I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Sixty-nine

''Ah!'' Michael screamed as he jumped, spilling the glass of water I had in my hand and the popcorn he had in his lap.

''Michael!'' I snapped. ''That's the third time!''

''I'm jumpy!'' he said defensively.

''Yet you always bring home the scary movies for us to watch,'' I laughed as I got up. ''Pause it, I have to change my shirt…again.''

''I have to change my shirt again,'' Michael mocked. ''At least you're not picking popcorn out of your ass!'' I burst out laughing.

''And that's why you're the one vacuuming out the couch.'' I laughed as I headed for my room.

I hung my wet shirt on the back of my door with the other two Michael had soaked. They were clean, just wet.
You would think I would have learned the first time not to sit too close to him.

As I pulled a dry shirt from my drawer, my cell phone began to buzz on my dresser.

''Hello?'' I answered.

''I love every bone in your body-''

''Especially yours?'' I laughed. ''Tom, if you want to get me in bed, for you, it takes a lot less than cheesy pick up lines.''

''Really now? Like how much less?'' Tom asked playfully.

''Like looking at me.'' I laughed and he did the same.

''So are you dressed?'' he asked.

''Sort of, why?''

''We're going out; I'll be there in five. Love you bye!'' Tom said quickly and then hung up. I figured he didn't want to give me a chance to object- not that I would have.

I put on the shirt in my hand and dug a pair of jeans out of my closet. Then I rejoined Michael in the living room.

''Going somewhere?'' my best friend asked.

''Yup.'' I replied simply.

''With Jessica?''

''Yup.'' I smirked.

''It's just as well; my stag party is tomorrow night.'' Michael stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles.

''Get laid as many times as possible, because you probably wont get any on the honeymoon.'' I laughed.

''Aw, why now? I just bought the family pack of Trojans.'' Michael said playfully.

''Sorry babe, once you go Kaulitz, you don't go back.'' I said and he laughed.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I jumped up from the couch. A vibrating phone is today's pebble at the window.

I practically flew down the stairs and into Tom's car.

''Hey babe.'' I said before kissing him deeply.

''I missed you.'' Tom said with a smile.

''I saw you like three hours ago.'' I laughed.

''And they were torture.'' He said dramatically.

''Drama queen.'' I laughed as he took my hand.

Tom drove to the park we'd gone to almost every time we'd gone out after hours; the park where we'd gotten mugged, the park where I'd told Tom I loved him.
Though it was just a park, property of the city, it held so many sweet and funny memories.

Tom locked his car and we started down the path we walked on every time we were there. He held my hand and we talked about the day, the weather, Tom's need for new guitar picks.

They were the simplest, most ordinary topics, but it didn't matter. It was like we didn't care what was coming out of the other's mouth but, rather, hearing the sound of their voice.

''Go on, ask already.'' Tom said out of nowhere.

''Ask what?''

''Ask me to push you on thee swings. I know you want me to, why else would you have stopped here?''

''Excuse me Mr. Kaulitz, but you were the one who stopped. Shouldn't you be asking to push me on the swings?'' I asked playfully.

''You caught me.'' he said, not sounding too broken up about being caught.

I walked over and sat down and then waited for Tom. I started to pump my legs until he got behind me and started to push.

''Wait, wait, wait!'' Tom said, suddenly pulling me to a stop.

''What?'' I asked worriedly.

''I forgot something.''

''Wha-'' I was cut off when Tom's lips met mine in a gentle, yet passionate kiss.

''There's one!'' I pointed to a satellite moving quickly through the night sky.

Tom and I had taken up a place on the grass and cuddled together as we picked out the satellites among the start. His arms were wrapped around me and, despite the unavoidable danger of a park at night, I'd never felt so safe in my life.

Tom kissed my neck.

''Jules?'' I turned to face him. ''Do you love me?''

''More than anything.'' I told him, gently placing my hand on his cheek.

''Then don't get married on Saturday.'' My heart snapped in two all over again at the pleading look on his face.

''Tom, we've talked about this, I have to. Please, it kills me to think of my wedding and breaks my heart when I know you are. Can we please just enjoy what time we have left?'' I pleaded, tears filling my eyes as I spoke.

''Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I wont ask anymore; I don't want to make this harder for you.'' He kissed my forehead. ''I love you Jules.''

''I love you too.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Unfortunately, this time sixty-nine isn't a sex chapter. I promise though, things are definitely about to get very involved.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!