I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Fifty-five

It wasn't until I got home that night that I realized that Tom and I could be in a potentially problematic situation as far as that mugger went.

Sure he was the one at fault, he punched Tom and tried to rob us at knifepoint, but I had beaten the shit out of him. We hadn't called the cops for obvious reasons, but what if he had? He could have told them that we found him in the park and smacked him around for no reason.

If that happened, it would put Tom and me in the park, alone, at night, and we would be one hundred percent caught.

The next night, we were to escort the band to a venue where they were performing for some award show. It was crowded outside and we practically had to swim through a sea of fangirls to get them inside.

The minute I had some alone time with Tom though, I told him what I had realized.

''Do you think he'll go to the cops?'' Tom asked worriedly.

''He could.''

''But then he'd have to tell them he got his ass kicked by a girl.'' Tom noted.

''Then we might have a chance.'' I laughed.

We found the others in the green room and I sat with the boys as Tom joined the rest of the band.

''He had to pee.'' I lied and the other bodyguards nodded.

Paul, Owen and Tyler were playing cards and the band was fighting over who should be in charge of the remote. They dealt me in and I started to play.

''The news!'' Bill suddenly whined and the four of us turned to see what was going on.

''Shh, I'm trying to hear.'' Tom said, turning up the volume.

When I could hear what the reporter was saying, suddenly, I was trying to hear too.

''This evening, a man wanted in more than twenty muggings and three breaking and entries has been arrested. The police have been looking for this man since early December when he began robbing couples at knifepoint. The man, Robert Krauch, was apprehended when he tried to rob a convenience store after consuming mass amounts of alcohol. The suspect, while holding the store clerk at knifepoint, fainted due to the amount of alcohol in his system and was captured by the police.''

The footage on the screen showed a man in orange pants and a ratty trench coat being dragged out of a convenience store on a stretcher, clearly unconscious.

I breathed a sigh of relief and I could see Tom doing the same.

After the band's performance, they reconvened in the green room where they crashed on the couches. All of them were glistening with a tiny bit of sweat. It had only been two songs, but those lights were hot.

''Hey Twiggy!'' Owen said, pulling me out of the trance I was in as I stared absently at the sweaty band.

''What?'' I replied, turning towards the boys.

''Have you seen this?'' he asked, tossing me a magazine.

''Seen what?'' I grabbed the magazine.

''Page four.'' Owen said.

I opened the magazine to page four and my eyes went wide for a second.
There was a blown up, horribly blurred picture of Tom and me in the parking garage in his building. It was a picture from behind and unless you were Tom or me, you wouldn't have known it was me with him, but it was still a picture.

''They say he might be secretly dating this girl.'' Tyler told me.

Thankfully they hadn't put all of it together. I was grateful every day for their lack of ability to connect the dots when it came to anything other than security.

''Looks like you missed your chance eh Twigs.'' Owen teased.

''Yea, too bad.'' I replied. I turned back to the band and smiled to myself at the irony in Owen's sentiment.

When it came time to get the boys out of the building, all of us put sunglasses on and switched into hard ass bodyguard mode.

With a tight grip on each of our band members, we started to move.
The crowd seemed even louder than they had been going in.

''Don't stop!'' I barked at Owen who had stopped ahead of Tom and me. he quickly started moving again.

We were almost to the van when-

''Julia! Hey! Julia!'' that fangirl was calling my name. I turned in the direction of the voice.

Suddenly I was covered in orange pop. ''That's for giving Tom 'more than security'!'' she was quoting an article that was so old it was outrageous.

All of the guys had stopped and were looking at me.

''Move!'' I shouted and everyone hurried to the van.

I got in the passenger's seat and Owen closed the side door.
My phone started to buzz in my pocket; I had a text.

''Sorry about that.'' It read. It was from Tom.

''It's not your fault. It's my job.'' I texted back.

''But it's because you're with me, or at least rumored to be.''

''Don't worry about it.''

''Are you sure?''

''Babe, nothing they do can bother me because I'm the one getting in your pants later.'' I heard him laugh in the back seat.

''I still want to make it up to you.''

''I'm looking forward to it.''
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This week I'll be back to posting one a night, except for Tuesday when I'll be posting double due to my absence on Wednesday. And for anyone who didn't catch it on my summary page, I've taken out Saturday's post. I'm never home to post, most of you are never home to read. I'm sure it will go without too much notice.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!