I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Sixty

''Ok, so you go in and tell them I got sick at the last minute.'' I said to Michael when we pulled into the parking lot of the hall where the party was.
Because of the stuffy old man demographic of the H&J clientele, Mr. Henry elected to have the party at a hall instead of a club.

''You're already here.'' Michael replied and I groaned, banging my head off of the steering wheel.

''I forgot something at home?'' it was more of a question.

''Jules, you have to be there, it's your boss and all your friends. Besides, you look hot, you have to go.'' Michael said.

The dress we had decided on was a white one that closely resembled the one Marilyn Monroe wore in the famous image of her on a subway grate. My dark hair was done in a curly half up do and I did look quite amazing.

It was the exact opposite of how I felt.

My heart had fallen into my stomach, and I felt ready to pass out at any moment. I wasn't good at this whole heart-breaking thing.

Michael came around and practically pulled me out of the car. He held out an arm to me and I linked my arm with his. It was my left one, my ring in full view. Maybe I wouldn’t actually have to say anything if he just saw the ring.

I walked as slow as humanly possible towards the hall. Despite the fact that Michael snapped a little when I told him that I hadn't told Tom about our engagement, he knew how terrified I was and he didn't rush me.

When we actually made it to the building, I gave my name and the host told me what table Michael and I were at. It was the same one as Paul, Owen, and Tyler. Fortunately, it was across the dance floor from the Tokio Hotel table. Unfortunately, there was still a clear view despite the distance.

''There she is!'' Paul said when we got to the table.

''You look good in a dress Twiggy.'' Owen said, wiggling his eyebrows.

''Thanks.'' I laughed. ''This is very much a one time thing.''

''Then I'll take pictures.'' Owen said.

''You don't have a camera.''

''With my mind.'' He winked.

''Hey, hey, that's my fiancé you're talking to.'' Michael said and the guys laughed.

The guys all hugged Michael and me before we sat down. Though we dove into a light and breezy conversation, I couldn't help but cast the odd nervous glance towards the Tokio Hotel table. They knew I was here.
It was only a matter of time before they came over.

*~Bill's Point of View~*

''Hey look, Jules is here.'' Georg said, looking somewhere behind me. I turned to see Jules walking in on the arm of a tall, dark haired guy.

''Who's that guy?'' I asked.

''They look alike; I think it's her brother. I've heard them talking about some guy named Michael that she's close to.'' Gustav said.

''Yea, they do look alike.'' I agreed.

''We should go over and say hi now that they're all here.'' Georg suggested.

''Tom's in the bathroom.'' I reminded him.

''It's not like he wont be able to find us, and he'll only rush us over there the second he gets back. He's so hot for her.'' Georg said lightly and I laughed. If only he knew how hot.

''Alright then, let's go.''

We got up and walked over to the table of bodyguards. Jules looked oddly afraid when we got there.

''Hey guys!'' the first greeting came from Owen.

*~Jules' Point of View~*

Tom wasn't with the rest of the band when they came over. Maybe he was sick! Maybe he didn't have to find out this way!

''Tom's just in the bathroom.'' Bill said and my flicker of hope was extinguished.

Georg looked to Michael; he was the only one yet to be introduced.

''Who's your-'' Georg was cut off when my. Henry walked up.

''Jules! You're here!'' he kissed my cheek and shook my hand. I assumed he'd seen the other guys earlier. ''And this must be your fiancé! Michael right?''

''Pleased to meet you sir.'' Michael said as they shook hands.

I wasn't really paying attention though. I was more fixated on the look on Bill's face.
It was angry. It was confused. I was terrified.

*~Bill's Point of View~*

Fiancé? She's engaged? That skank! She got my brother to fall in love, I mean really in love, and she's engaged? I was furious.
What was going to happen when Tom found out? Did he already know? If he did, he hadn't mentioned it. By the scared look on Jules' face though, I figured she hadn't mentioned it either.

I saw Tom coming towards us, a stupid, oblivious, in love smile on his face as he looked at her. I tried to stop him.

''Tom,'' I said, stepping out in front of him.

''Hey.'' Hey replied, stepping around me and continuing to her.

*~Jules' Point of View~*

I saw Tom coming and my heart stopped. He had the smile that I loved so much spread across his face. Bill tried to stop him but he went around.

Tom took my hand and leaned in to kiss my cheek in a friendly greeting kind of way.

''You look beautiful.'' He whispered in my ear and my tear ducts began to sting.

''Tom! Good to see you! You know all the guys. And this is Michael,'' Mr. Henry sad. Tom shook Michael's hand, being friendly to my best friend. ''Jules' fiancé.''

Tom's hand stopped shaking and he froze as though he'd been slapped. When I didn't deny my boss' comment, Tom glanced down to my left hand where my ring suddenly weighed ten pounds.

His eyes locked with mine and I swore I could see his soul dying and hear his heart breaking.

He slapped a fake smile on his face and shook hands with everyone else. His eyes were dead though.

He then whispered something to Bill and quickly left.

''He's not feeling well, he has to go home.'' Bill said.

''Is he alright?'' Mr. Henry asked.

''I don't know, he says he feels like he's dying.'' Bill looked at me towards the end of his sentiment.

I grabbed Michael by the neck and pulled him down to my level.

''I have to go after him. Make something up.'' I whispered and he nodded.

I turned and headed quickly for the door. I had to get to Tom.

*~Bill's Point of View~*

About a second after I told everyone that Tom felt like he was dying, Jules grabbed her fiancé and started to whisper to him.
Her face had been a pale white since her boss announced to the group that Michael was her fiancé.

Jules took off after she let him go and Mr. Henry looked questioningly at Michael.

''Is she alright?'' he asked.

''You know, she was complaining she wasn't feeling when earlier. I think she's got what Tom has.'' Michael said.

''Well, she does have to go everywhere with him, they probably picked it up together.'' Mr. Henry said.

''Yea, she said she feels horrible.'' Michael looked at me in the same way I had looked at Jules.

I didn't care how bad she felt. I could feel what Tom was feeling.

What had she done?
♠ ♠ ♠
OH! Cliffhanger! I feel like a sadist.
See you Sunday!

Thanks for reading!