I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seventy

Don't throw up. Don’t throw up. Don't throw up.

I repeated the phrase over and over in my head, wishing that it would help my turning stomach. It didn't.

It was finally here, w-day. I'd wanted to throw up since the second I was awake. When I told my mother I was feeling sick, she said it was 'pre-wedding jitters'. Jitters my ass. I was getting married to the wrong guy and my body knew it.

Speaking of the wrong guy, the right guy was not too far away.
Tom and the rest of Tokio Hotel were doing a charity show in a park only a block away from the church. I could practically hear the music they were so close.
The band had arranged other security for the day because Owen, Paul, and Tyler were unavailable as they were my official 'bride's men'. I hadn't managed to get them in dresses, but they did look sharp in their tuxedos.

Because it's usually the job of the bride's maids to tend to the bride before the wedding, the three boys deemed bride's men wee in my dressing room.

''Dahling! You need some more of zis powder for chyour nose!'' Owen said in a funny accent, picking up a compact and flipping it open. Despite the knot my stomach was in, I laughed.

''I think my nose has enough powder.'' I laughed, taking the compact from him.

''Just let me put a little blush on!'' Paul said as he chased Tyler around the room with a makeup brush.

''Leave me alone!'' Tyler cried, hiding behind me.

''Hey! Hey! Watch it!'' I laughed, snatching the brush seconds before it came in contact with my dress.

''Sorry.'' Paul said like he was a little kid getting in trouble.

''Thanks again guys,'' I said, turning so that I could see all of them. ''I'd be shitting bricks right now if you weren't here.''

''Maybe you are.'' Owen said, a brick suddenly in his hand.

''Where did you get that?'' I asked.

''Fireplace.'' He shrugged and I laughed.

''Put it back.'' I ordered and Owen put the brick back.

''Anytime Twigs.'' Paul said, pulling me in for a hug. I waved Tyler and Owen over and they surrounded me in a group hug.
All of a sudden, I was lifted off the ground.

''Alright, enough playing. She needs to get ready.'' My mother said as she entered the room.

''Good luck Twiggy.'' Owen said as he left.
All three guys kissed my head before they left me with my mother.

''I don't know why you chose such rowdy boys. Why not girls? Girls in pretty dresses, that's the way it's supposed to be.'' My mom said as she tightened the ribbon on the back of my dress.

''They're my friends mom, that's why I picked them.'' I took a sharp breath as my dress got that much tighter.

''Well they make a mess of you. You can't hang around them when you are married. Look at your hair now.'' My mother started to fiddle with my hair.

''Why can't I hang out with them?''

''Because married women don't hang around men who are not their husband! Ch-ch! Look at your hair! Why didn't you put it all up?''

''Because it's more comfortable this way and I like it.''

''And I suppose those pointy heels are comfortable too? Proper brides wear wide heel shoes.'' My mother continued to primp and prod me.

''I like the way these look.'' I told her.

''Yes, they match this dress of yours.'' She said in the bitterest fashion possible.

''I picked it myself! I like it!''

''And it's going to rain! If you had invited more people there would be more umbrellas.''

At the mention of raid, my thoughts immediately went to Tom. They were playing in the park. I wondered if the bad weather would affect their show at all.
My train of thought had drowned out my mother's voice, but some things can only be ignored so long.

''But the dress!''

The dress I had chosen was pretty according to me and everyone except my mother.
From the waist up, was a white, lacy corset type piece with a ribbon lacing up the back. From the waist down, was a white skirt that was long at the back but short at the front, showing off my legs up to my mid-thigh.

''You look like a Hollywood hoochie bride!''

That was where I snapped. I'd had enough of her bitching. I was doing this for her and all she did was complain!

''Just shut up!'' I screamed as tears filled my eyes. My mother looked shocked as I stormed to the other end of the room and sat on the couch, burying my face in my hands. ''This is my wedding.'' I told her through my tears.

''I'm sorry my love, I just want everything to be perfect.'' My mother said softly. ''You're right, it's your day.'' I wiped my eyes and took a breath.

''Am I doing the right thing mom?'' I asked.

''What kind of question is that! Y-''

''Mom!'' I cut her off. ''Am I doing the right thing?''

''Of course you are my love, you just might not feel it now, but you will feel better after. You're making your family proud and yourself happy. That's important yes? Making yourself happy?''

But I'm not. ''Yea.'' I sighed.

I got up and started to fix my runny makeup. My mother was behind me.

''I still think you could have chosen a more traditional dress.'' I glared at her in the mirror. ''But this one is nice.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, what a bitch. Every good story has a character you love to hate though.
Now that you all know how close his show is to her wedding, what do you think is going to happen? Is she going to him? Is he going to her? Is she just going to go through with the wedding? I'd love to see as many predictions as possible before tomorrow night!

Thanks for reading! I look forward to your predictions!