I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Six

''Come on let's go, we're going to miss it.'' Michael urged as I hopped out of my room on one foot, trying to put on my shoe.

''We're not going to miss it.'' I assured him as I grabbed my keys.

''That's what you said last time too.'' He opened the door and we left our apartment.

''Well last time didn't count.'' I said and he rolled his eyes.

My first free night after starting my latest assignment, Michael and I decided to go to the movies to celebrate.

I had told him all about my new assignment and how excited I was that I'd finally gotten a good one. He was happy for me when I told him about it. I was careful to leave out the part about how I knew Tom before I started working for him.

We took my black SUV to the theatre. Michael said it made him feel important when he rolled up in that tank.

''See, ten minutes to spare.'' I said proudly as we walked into the theatre.

''More like ten minutes to stand in that huge line.'' Michael said, pointing at the line at the concession stand.

''You get the tickets and I'll get in line.'' I said and he nodded before we parted ways.

As I stood in the unusually long line at the concession stand, my mind wandered over the past few days.

First, I thought of that night at the club when I had met Tom. A tiny shiver coursed through me at the memory of his amazing kissing skills. It made me wonder if it had been as good for him as it had been for me. He was a world famous rock star though, so I highly doubted it.

Then my mind started to go over my first few days on the job. It really was like the other jobs I'd done; stand out of the way and make sure no one gets shot. But this job, something about the fact that it wasn't just some old rich guy, gave it a little something else.

One of the biggest differences between my previous clients and the band –mainly Tom, seeing as I was with him most of the time- was that now, when passes were made at me by clients, I could playfully return them without being totally disgusted by the thought of said client naked. In fact, I was rather turned on.

Being the only girl around most of the time meant that all of the sex jokes were directed at me. I didn't mind though, I had no reason to.

Even though I'd only been with them a few days, I had noticed something a little…odd?

Underneath all the obvious sex jokes and playful passes Tom made at me, he seemed to be almost favoring me over any of the other people on my unofficial team. I figured it was probably because I was the only one with boobs and a vagina, but there was still a nagging at the back of my mind that was saying there was something else.

Whatever the reason, I didn't mind. I rather liked all the attention I got from him. I pegged it to having something to do with the feeling in my danger zone when we kissed.

''That guy is totally checking you out.'' I was pulled from my thoughts when Michael joined me in line.

''What guy?'' I asked, looking around.

''That one.'' Michael nodded in the direction of a tall blonde guy.

''He's pretty.'' I said.

''So go talk to him.'' Michael shrugged.

''I can't.'' I laughed.

''Why not?'' he asked.

''Dude, we're engaged.'' I reminded him.

''That doesn't mean you can't date other people.''

''That's exactly what it means.'' I laughed.

''Whatever.'' He shrugged. We were at the counter now.

We ordered and then made our way to the theatre. We got seats and waited for the movie to start.

I couldn't help but laugh at Michael.

''That doesn't mean you can't date other people.''. If either of our mothers had heard him say that he'd soon be hanging by his feet from the tree in his mother's backyard.

It was comforting to know though, that Michael and I were both on the same page as far as our relationship went. We were both well aware that, despite the ring on my finger, we were still just friends and that's all we ever would be.

Now if only our parents could join us on that page.