I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Fifty-four

''She called me and started complaining that there's not enough people on the guest list.'' I told Michael as we washed the dishes.

''Don't we already have like a hundred people?'' he asked.

''Yea! And she wants four hundred more!''

''My mom's the same, except she wants five hundred more. I don't even know that many people!'' Michael said and I laughed.

My phone started to ring on the table and I dried my hands before I went to get it.

''Hello?'' I answered.

''Jules? It's Mr. Henry.'' My boss said.

''Hello sir. How are you?'' I replied.

''Fine thanks. I know it's Sunday night, have I caught you in the middle of something?'' he asked.

''Nope.'' I lied. Michael could handle the dishes.

''All right. I'm just calling to let you know that I'm having a party this coming Saturday in honour of the company's fifth anniversary. All staff and clients are invited; no one's working.''

''Sounds like fun sir. I'll be there.''

''You should bring that fiancé of yours. I'd like to meet him.'' Mr. Henry said.

''I'm sure he'd love to come.''

''All right then, I'll see you Saturday.''

''Bye.'' I replied and hung up.

''What's going on?'' Michael asked.

''The boss is having a party and you're going with me.'' I told him. ''It's on sa-'' I was cut off when phone started to ring again.

''Hello?'' I answered.

''Come down stairs.'' Tom said and I couldn't help but smile.

''Why?'' I asked, putting my shoes on regardless of his answer.

''We're sneaking out.'' He said and I laughed.

''I'll be right down.'' I replied and hung up.

''What's going on?'' Michael asked again.

''I'm sneaking out with Jessica.'' I told him with a smirk. When he realized what I meant he smiled.

''Have fun.'' He laughed as I left.

I went downstairs to find Tom's escalade parked in front of my building. I smiled and hurried to get in.

''Hey babe.'' Tom said happily when I had my door closed.

''Hi,'' I replied, kissing him lightly on the lips. ''Where are we going?''

''The park.'' He said simply.

''The park? Aren't they usually crowded?''

''Not at this time of night.'' He told me with a smile.

Tom held my hand as we drove to a park I'd never been to before.

It was quite late and so very dark outside. Had Tom not still been holding my hand, there was no chance in hell that I would have left the car.

''If we get mugged…'' I trailed off threateningly.

''Then I'll kick his ass. Come on.'' Tom said reassuringly.

We started to walk down the path that wound through the park, talking idly.

''Has Mr. Henry invited you guys to the party this Saturday yet?'' I asked.

''Party?'' Tom replied.

''He's having a party to celebrate the company's fifth anniversary.'' I told him.

''And you're going? Not working?''

''Yep and nope.'' I replied.

''So I'll get to see you all dressed up?'' Tom said suggestively.

''I'm going to wear a dress.'' I said, cocking an eyebrow.

''Do I get to take it off?'' he asked.

''We'll see.'' I giggled.

Tom leaned in to kiss me when, out of nowhere-

''Don't move or I'll stab you both! Give me all your money and valuables!'' a man in a ratty brown trench coat with shaggy hair and orange pants said.

Both of us froze on the spot. I told him we were going to get mugged. Tom stepped towards the guy.

''Listen maybe you should calm d-'' the guy punched Tom right in the jaw and Tom fell to the ground. He wasn't hurt though, just startled.

I turned to the guy in the trench coat, fuming. I was the only one who was allowed to smack my boyfriend around and he liked it when I did it.

''Hey! Asshole! You don't get to hit my boyfriend!''

''I'll do what I want!'' he poked his knife in my direction. It was a tiny switchblade.

''I think not.'' I grabbed his arm and knocked his knife away. I kneed him in the groin and then in the face as he went down. I was the bodyguard in this relationship.

Tom was staring at me with wide eyes from the ground.

''Let's go!'' I said and Tom quickly got up.

We hurried back to the car. When we got in, I locked the doors. Tom looked at me.

''What?'' I asked.

''Let's not mention that. Ever.'' He said, the sound of his bruised ego ringing through his voice. I laughed.

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Thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it and I'll see you all Sunday night!