I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Fifty-seven

The next day I was at Tom's after work.

Since it was put out there that we were in love, Tom had been unnaturally happy. His band mates suspected that he was seeing someone, but knew better than to ask him for fear that he would give them the details they really didn't want to know. Bill was in the loop though and I was sure Tom had given him all the details, whether he wanted them or not.

Though it elated me to have it out there that I loved Tom, all the weight was yet to be lifted off my shoulders.
One of my secrets was out, but the other one was becoming harder to deal with. I was having trouble sleeping and I wasn't easting as much. Michael had noticed and was worried, but I told him I was fine.

Michael was yet to be informed that Tom didn't know we were engaged. After the way he reacted to my 'thank you' though, I was putting it off as long as possible.

Tom was putting a disc in the DVD player and I was sitting on the couch, waiting for him to finish. I threw a skittle at the back of his head and he turned around.

''Yes?'' he said.

''Hm? What?'' I replied and he rolled his eyes playfully.

Tom got up and came back over to the couch.

''Nice coffee table babe.'' I said playfully.

''Thanks, it's new.'' He replied, his tone matching mine.

''What happened to the other one?''

''Some girl broke it.'' Tom said casually and I whipped a skittle at him. It hit in square in the cheek. ''Hey!''

''Some girl?'' I asked, throwing another.

''It's not polite to throw candy Julia.'' He said, trying to block the flying candy.

''Some girl?'' I repeated.

''Some amazing girl.'' He said and I smiled.

''That's what I thought.'' I said as he put his arm around my shoulders.

''It's starting.'' Tom informed me after pressing play.

I watched the screen for a few seconds before I found myself throwing another skittle at Tom. he furrowed his eyebrows and I tried to hide my child-like grin.

''Stop, or I'll make you.'' He said, trying to sound ominous despite his smile. I picked up another skittle and pointedly threw it at him. ''That's it.''

Tom grabbed me and started to tickle me and I giggled wildly as I tried to fight him off. When it came to fights like this, playful ones, Tom always had the upper hand because of his size. He was well aware though, that I could kick his ass if I wanted to.

We were brought to a sudden stop when a loud gunshot cracked through the room. Tom and I both looked at the TV; someone had just been shot.
We had leaned over during our scrap and Tom was now lying with his head on my chest while I leaned against the arm of the couch. I put my arms around him and he nestled playfully into my chest before restarting the movie. I'd seen it before, but Tom hadn't. It was such a boring movieā€¦

I stroked Tom's cheek with my fingertips, trying not to totally interrupt the movie while entertaining myself.

''We could always ditch the movie and make out.'' Tom said suddenly and I smiled.

''I hate this movie.'' I told him.

Tom moved up and pressed his lips against mine. His tongue pried my lips apart and I put my hands on the side of his face. one of his hands began to creep up the bottom of my shirt as his lips strayed from mine.

He kissed slowly down my neck as the hand he had under my shirt brushed lightly up and down my side.

''I lov-''

Suddenly, Tom's front door was thrown open and Michael stood in the doorway. There was an angry, jealous look on his face that I'd never seen before.

''Michael?'' I questioned as we sat up. Tom furrowed his eyebrows.

''Come on Jules, we're going.'' Michael said, walking over and grabbing my arm.

''What the hell are you talking about?'' I asked, trying to pull my arm free.

''I love you Jules, I always have and I know you love me too.'' He said and then began to pull me to the door.

''Get off of me! We're just friends Michael!'' I shouted, still fighting him, but he wouldn't let go.

''She said leave her alone!'' Tom yelled, pushing Michael away from me.

Michael swung and hit Tom in the face. Tom retaliated, tackling Michael to the floor. The two wrestled, arms flying, blood spilling from every injury on their faces.

''Stop!'' I screamed desperately, trying to pull them off of each other. ''Stop!'' but I was too small, I couldn't do it. ''Stop!'' both the boys suddenly stopped moving.

Michael's face was covered in blood, cuts everywhere, bruises already showing. Tom was, thus far, unscathed. Michael began to laugh.

''She hasn't told you yet?'' he laughed from where he was pinned to the floor underneath Tom. Tom looked at me, confused. ''We're engaged!'' Michael cackled. ''She can't love you because she has to marry me! You thought she loved you?''

As Michael continued to laugh, deep, long cuts began to appear on Tom's face, blood pouring from them as bruises appeared and a hurt look was slapped onto his face.

''How could you do this to me? Look what you did to me!'' Tom's hands were bleeding too. I sobbed.

''No! I didn't mean to!''

I woke with a start. Tom felt me jump and looked up.

''Are you ok?'' he asked worriedly.

''It was just a dream.'' I said, more to myself than him.

Though I would have liked to say that I had no idea where that dream had come from, I knew it was my subconscious' way of telling me to spill everything before Tom got hurt.

''About what?'' he asked.

But, despite what my mind was trying to tell me, I couldn't very well tell him what had really happened. So I did what I usually did when he asked unanswerable questions.

''The mugger,'' I lied. ''You two were in a fight.''

''Did I win?'' Tom asked eagerly. I laughed.

''He totally kicked your ass.''