I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seventy-four

Tom dropped me off at my apartment and I took my time getting up the stairs.
If my parents weren't already in my apartment, they would be soon.

I was quite terrified of what they were going to have to say, but I knew that I had to stand up for my decision. I'd been a people-pleaser all my life and I'd had enough of it.

''Hello?'' I called as I walked into my apartment.

''Finally!'' Michael popped out of his room, a relieved look on his face. ''For a while there I thought you were just going to stay at Tom's forever.''

''Have my parents called?'' I asked after deducing that they weren't there.

''Only about five billion times.'' Michael told me. ''You should have seen the church after you left.''

''Oh god, what happened?'' I asked nervously.

''Well, it was definitely a good thing that your half of the wedding party are bodyguards. Since everyone heard me tell you to go get him, they were as mad at me as they were at you. Everyone was demanding answers and asking how we could do this to our parents.''

''I'm so sorry Michael.'' I apologized.

''Don't apologize. You did what was right and you don't have to apologize for that.'' I smiled and nodded. ''Besides, I think the guys had more fun wrestling me out of the church through all the bitching old ladies than they would have throwing rice as we left.''

''That's true.'' I laughed.

''Here's your phone by the way.'' Michael handed me my phone.

''Thanks. So when are they going to be here?'' I asked.


''Our parents. There's no doubt in my mind that they want to talk to us.''

''Never? They want us to go over there.'' Michael told me.

''Because they want us on their turf no doubt.'' I said and he laughed.

''Yea; you should call and make a date.''


''Preferably in about three years.'' Michael laughed.

I grabbed the phone and dialed my parents' house number. It was my dad who answered.

''Hello?'' he answered.

''Hi dad, it's Jules.''

''Julia! Why have you been ignoring us? I think you and Michael owe us all some answers!''

''I wasn't ignoring you; I just didn't have my phone. We do owe you some answer and we're coming over tomorrow night to give them.'' I told him.

''Good, your mother will be pleased to hear that.''

''I'll see you tomorrow.''


I hung up and let out a relieved sigh.

''Tomorrow! Are you nuts? Shouldn't we let them cool down first?'' Michael asked.

''They have today to cool down, and tomorrow.'' I told him. ''I'm going to call Tom.''


''To ask him to come.''


''Because he's the reason for all this, I'm scared as shit and I'll feel better if he's there to hold my hand.'' I told him.

''You never did tell me what happened after you left.'' Michael sad and a smile spread across my lips.

''It was like a movie. I ran through all this mud in my dress and then we kissed in the rain. It was just amazing.'' My eyes glazed over as I flashed back to yesterday in the park.

''Don't you have a call to make?'' my best friend laughed.

''Yes.'' I shook away the flashback and dialed Tom's number.

''You're alive!'' he said happily when he answered.

''Yea,'' I laughed. ''D-day isn't until tomorrow. I'm going to their place.''

''So what's up buttercup?'' Tom asked.

''I want you to come.'' I told him.

''What?'' all the lightness dropped form Tom's voice. Now he sounded quite afraid.

''I am terrified for tomorrow and I want you there.'' I said and he was silent for a minute. He sighed.

''I'll go.'' He said.

''Really?'' I asked excitedly. I had expected to have to get on my knees and beg him to go.

''Yea really.''

''I love you so much!'' I told him.

''I love you too babe. I'll see you tomorrow.''


''So I take it he's coming?'' Michael asked.


''Well, we're all going to die at some point; why not tomorrow night?''
♠ ♠ ♠
Dunh dunh dunh!
Well my loves, part of me hates to leave you with this cliffhanger, but part of me loves the idea.
To elaborate further on the leave part of that sentiment, I'm not going to be posting for the next three days as I wont be home. I'm going to Cedar Point in Ohio with my family and wont be back until Monday night.
For bonus points, if any of you guys are at the park, know what I look like (I don't know how many of you do), and spot me, feel free to say hi, but don't be creepy, because chances are, I will run.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!