I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seventy-two

You didn't honestly think I was going to let him go just like that did you?

''I do.'' When Michael said it, it made everything that much more real. I was getting married to the wrong guy.

It was like I was waking up from some kind of dream. My wedding, until now, had been something that part of me was aware of but had never imagined actually happening.

I'd never actually imagined myself getting married to Michael, saying I do that is.
I guess that's why I did what I did.

''I can't.'' I looked back and forth between the mortified priest and my temporarily terrified best friend.

I heard the whole church gasp as one and many hurried whispers. Both Michael's half of the wedding party and mine looked confused.

''You said you were with me no matter what right?'' I asked Michael and his terrified expression turned to one of understanding.

''No matter what.'' Michael confirmed.

''I love him.'' I said and my best friend smiled.

''Then go get him.''

I kissed Michael on the cheek and hurried down the alter stairs.

Before I broke into a run, I heard the distinct thump of body hitting floor and saw my mother faint.
Drama queen.

I couldn't care less though.

For once in my life, I was doing something solely for me. I wasn't worrying about what effect this would have on anyone else.
I was going to Tom because I wanted him.
Everyone else could go fuck themselves.

When I left the church, it was pouring rain. Tom was only a block away; I could vaguely hear the screaming girls.

I kicked off my shoes and took off down the sidewalk.
I pushed past whoever was in my way. I could hear a mix of screaming and music as I got closer to the park.

*~Tom's Point of View~*

The last thing I wanted to do was perform.

Jules was getting married today. The one girl who had ever got me to even imagine being married and she was marrying someone else.

And if all that wasn't bad enough, she was getting married in a church only a block away from the park where we were playing.

I had thought about going to her, interrupting the wedding with an 'I object'. But Jules had told me a million and one times why she was doing this and I knew that, even though she loved me, if I did something like that, that I would never be able to make up for it. Her family would be upset and she would hold a nice long grudge.

At least by letting it happen, we could still be friends.
Sure we could have continued to be together after the wedding, but then our 'affair' would have really been an affair. Even if her husband didn't mind, it just didn't sit right with either of us.

It had started to pour roughly halfway through our performance.
I'd be glad when it was finished so I could go home and wallow.

*~Bill's Point of View~*

Tom had been miserable all day. I was pretty sure that he was physically hurting over all of this and it was hurting me to see him that way.

Jules' was getting married in a church down the street. It was cruel how close she was.

I knew he wanted to go to her. I knew he couldn't.

The rain that had set in halfway through our performance seemed to be reflecting the mood of the entire day.

*~Jules' Point of View~*

''Thank you!'' Bill yelled and then ran off stage.
Usually, Tom liked to 'work the crowd', but, today, he followed Bill.

There was another band playing after them and only a small fraction of the crowd went to where the boys' car was, but were sent back to the rest of the crowd by security.
The band would stay backstage for a bit to be thanked by the charity and what not and then they would come out. That was my chance.

I started to run.

The park was unusually large –most likely why the show was there- and the entire field was mud. I could feel it smushing between my toes and I knew my white dress would be a lovely shade of brown when I stopped running.

They came out sooner than I expected though and I was only three quarters of the way across the field.

He was about to get in the car.

''Tom!'' I screamed at the top of my lungs. He paused and turned in my direction. I could see him squinting as he tried to figure out who I was.

''Let her through!'' Tom yelled when the security guards stepped into my path.

I ran into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and he caught me in a spinning hug. My eyes were filled with happy tears when he looked at me.

''What are you doing here? What about your wedding?''

''I couldn't do it; I love you.''

''You have no idea how bad I wanted to hear you say that.'' an ecstatic grin spread across his lips as he brushed the soaking wet hair off of my face.

''Probably as bad as I wanted to say it.'' I replied.

Tom pressed his lips to mine in what was the most passionate, love-filled, in-the-rain-in-the-middle-of-the-park kiss that ever was.
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You lot seriously overestimated my sadistic side. You didn't honestly think I was going to let them get married did you? I actually came up with that little twist about an hour before I posted it.

Now that I've rattled your cages a bit, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!