I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seventy-three

The second I woke up, I knew exactly where I was. There was no question in my mind that the arms wrapped around me were Tom's.

I had ridden back to Tom's apartment in the van with the rest of the band. When they asked what was going on, Bill explained it to them. Tom and I were in our own world.

We'd gone straight to his room and curled up together on his bed.
Soon after I'd explained everything that had happened, we both fell asleep, well, I did. If Tom was awake, he didn't let on, he laid there under me, just holding me.

The bliss that I felt waking up in Tom's arms again was pushed aside though when I thought of what my actions yesterday had done.

I knew for a face that when I left the church, my mother had fainted. I wasn't so worried about that; she was a drama queen. I was more worried about what had happened after, what I had left for Michael to deal with.

I knew that, in my parents' eyes, not only was I in the wrong for leaving, but Michael was in the wrong for letting me go.
There would have been a storm in that church once I was gone.

I also knew there would be a storm to face when I got home. I could only imagine how many times my parents had called my phone. I'd only been in my wedding dress when I left and my phone was in the suit jacket of Michael's tux.

I was scared, I was upset, I was ecstatic.

I felt Tom start to move but then stop almost instantly. I looked up at him.

''Hello beautiful.'' He smiled.

''Hello yourself.''

*~Tom's Point of View~*

When I had seen Jules running across that field, my heart had started beating a million times faster. I thought for sure it was going to burst out of my chest.

She was covered in mud, soaking wet with makeup running down her face and her hair all over the place, but she had never looked more beautiful then she did right then.

It was the day of her wedding and I thought I'd lost her forever; my heart was smashed into a million pieces.

When she ran across the field and into my arms, every one of those pieces came back together.
She was still mine.

So we'd come back to my apartment and Jules had explained everything.
She couldn't marry Michael because she loved me. She knew there would be hell to pay, but she'd done it anyway.

I guess it had all seemed too good to be true though, because when I woke up and felt a body on top of mine, I started to move away like I did with most of my one night stands.
But when I'd realized that it really was her, I stopped.

She was still in her muddy wedding dress and she looked as though she'd just fought her way through a monsoon.

''Hello beautiful.'' I said all the same.

''Hello yourself.''

*~Jules' Point of View~*

Tom kissed my forehead; I kissed his lips.

''I love you.'' Tom said as though it was a 'thank you' for choosing him.

''I love you too.'' I had no choice. I sighed. ''There must be a million missed calls on my phone.''

''Where is it?'' Tom asked.

''With Michael, I didn't exactly want to tuck it in my cleavage before the ceremony. What if it started to vibrate?''

''Then you'd be wishing it was in your-'' I covered his mouth and felt him smirk.

''That's quite enough Kaulitz.'' I laughed. ''My mom is probably freaking. I so don't want to go home.'' I cuddled closer to Tom.

''So don't.'' he said simply and I smiled.

''We both know I have to.''

''Well you can't go like that. Take a shower and I'll make breakfast.'' Tom got up and went to his closet. He pulled out a pair of my shorts and one of his shirts. ''I found these in my suitcase.''

''Thanks.'' I smiled as I took the clothes from him.

I had a set of towels that he kept for me and I used his soap. I'd never taken a more refreshing shower in my life. It was like I was washing off my not-so wedding day and leaving way for the damage control I had to do.

When I came out of the bathroom, I could smell pancakes and hear singing. Was Bill there?

''I didn't know you could sing.'' I said when I found only Tom in the kitchen.

''I can dance too.'' He winked before spinning me into him. I giggled. We started to sway to no music until Tom began to hum in my ear.

''You made me pancakes.'' I smiled.

''And I didn't get a drop on me.'' he said, referring to the morning at the cottage.

''You're brilliant.'' I laughed.

''That's what I've been telling people.'' He kissed me. ''You smell good.''

''I smell like you.''

''Then I smell good.''

''You're a tool,'' I laughed. ''But I love you anyway.''
♠ ♠ ♠
As an answer to everyone who has asked if the story is over, the story isn't over until I say it's over. There are still far too many loose ends for the story to be over, so it is not over.
On a different note, this will be my last post until Thursday as I wont be home.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!