I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Forty-nine

After our moment of pure, heart wrenching confessions in the car, the mood had gotten considerably lighter. Tom put the radio on and along with the pair of us belting our favorite parts of the songs, Tom would occasionally poke me in the side or squeeze my thigh or kiss the back of my hand.

Suffice it to say that he wouldn't be apologizing anymore.

''Where are you going?'' I asked when Tom missed the turn onto my street.

''You're coming to my place.'' He told me matter-of-factly.

''Says who?''

''Says the clock that's telling me we got here an hour and a half early.'' He winked as he turned into the underground parking lot for his building.

''You can't go twelve hours without getting on this can you?'' I laughed as I undid my seatbelt.

''You're that hot babe.''

''So I've heard.'' I said and he laughed.

Tom grabbed his suitcase and we headed upstairs.

The second we were inside his apartment, Tom attached his lips to mine and tossed his hat. It would never cease to amaze me how guys could go from spilling their hearts out to spilling something else out in the matter of an hour, a matter of minutes even.

As crazy as it sounds though, I was more interested in touring Tom's apartment than I was in doing him at that particular moment in time. Sure I'd been there before, but I'd never looked around.

''You have messages.'' I said, pulling away.

''That's nice.'' He tried to kiss me again but I dodged it.

''You're sick remember?'' I teased. ''Let's hear them.''

Tom seemed to get the idea that I wasn't in the mood because he suddenly switched his seductiveness off and turned on the fun, Prince Charming. I pushed play.

''Hey, it's Georg. You've probably got your head in the toilet. Bill told us you're sick. Feel better, bye.''

''Aw, they check up on you.'' I smirked.

''It's Gustav. Heard you're sick, get better. Bye.''

''I think it's cute.'' I giggled when Tom rolled his eyes.

''Hey Tom it's Jenny. You said to call you sometimes so I'm calling, but apparently you're not in. You've got my number call me.'' Tom's eyes were wide as he stared at the machine.

''Jenny?'' I asked, coking an eyebrow and crossing my arms.

''Long time ago, I swear!'' Tom said quickly.

''Yea, cause girls wait a long time to call you.'' I rolled my eyes playfully.

''Babe, I've got an image to maintain. Just because you're my girlfriend doesn't-''

''Your girlfriend?''

''I mean, uh-'' he stammered.

''That's it Tom Kaulitz, you're rushing me. I can't take this pressure!'' I said dramatically.

''Jules come on!'' he said, following me as I walked away.

''It's too much Tom!'' I yelled, maintaining my dramatic tone. I had wandered into the kitchen and found myself pinned between Tom and the counter.

''Please Jules, give me another chance?'' he pleaded, playing my game now.

''Well…'' I trailed off. Tom attached his lips to my neck.

''Please?'' he asked against my skin.

''Well when you put it that way…''I grinned as my head lolled to the side to give him room.

Tom continued to kiss my neck and I draped my arms around his neck. I was just about 'in the mood' when I spotted something in a slightly open cupboard not a foot from me.

''You whore.'' I said and Tom stepped back, looking at me quizzically. ''You whore!'' it was a laugh this time.

I reached into the cupboard and pulled out the condom that had caught my eye. Tom seemed to blush as I waved it at him.

''Just in case.'' He shrugged.

''In case someone had a moment of weakness and did you on the counter?''

''You did me on the bathroom floor.''

''You're still the whore. I did my boyfriend on the bathroom floor; this was here for got knows who.'' I said matter-of-factly.

''I'm the whore am I?'' Tom asked as I put his condom back. Though his tone was teasing and playful, I didn't miss the way his eyes lit up when I called him my boyfriend.

I said boyfriend because neither did I know the guy word for mistress, nor did I want him to hear me call him that. Sure he was technically my guy-mistress, but he didn't need to know. When he found out though…I'd cross that bridge when I got to it. Until then, he was my boyfriend.

''Yes you are a wh-ORE!'' I squealed when Tom started to tickle me and I took off running.

He chased me to the living room where I let him catch me and throw me on the couch. He straddled my legs and started to tickle me. I giggled wildly until I stopped fighting and started kissing. That made him stop.

''Given up have you?'' Tom asked.

''Mmhm, you win.'' I murmured against his lips.

''Good.'' His tongue parted my lips and met mine.

I had knotted my fingers in his hair when suddenly, I heard the front door being unlocked. Both of us froze, listening to the door open. Someone walked in and Tom poked his head up over the back of the couch to see who it was.

His eyes went wide and he froze again. I needed to see who it was so I poked my head up as well. It would have looked pretty comical to the person who'd just come in had they been in a comedy receiving mood; the person who was no other than Bill Kaulitz.

Uh oh.
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I'll see you in about an hour for my second post!