I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seven

''Lights? I've never heard of it.'' I said when Paul told me the club we'd be escorting the boys to tonight.

''I've been there a couple times. Lots of security, very VIP.'' He said.

''No wonder I've never heard of it.'' I said and he laughed. My previous clients weren't exactly the clubbing type.

We were in the front hall of the studio where the boys half-lived. Paul, Owen, Tyler and I were talking about what was going to happen once we got to the club. Like I said, I'd never done the whole 'club' thing before.

The plan was pretty basic; shadow your individual and when they found a table 'hover'. 'Hover' in laymen's terms meant 'lurk'.

In a few minutes, the boys paraded out into the hall. They were all done up, ready to go out. Tom looked quite good

''Let's go!'' Bill said, looking very happy to be going out after two nights in the studio.

The band piled into Paul's SUV. He drove, I rode shotgun and Tyler and Owen followed in one of their cars.

The four boys were jabbering away in the back seat. Instead of doing a full one-eighty to have a look at them, I looked in the side mirror. It was angled in such a way that I could see half of the back seat.

I expected to see all the boys completely immersed in their loud conversation. What I actually saw was Bill, Gustav, and Georg completely immersed in their conversation and Tom's eyes staring directly back at mine through the side mirror. He was smirking slightly. I quickly looked away, thanking god that I rarely blushed.

Despite that fact that it was dark, the lights on the front of the club lit up the entire street in front of it. When we pulled up to the door, I hopped out and opened the door for the boys.

They got out and made their way towards the club. I followed them along with a couple of the security guards from the club. Paul and the rest of my boys soon joined us.

When the band was all settled, they got drinks and picked up their conversation. I noticed that the second they sat down, a group of girls near the bar had set their sights on them.

They were all giggling amongst themselves and it looked like they were trying to decide who was going to come over and say something. I folded my hands in front of me and leaned back against the divider between the band's booth and the next. This should be interesting.

One of the girls finally plucked up the courage and was making her way towards the boys. She walked straight over to Tom, who was sitting on the end, and began to talk very quickly, her face turning pink. Tom smirked his attractive little smirk and said something back. I couldn't quite hear what he said over the music but the next thing I knew they were headed for the dance floor. I discreetly followed them, careful to keep my distance but not to be too far away.

The second they hit the dance floor, she attached her ass to his groin and the two started to dance like a pair of horny teenagers. I rolled my eyes. Rock stars.

After what seemed like forever, the two were damn near drenched in sweat and finally stopped dancing, if you could even call it that. She turned around and whispered something in Tom's ear before quickly kissing his cheek and heading back to her friends.

Another smirk found it's way to Tom's face as hewalked strutted back to the table.

''Having fun?' I asked when he passed me.

''Not really.'' He replied jokingly and I laughed.

When he got back to the table, he didn't sit down. Instead, he said something about wanting a smoke and asked if anyone wanted to come. When no one replied in the affirmative he shrugged and said he was going anyway. I followed him.

''I thought no one was coming.'' He said with a bit of a smirk.

''It's kind of my job.'' I replied lightly.

When we got outside, Tom lit a cigarette and took a drag. Then he offered it to me.

''No thanks.'' I told him.

''You didn't seem to have a problem smoking with me the other night.'' He said after blowing out a mouthful of smoke.

''The other night I wasn't working for you.'' I said lightly. ''And I wasn't exactly sober.'' I added with a smirk.

''I don't think you being shitfaced had anything to do with it.'' he retorted, taking another drag.

''I think you're greatly over estimating your sex appeal.'' I teased, despite the fact that I knew if I had been completely sober and he shoved his tongue down my throat I wouldn't have exactly stopped him.

''Or am I?'' he said with a wink. ''You weren't exactly fighting me off.''

''I was being nice.'' I replied. He laughed as he dropped his cigarette and put it out with his shoe. He stepped towards me.

''Even if you weren't working for me the other night, the other night worked for me.'' he said and gave me the 'up-down' very slowly before winking again.

although I didn't let it show, a shiver ran up my spine at his words. Something about knowing I had turned him on so much, turned me on.

I smirked to myself. This was definitely going to be a good assignment.
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I am well aware and very sorry that I kind of dropped off the map for a few days. I was having a complete motivational block and couldn't write for the life of me and I didn't want to ruin this story by posting something I'd forced. I know I probably should have posted an author's note or something but I didn't and that's that.
Moving onto the present. I've managed to write another chapter (after this one) and it will be posted tomorrow night at the regular time. At that time, I will know whether or not this block I'm facing has broken or if it's still there, so in tomorrow's author's note I'll let you all know if posting is going back to normal or if I'm going to change how often/when I post.
All of this will only be temporary of course and when all of this has passed, I will go back to posting regularly.

I wanted to give a special thanks to everyone who left me a concerned comment, as you can see I'm not at the bottom of a ditch, not that you were assuming the worst or anything.

And as always, thanks to my readers, subscribers, and/or commenters. I really appreciate it!