towards him. ''You took it off.'' I winked and then kissed him seductively.

''Babe, if you want someone who pays attention to detail, you should be with my brother. He's the perfectionist.'' Tom told me.

''Well you are twins; I supposed he'd be the same,'' I looked pointedly at Tom's crotch. ''So I'd get the same love.''

''Not even close.'' Tom said as though it was a promise.

''And he would pay attention to what I was wearing.'' I added playfully.

''Like that blue shirt on Friday? The one with the buttons that were just dying to spring open? Or the stone wash jeans you wore yesterday that kept falling down and now have a hole in the knee? Or the black cut off shirt you're wearing right now? The one that teasingly flaunts this part,'' he ran his fingers lightly over the skin exposed at the bottom of my shirt without his eyes leaving mine. ''Of your stomach and just the top of your hipbone? But maybe Bill does pay more attention to detail than me.''

Tom's hands were on my lower back, holding my hips against his and I was leaning back as I draped my arms around his neck.

''You're right, maybe I should be with your brother.'' I smirked.

''If you're into that kind of thing.'' Tom shrugged.

''Nah, I'm more into the secretly sweet and romantic- sex god types.'' I said playfully.

''Hm, I don't know any closet prince charmings, but I do know a sex god.'' Tom smirked.

''Is that so?'' I asked and he nodded. ''Cocky mother fu-''

I was cut off when Tom pressed his lips to mine, his tongue instantly finding its way into my mouth. My hands locked behind his neck, my body curving to fit his as we kissed hungrily.

We were steadily leaning back and it was quite inevitable that we were eventually going to fall back onto the bed.
When we did, it was no surprise, but the pain that shot through us as we landed was.

We had seriously underestimated how bouncy the bed was and when we landed, the whole bed had jumped and our noses had crashed together.

''Ow.'' Tom groaned as he rolled off of me. I pulled the bundle of clothes that I had landed on out from under me and examined it.

''This looks like mostly yours.'' I said, tossing it into his suitcase.


''Even if there is something of mine, it's not like I wont know where to go to get it back.'' I told him.


''Now, you have to help me close this thing.'' I said, getting up and tossing the last of my clothes into my suitcase.

''It was closed fine when you got here.'' Tom laughed.

''Yea, but my clothes grew three sizes since then.'' Clothes never fit the same way in your suitcase going home as they did getting to your destination.

''Whatever will you do?'' Tom asked sarcastically.

''Shut up and hold it closed.'' I replied.

''Ok, ok.''

He got on his knees on the bed and leaned on my suitcase, holding the top half down.

''Are you going to zip it?''

''The zipper's stuck!'' I said as I pulled on it.

''Let me try.''

I don't know how it happened exactly, but the second Tom shifted his weight on my suitcase, the whole thing sprung open like something out of a cartoon. Tom flew backwards and my clothes exploded.

I covered my mouth to keep from laughing as I stepped to the side so that I could see Tom. He was on his back with a shirt over his face. I moved it and he spoke.

''I thought that only happened in movies.'' He said, his eyebrows furrowed like that of a two-year-old.

''Tom Kaulitz,'' I laughed. I love you. ''You make me smile.''

''And I love you.'' He added. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

''Yea, that too.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so there's alot of explaining to be done on my part. I know I said that I was going to go back to regular posting after my week long absence, but then I found out that my grandmother was in the hospital and we had people over and there was a bunch of stuff that kept me from posting the last few nights.
I know I owe you updates, it pains me when I promise to post every night and then miss a bunch. So this is what I'm going to do. I'm going officially to skip Sunday night's post as I'll just be home from work and it's not likely I'll get posted, so I'm going to put it in writing. Starting on Monday, I'll be posting two a night until Wednesday when I've made up for the posts I've missed. One chapter will be posted between 8 and 9 (EST) and the other at the regular time (between 7 and 8).

Thanks for sticking with me, reading, subscribing, and/or commenting. I appreciate it!