I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Sixty-six

''Does anyone else smell cheese?'' Bill asked from the back seat and the whole van started to sniff. Tom turned to Georg.

''Georg!'' he yelled as he rolled down his window. His yell was followed by an 'aww' that rang through the whole van.

Paul and I rolled down the front two windows as the band pushed open the back ones and gasped for air.

We were on our way to a club with the band. There was a party for one reason or another and the boys were invited. They went to a lot of parties if you asked me.
Oh the life of a rock star.

When we pulled up to the club, camera flashes instantly began to go off. Everyone put on their sunglasses before they got out. Paul and I went ahead of the boys while Tyler and Owen followed behind.

The club was loud, like they usually are, until we got up into the band's booth where the music quieted significantly, but not so that we couldn't hear it.

When I came to events like this, my job was, admittedly, not the most exciting. Mostly, I just stood around watching, watching the band, the girls who came to hit on the band, and everyone who wasn't the band. It was really quite boring.

''Wake up Twiggy,'' Paul's voice rang through my earpiece. ''There could still be some crazies.''

''I doubt it.'' I laughed.

My phone suddenly started to buzz in my pocket. I took it out; I had a text.

''Meet me in the bathroom.'' It was from Michael.

''Why?'' I replied.

''Because. I'm in the girls, hurry!'' how he got in, I'll never know.

''I'll be back, Michael's calling me.'' I said into my wrist mike and I saw Paul nod.

I hurried to the bathroom and went inside. I didn't see anyone.

''Michael?'' I called.

The door to the handicap stall flew open and I was pulled inside. Michael locked the door and turned to me, a huge grin on his face. There was a bag in his hand and I cocked on eyebrow.

''I really am a genius.'' He said as he opened the bag.

''What are you doing?'' I asked when he pulled out the tiniest pair of shorts I had ever seen.

''Put them on.'' He said, tossing the tiny shorts to me.


''They're part of your disguise.'' He told me.

''Disguise? Why?''

''So that you can go hit on your boyfriend.'' He said as though it was common knowledge.

''Yea, cause everyone's not going to recognize me if I'm dressed like a hooker.'' I said sarcastically.

''That's why I got you this.'' Michael proudly pulled out a blonde wig.

''Why are you doing this?'' I asked.

''Because you and Tom deserve to be able to be together in public, even if you have to dress like Hannah Montana on cocaine.'' I couldn't help but smile at my best friend's good intentions yet unconventional means. I started to unbutton my shirt.

''I've never been blonde before.''

Getting into the whole ensemble didn't take very long. I was in some itty bitty black shorts, a black baby doll top that was long enough to make it seem like I had no pants on, a pair of black fuck-me pumps, some giant sunglasses, and the blonde wig. According to Michael, I was a panty dropper; the kind of hoochie Tom usually hooked up with.

When I came out of the bathroom, Tom was sitting alone at the bar, waiting for his drink.
I walked towards him in a way that about which I could only say, if I was in a movie, it would have been in slow motion.

''Hey sexy.'' I said when I got to Tom. He turned to me and his eyes widened. He looked me up and down and the look on his face absolutely screamed ''take me now.'' He would start drooling any second now.

''Hey yourself.'' He replied when he managed to pick his jaw up off the floor.

''Wanna dance?'' I asked. He started to get up but sat back down almost instantly.

''I'm going to have to pass.'' He said.

''Please?'' I replied in a voice one usually uses when 'please' is preceded by 'harder'.

''Sorry,'' he said, his fists clenched as he fought to keep control. ''My brother would though, I'm sure.''

''But I want to dance with you,'' I trailed my finger down his torso. ''And I think you want to dance with me too.'' I smirked.

''Believe me, I really, really do, but I'm going to have to pass.'' Man he was stubborn.

''Why?'' I asked.

''Can you keep a secret?'' I nodded. ''There's this girl…'' he trailed off and my heart melted a little. He was refusing the smoking hot, easy girl in front of him because I meant too much to him.

I leaned forward before he would say anything else. My lips were about an inch from his when I lowered my glasses.

''This girl?'' I asked with a smirk and Tom's jaw fell again.

''You're blonde and- and f-f-fuck me.'' he appeared to be in a state of horny shock.

''So you want to dance then?'' I asked as I put my glasses back on.

''You have no idea.'' He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me to the dance floor.

Tom put his hands on my lower back and I put mine around his neck so that as we grinded against each other, we were face to face.

''How did you do this?'' he asked in my ear.

''Michael thought we should be together.'' I told him.

''He's no so bad after all, even if he did threaten to kill me.'' Tom said and I laughed.

''He's like you from the start. I think he's actually kind of jealous of how good you are in bed.'' I said and Tom smirked proudly.

''You're so hot right now babe.'' He said, dropping the topic of my best friend, his lips brushing my ear with every word.

''So do something about it.'' I replied in the same fashion.

Tom fastened his lips to mine in a deep kiss, his tongue parting my lips instantly.
I saw a camera go off to my left, but I didn't care.

I was finally getting some public time with my boyfriend, and I wasn't stopping for anyone.
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