I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Fifty-six

''What the hell are those?'' Michael demanded as I made my way from the bathroom to my room.

''What are what?'' I replied, completely confused.

''Those bruises on your back.'' He said, walking towards me and pointing to my back. I smirked.

''Tom did it.'' I told him and a look of 'protective older brother' washed over his face.

''Did he hit you?'' he asked seriously.

''No,'' I laughed. ''We were in a fight and we got a little rough if you catch my drift.''

''Oh god, I'd hate to see what he looked like.'' Michael laughed when he realized what I meant.

''Well, he's going to need new shelves and a new table as far as his apartment goes. And he'll probably have to send a written apology to his neighbours.'' I smirked.

''You broke his coffee table?''

''Technically he did…when I pushed him onto it.''

''At least they're fading. I'd love to see the excuse you came up with on Saturday night if your boss saw them.''

''I'd tell him we had a fight and you threw me into a wall after I broke your nose.''

''But my nose isn't broken.''

''That's an easily overcome obstacle.'' I said and we laughed.

I continued to my bedroom and got a clean pair of pajamas out of my drawer, then, I started to dry my hair.

I hadn't realized that Saturday's amazing evening had left me with bruises, but I didn't really care. No one had seen them until now and they didn't hurt. I had been sore in other places, but my back was fine.
I didn't know if I could say the same for Tom's though. My nails were pretty long…

I smiled to myself as I blow-dried my hair. Just the thought of that night made my nether regions twinge with the desire for a repeat. Maybe I would have to start another fight with him.

As I dried the last piece of my hair, my cell phone started to ring. I smiled when I read the caller ID.

''Hey babe.'' I answered.

''Hey you.'' Tom's voice ran through the receiver.

''What's up?''

''Come downstairs, we're sneaking out again.'' he told me.

''I have to put some clothes on first.''

''You don't have to.'' Tom said and I laughed.

''I'll be down in five.'' I told him and then we hung up.

I took off my pajamas and put on a pair of low-rise jeans with a cut off shirt. I was sure Tom would approve. He was a big fan of the three of four inches of skin that showed when I dressed like this.

''You really didn't have to put clothes on,'' Tom said when I got in his car. ''But I still love you.'' I smiled as he kissed me softly on the lips.

Tom drove us, again, to the park we'd gone to the other night.

''What if we get mugged again?'' I asked as Tom opened his door.

''Then I'll step back and let you kick his ass.'' he said and I laughed.

We walked down the same path as last time, getting farther this time due to the lack of crazy people. We talked idly and held hands. I felt so at ease.

''When's the last time you just acted like a kid?'' I asked Tom as we walked.

''A while, my image doesn't allow room for acting like a kid.'' He told me.

''Yea, when your job is to protect people, you can't exactly act like you're five.''

''Let me push you.'' Tom said, sounding suddenly excited. I cocked an eyebrow as if to ask what he meant. ''On the swings.'' I turned to see that we had stopped near a small playground.

A smile spread across my face. ''Ok.''

Tom and I raced over to the swings, playfully shoving each other as we did. I sat down on one of the swings and Tom stood behind me. He kissed my neck before starting to push me.

''I haven't done this in forever.'' A permanent smile was etched on my lips as I got higher and higher.

''What about an underdog?'' Tom asked, his smile evident in his voice.

''Yes!'' I giggled and he laughed.

''One, two, three!'' he counted and then ran from under my swing. I was laughing excitedly until he tripped and fell to the ground. He didn't move.

''Tom!'' I dug my heels into the ground and stopped my swing.

I ran over and knelt beside him.

''Are you ok? Can you hear me?'' I asked worriedly. His eyes were shut.

''I think I need mouth to mouth.'' He said, a smirk appearing on his lips.

''I'll give you mouth to mouth alright.'' I said sarcastically, smacking him as I did. He sat up so that he was level with me.

''That wasn't very nice.'' He said.

''You started it.'' I replied.

''Maybe it was my plan.''

''Your plan?''

''To get you down here.''

''To get me down here?''

''So I could do this.''

''So you could do w-'' Tom pressed his lips to mine.

I put one hand on the side of his face as his tongue pried my lips apart, deepening the kiss. I began to lean back and Tom followed, putting himself on top of me.

His lips made their way from my mouth down to my neck as one of his hands began to undo my jeans. We were about to do it in this park, and I had no objections.

''I swear, since I've been with you, I've become such a nympho.'' I said with a bit of a laugh. Tom pulled away and looked at me with one eyebrow cocked.

''You like feet?''

''No!'' I laughed hysterically. ''You're such an idiot, but I still love you.''

The words were out of my mouth before I could have an argument with myself and decide otherwise. I knew that I probably shouldn't have said it, but I could care less. The look on Tom's face was one of pure elation and it was worth whatever pain I would feel later. It was worth is because I loved him, and now he knew.

''You love me?'' Tom asked, his tone matching his expression.

''I love you.'' I confirmed.

''So that means we're…''

''In love.'' I finished for him. His smile grew.

''That's what I was hoping for.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally! Tom knows Jules loves him too! All is right with the world!
For now anyway.

Thanks for reading!