I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Five

''How are your crowd handling skills?'' Vince asked as we made out way out to the small parking lot.

''We're trained to handle anything anyone can dish out.'' Paul assured him.

''Are you sure you're all trained?'' Vince glanced at me.

''Jules is just as qualified as every other member of our team. Don't let her size fool you.'' Paul told him and I felt a flare of pride shoot through me.

''As long as you're sure. The fangirls tend to go a little crazy when these guys take the stage.'' Vince said.

''I can handle crazy.'' I promised him.

The members of the band –Tokio Hotel I'd learned their name was- were already in the can that they were driving in. Tyler was riding shotgun and the other three of us were following in one of our SUV's. Standard procedure.

As we approached the venue the boys were playing at later, the streets became crowded with both cars and people. All of them seemed to fall into a fit of excitement when they spotted the van the band was in.

Directly outside the venue, the crowd was absolutely nuts. They were pushing and shoving as they tried to get inside but stopped to scream and freak out when the van went by.
We drove around to the back and the crowd seemed even crazier.

The van that the boys were in pulled aside and let us go through first. We parked near the door and behind the fans.
Paul, Owen, and I hopped out and returned quickly to the door.

''Can you handle it Twiggy?'' Owen asked as we moved towards the crowd.

''Bite me.'' I retorted and he laughed.

We pushed into the crowd while Paul waited at the curb with his hands folded. Owen and I pushed back the crazy fangirls so that there was enough room for the band to move comfortably.

I stood at the door and Owen at the halfway point. I nodded to Owen who nodded to Paul who spoke in his wrist mike to Tyler.

''All clear.'' Paul said. though it was directed at Tyler, it rang through all of our earpieces.

The van carrying the band pulled up and the girls started to scream. It was deafening.
The four boys got out of the van and the cameras started to go off. Thank god for dark sunglasses.

Tyler followed the boys out of the van and Paul led them to the door. Owen joined the procession when they reached him and I opened the door when they reached me.

Once the door was closed behind us, the screams were muffled and it was much quieter.
I rubbed my ear not housing an earpiece.

''You ok Twiggy?'' Owen asked.

''They scream louder than you snore.'' I teased and he laughed.

''Thank you! Good night!'' Bill yelled into the mike and the crowd screamed. He ran off the stage and Paul followed, running with him back to the dressing room.

Gustav, the shorter, blonde haired drummer came next and Tyler went with him. Georg, the tall brown haired bassist, followed and Owen went with him. I waited patiently for Tom. What was he doing out there?

''Jules, what's going on?'' Paul's voice rang through my earpiece. I raised my wrist to my mouth.

''I don't know what he's doing but they like it. Here he is.'' I said when Tom suddenly came running off the stage.

''I like to work the crowd.'' He told me, slightly out of breath.

I handed him a bottle of water as we walked back to the dressing room where everyone else was.

We rounded a corner and were met with screaming. There was a small crowd of girls trying to get to the dressing room. There were two guards I didn't know –probably provided by the venue- holding them back.

We were almost at the door when suddenly; one of the fangirls broke through.

She ran right for Tom and threw herself at him. But I had stepped between them as soon as she broke through and grabbed her by the arms. She tried to fight me off but I was roughly fifty times stronger than her and twisted her arm as I pushed her back until she merged with the crowd again.

''Be more careful!'' I snapped at the nameless guards who simply nodded.

''I love you Tom!'' the girl screamed and I rolled my eyes.

''What are you? Some kind of sex god?'' I asked when I got back to Tom.

''Wanna find out?'' he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

''I'm your bodyguard.'' I said, rolling my eyes again.

''Do you carry handcuffs?'' he asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

''I'm here to protect you, not fulfill your boyhood fantasies.'' I told him.

''Too bad, we could have had fun.''

''Yea, too bad.'' I said sarcastically as we entered the dressing room.

Though my voice was filled with sarcasm, I knew that I'd be lying if I said I wasn't totally hot for this new client of mine.

But he was never going to know that.