I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Sixty-eight

A week had passed. There were only four days left before D-day or, in my case, W-day.
I knew they would be the shortest of my life.

I figured though, that with such little time left, I should probably find a dress.
So Michael and I had gone into the first bridal shop we had driven past and started to search.
If I had it my way, I would have worn jeans and a t-shirt to my wedding; the dress was for my mother's benefit.

I had been in and out of at least ten dresses; none of them were right.
I figured there wouldn't be a 'right' dress for my wedding though. If my wedding wasn't right, how could the dress be?

''It's beautiful!'' the female attendant squealed when I put on yet another dress.

''It makes your ass look huge.'' Michael chimed and she glared at him. I laughed as I took off the dress.

''I don't think your friend is very into this. How can he help you find the perfect dress if he doesn't even want to be here?'' the attendant said as though she was my best friend giving me some long overdue advice.

''I'm the groom!'' Michael said proudly as she tied up the ribbon on the back of my dress. The attendant looked horrified.

''But the groom isn't supposed to see the bride in her dress before the wedding!'' she gasped.

''Hey!'' I snapped. ''Do you think I would have brought him if I cared that he was going to see my dress before the wedding? Do I look stupid to you? He's my best friend and I don’t give a shit with wings if it's 'bad luck' got it?'' the now terrified attendant nodded quickly.

''I'll leave you to it then.'' She said before she ducked out of the room.

''What's up your ass?'' Michael asked in the kindest way possible.

''Everything!'' I was aware how dirty that sounded but couldn't care less. I started to pace in front of the couch Michael was on as I spoke. ''My mom for starters! She wont leave me alone and not only about the wedding anymore, but about how we need to move out of out apartment before we can start a family and how we should give our kids meaningful names.''


''I know! We're not even married yet!''

About two weeks before the wedding, my mom had added a house, my job, kids, and our image as a married couple to her repertoire of things to ream me about.
She had even gone so far as to 'accidentally' become lost in a district of townhouses where there 'just so happened' to be an open house.
She told me that Michael and I needed to start holding hands and kissing more if we were going to look like a married couple. She said we needed to show our love to the world. What love?

''Is that it?'' Michael asked.

''No!'' I continued to pace. ''There's also all these bloody wedding details! 'Sign this', 'taste that', 'what colour do you want the gum under your tables?'''

For a wedding I didn't give a rat's ass about, I was sure as hell putting a lot of work into it.

''Is that it?'' Michael asked again.

''Yes.'' I said, no longer pacing.

''Are you sure?''


''Is it Tom?''

''Yes!'' I whined and flopped down onto the couch beside Michael. ''The wedding is in four days! Four days! I have practically no time left with him.''

''How's he taking it?''

''He's miserable, I'm miserable. He keeps trying to get me to change my mind.''

''Jules, I know how you feel about him and I know this must be killing you so I want you to know that I'm with you no matter what you decide to do.'' my eyes stung with tears.

''Thanks Michael.'' I hugged him tightly.

''I keep telling you, I'm your best friend first.'' he said lightly.

''Why am I doing this?'' I asked as tears began to run down my face.

''Doing what?'' I sat back and wiped the tears away.

''All of this, marrying you, trying to please my parents, loving Tom. It all just hurts.''

''The best things in life hurt the worst at first. Like sex for example.'' Michael said and I laughed a bit.

''Sometimes I wish I wasn't me, that I wasn't the one making this choice.'' I wiped away a few more tears.

''Jules,'' Michael looked me in the eyes. ''Do you want to do this?'' he asked seriously.

''No,'' my voice was pained. ''But I have to.'' Michael sighed.

''Well at least you'll look good. That's the dress.'' he said, nodding towards my dress. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.

''It's nice.'' I twirled a bit. ''Now if only I could get the guys in dresses.'' I said and Michael laughed.