I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Fifty-eight

*~Tom's Point of View~*

The other day, when Jules had had pop thrown all over her because of a rumour that was circulating about us, I had felt horrible. I told her I was going to make it up to her, but I was yet to do so.

I knew we couldn't very well go on a date in public; that would only fuel the rumours and she would be worse off. I could handle the tabloids, but I didn't want that for her.

Since she had told me she loved me, I had been on cloud nine. It was amazing how the return of such a strong feeling could lift you up so high.

Being in this kind of relationship was so new to me. I'd never fallen so hard for someone falling the same way. Normally, this was Bill's end of the dating spectrum; being in love was his thing. But this time, it was mine, Jules was mine.

I just wished I could take her somewhere. We'd snuck off to the park sure, but we had to do it in the dead of night. I wanted to take her on a proper date. If only there was somewhere…

Then it hit me.
I had a friend who owned a bar. I'd hooked him up a few times in the past and he definitely owed me one.

I grabbed my phone and made the call.

*~Jules' Point of View~*

''What if we just don't have napkins at all!'' I snapped as Michael and I flipped through a wedding book. My mother was on speakerphone, looking through the same one and trying to get us to decide on which shade of white we wanted for the wedding.

''Don't yell to me! This is your wedding! I'm trying to make it special!'' she retorted and I gestured as though I was blowing my brains out. Michael laughed silently.

My phone started to ring and I was grateful for the escape.

''I'll be back.'' I told me mom as I left the room. ''Hello?''

''We're going out.'' Tom said and I smiled.

''To the park?''

''On a date, you should dress up.'' he told me.

''A date?'' I asked warily. Normally dated constituted going on in public as a couple.

'''Will you just trust me and get dressed?''

''Fine, how long do I have?'' I asked.

''Half an hour, hurry!'' he said excitedly and then we hung up.

''Psst! Michael!'' I whispered from my door. ''I'm going out, make up and excuse!'' my best friend laughed and I nodded.

''Are you ok in there? Jules?…Ok, call me if you need anything. I don't think she's coming back, she's gone to bed.'' Michael told me mom and I laughed from behind my door.
I loved that kid.

*~Tom's Point of View~*

''Where are we going?'' Jules asked when she got in my car.

''It's a surprise.'' I told her with a smile.

I had asked my friend to leave the keys and the liquor for me tonight. When he asked why, I told him my mom was into pool. He had laughed.

''Are we going to get in trouble?'' Jules asked nervously. I took her hand and kissed the back of it.

''Trust me a little.'' I said as I pulled into the empty parking lot in front of my friend's bar.

''If you idea of a date is sex in an empty parking lot then you fail.'' She said and I laughed.

''Damn, there goes the evening.'' I smirked. ''Come on.''

I got out of the car and met her at the front of it. I held her hand as we walked towards the bar. A look of uneasiness was etched on her face as we did. I squeezed her hand reassuringly.

I found the hidden key and opened the door. Jules' face lit up.

'''How did you do this?'' she asked, taking in the scene.

''The owner owed me.'' My friend had dimmed the lights and even set out dinner. I told him what time we'd be here and so I knew the food would still be warm. Jules walked inside and I locked the door behind us.

''This is amazing Tom, thank you.'' She pressed her lips against mine in a grateful kiss.

''I told you I'd make it up to you.''

*~Jules' Point of View~*

when we'd finished eating, Tom and I had a few drinks.

I still couldn't believe he'd called in such a favour for me. sure I'd been to fancy restaurants and stuff like that, but this was by far the best date I'd ever been on.

I loved him so much, and, apparently, he loved me too.

''Why do you do all this for me?'' I asked, slurring a little bit.

''Because you're amazing.'' Tom replied, not slurring at all.

''You are amazing. It makes me sad that I'm going to have to kick your butt at pool.'' I told him and he chuckled.

As we walked over to the pool table, I stumbled a little, but Tom didn't let me fall.
He handed me a que and I waited for him to set up. I broke and passed him the cue. He was so attractive when he concentrated all bent over like that.

I walked up behind him and bent over him, pressing my chest to his back. I wrapped my arms around him and ran my hands up and down his chest.

''Are you trying to seduce me?'' Tom asked, his smirk audible in his voice.

''Yes.'' I replied as he turned around. ''Right on this pool table. Is it working?''

''Yes.'' He said and then I pushed my lips against his.

He hopped up on the pool table and I followed, straddling his waist as my tongue pried his lips apart.

''Ow! Ow!'' Tom exclaimed out of nowhere.

''Sorry.'' I said, thinking I was crushing his junk or something.

''Not, it's just, these stupid balls are in the way.'' He pulled a few pool balls out from under him.

I laughed as he realized what he'd just said. He laughed as he sat up and pressed his forehead against mine

''You're such a loser.'' I sighed. ''But I love you anyways.'' Tom's face lit up.

''That's what I was hoping for.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Second post of the night to make up for tomorrow's missed one. I'll see you all Thursday!

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