I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Fifty-one

''So? How did it go? I want details!'' Michael said the second I walked in the door.

''Jeez, I just walked in, chill. My stuff isn't even in yet!'' I replied, wrestling my suitcase through the door.

Michael grabbed my suitcase and slid it across the floor towards my room.

''Now your stuff's in. I want to know how your weekend was.'' He smirked. I sighed and went to sit on the couch. Michael followed like a little kid waiting for story time.

''It was great.'' I said simply and Michael laughed.

''How many times?'' he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

''On the living room floor, on the bathroom floor,'' I counted on my fingers. ''On the bathroom counter, in the lake, and in the master bedroom.''

''Only five? Didn't he get you like four times in one day before?'' Michael asked, sounding almost disappointed that Tom hadn't gotten me off more times. I smacked him.

''It was quite a …romantic weekend.'' I told him.

''Romantic? With Tom Kaulitz?'' I'd let Michael read Tom's file.

''Yes romantic with Tom Kaulitz.'' I smacked him again.

''What did you guys do?''

''Well, we totally failed at making pancakes, we went for a walk through the woods and I scraped my knee horribly. Tom played doctor and put peroxide on it.''

''That hardly sounds romantic. How did he get you to put peroxide on something? He's good.'' Michael said and I rolled my eyes playfully. Michael had never been able to get me to do that and I'd known him since I was born.

''And we sat by the fire and watched the stars, and he made dinner and we ate out on the dock under the moon light.''

''Ooh, now it gets romantic.''

''And he told me he loved me.'' I said quickly and Michael's eyes went wide.

''What? When? Where?''

''He told me Saturday night while we were cuddling by the fire and watching the stars.'' I said, my mind flashing back to that night.

''Wow, talk about a perfect moment. What did you do?''

''I said thank you.'' I muttered.

''Thank you!'' Michael sounded almost angry. ''You said thank you? Why didn't you just stomp on his nads? It would have been less painful!''

''You think I don't feel bad!'' I yelled back, tears building in my eyes. he took a breath.

''Sorry babe, it's just, I've gotten a thank you before and it hurt like hell. I'd spent so long working up the courage to tell her I loved her and when she said thank you it almost killed me.'' he hugged me apologetically. ''I know you love him, I could see it on your face when you walked in. You were glowing. Why on earth did you say thank you?''

''I-I-'' I sighed. ''If I love him, how can I marry you?'' the tears in my eyes spilled over as I looked up into Michael's.

''Maybe you shouldn't.'' he said softly and I shook my head, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

''I can't not, I've thought about this all the way through.'' I told him.

''But you'd be happy with him.'' Michael said.

''But I'd be miserable without my family. At least I can stay friends with Tom once we're married.''

''Friends with the guy who loves you?''

''Shut up Michael, this isn't easy for me.''

''Why don't you talk to your mom?''

''Have you even met my mother?''

''Scratch that. what are you going to do?''

''Keep my mouth shut, marry you, and break up with him before the wedding.'' I told him.

''How do you think that's going to go?'' Michael asked, cringing slightly at the thought.

''Well, he'll probably be miserable for a while and then make me escort him on a hundred and one dates to prove that he's moved on.''

''When he hasn't even come close.''

''Exactly.'' I sighed miserably.

''Good luck with that.'' Michael said, hugging me tighter.

''Thanks.'' I muttered.

*~Tom's Point of View~*

After Bill had cleared off, Jules and I had gotten to it on the couch, and then again on the floor.
After that, I drove her home and went back to my apartment where I found my twin brother waiting for me in my kitchen.

''What are you going here?'' I asked.

''Drinking juice.'' Bill said simply. I raised my eyebrows.

''Drinking juice?''

''How serious are you with Jules? Is she just a hump and dump? Do her a few times to get it out of your system kind of thing?'' These were the questions he clearly couldn't ask when Jules was here.

''I love her.'' a smirk spread across Bill's lips and his eyes lit up.

''You're in love. Welcome to the club.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Due to my absence on Friday night, I've decided to double post tomorrow night as well. Just thought you'd want to know.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!