I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Sixty-five

*~Michael's Point of View~*

When I got home from Jeremy's the next day, Jules' bedroom door was closed and there was no movement in the apartment. She and Tom were still asleep.

Last night, I left to give her and Tom some time to make up. When I had left, Tom hated me like I was the devil come to take his manhood.
I assumed, and was hoping, that Jules had talked to him and when I went to wake them up, he wouldn't knock my teeth out for doing so.

I was a little afraid that when I went in, my best friend and her boyfriend would be lying there stark naked, but it was coming up on ten a.m. and I figured they'd have places to be.

I knocked on the door, hoping that maybe I wouldn't have to go in, but there was no movement inside. So I opened the door and went in.

Thankfully, they were both fully clothed. It looked as though they had come in and fell asleep before they had a chance to change or even get under the blankets for that matter. They were curled up in each other's arms on top of the comforter.

''Hey, hey Jules.''

*~Jules' Point of View~*

After Tom and I had made up, we had laid down, content to simply lie in each other's arms, not needing to say anything.

We had ultimately fallen asleep like that, but I didn't realize we had done so until Michael was waking us up.

''Hey, hey Jules.'' He was quiet. I assumed he didn't want to wake Tom for fear that he still hated him and would kick his teeth in.

I was a little groggy, but when I came to, I smiled. ''Hey.''

''It's almost ten, I figured you guys would want to be up.'' Michael said.

''Thanks.'' I said and Michael nodded before he left.

I looked to Tom who was still asleep; he looked so serene. I brushed the side of his face with my hand and his eyes fluttered open slightly but fell closed again. I giggled.
I lightly kissed his lips again and again until a smile formed on them and his eyes opened all the way.

''Hello beautiful.'' He said softly.

''Hello yourself.'' I replied.

''What time is it?'' Tom asked as he stretched.

''Just about ten; Michael woke me up.'' at the mention of Michael's name, an angry look briefly flashed across Tom's face as though he'd momentarily forgotten what I'd told him last night.

''Is he still here?'' I nodded.

''We should get up, I've called in sick for the past two days.'' When I told him that, a guilty look formed on Tom's face until I smiled reassuringly. He pulled me close, grabbing the back of my knee and wrapping my leg around his waist.

''Why can't we just stay here?'' he asked, nuzzling my neck. ''If I don't go anywhere, you don't have to work. Problem solved.''

''And how are you going to account for your absence?'' I asked playfully, idly tracing on the back of his neck with my index finger.

''I'm still sick.'' Tom said into my neck and then coughed a bit. I laughed.
I put a hand on his cheek and turned his head so that we were eye to eye.

''You didn't have a cough.'' I reminded him. ''Besides, I'm in desperate need of a shower.''

''Fine.'' He sighed. I quickly kissed him before I got up.

As I dug through my laundry basket for some towels, Tom got out of bed. I started towards the door.

''Jules?'' Tom said and I turned to him. He was right behind me.

With one hand on my lower back, he gently pressed his lips against mine in a sweet kiss. His tongue brushed over my bottom lip before he deepened the kiss. I put one hand on the back of his neck and kissed back eagerly.

A few minutes of blissful kissing passed before I mustered the willpower to pull away.

''I have to shower.'' I told him.

Tom smiled and I took his hand as we left the bedroom.

*~Michael's Point of View~*

The second they came out of her bedroom, I knew Jules and Tom were fully made up, all explanations given.

She had towels and I assumed she was going to the bathroom. Before she got to the door though, Tom pulled her back to him by the hand he was holding and kissed her. She giggled. It was sweet.

When Jules went into the bathroom, Tom turned to the kitchen and spotted me.

''Hey.'' He said, coming to sit with me at the island.

''Hey.'' I replied.

''I wanted to apologize for the whole death glare, I'm-going-to-kill-you thing.'' He said, sounding a bit embarrassed.

''Don't worry about it; I'd be pissed off too if I found out my girlfriend was engaged.'' I said lightly and he laughed.

''Yea,'' he said and then lowered his voice. ''You're not like secretly in love with her or anything right?''

''No ma, she's all yours.'' I laughed.

''Just checking.'' A huge grin spread across his face. I leaned towards him.

''But if you ever send her home crying like that again, I will kill you.'' I said, completely serious and the smile dropped from his face like a dead bird from the sky.

''Stop threatening him!'' Jules, who had been eavesdropping instead of showering, called from the bathroom.

''I was only kidding!'' I called back playfully. Tom's smile returned, but only until I spoke again.

''Murdered, dead.''
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know, I've missed a bunch of updates, but because I've been busy, and it's summer break, I'm hoping that you wont hold it against me.
Thursday night I spent the night getting ready for Warped Tour on Friday (which was amazing) and then Friday I didn't even go near the computer. Saturday nights I work, and now here we are on Sunday.
I'd love to be able to tell you that I'm going to make up for the updates I missed, but I can't. I've fallen quite behind as far as writing goes so if I do make up for these two missed updates, it wont be for a while.

Sorry again, thanks for reading.