I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seventy-five

There are some people who can't go on stage because of what is known as 'stage fright'.
What I was experiencing was probably something more along the lines of 'life fright'.

I was in my bedroom, getting ready to go to my parents' and damn near peeing my pants as I tried desperately to collect myself.

I know I was the one who had chosen tonight as the night to go talk to them, but I was suddenly wishing that I'd taken Michael's advice and waited a few years.

Speaking of Michael, as I got ready, he waited in the living room with Tom. They would have waited in my room so that we could all be nervous together, but when I'd started getting changed, they'd elected to leave. I don't know why; it wasn't like they both hadn't seen me naked.

*~Tom's Point of View~*

I was sitting in the living room of Jules' apartment with Michael. You would think that it might be a little awkward, what with him being her ex-fiancée and all, but that wasn't the case.
He thought I was cool, I thought he was cool and we turned out to be all right friends.
To think, I month ago, I would have killed him on sight.

Jules had called me shortly after I dropped her off at home.
I figured it was a call to tell me that she was alive, that all was forgiven and I could pick her up in an hour. That was so not the case.

When she'd asked me to go to her parents' with her, my first reaction had been to say no, I mean, they probably wanted to kill me.
But then she'd told me how scared she was about going and I knew I had to say yes. When you love someone like I loved her, you never want them to feel anything but happiness, and if going would make it easier for her, then I was going to go.

So I'd driven over and was waiting for her.
We were all going to take Jules' SUV to her parents', but I'd driven here because I knew that if everything went well tonight, we'd probably be going back to my place.

I'd been thinking a lot lately about all the apartment switching we did. She'd spend the evening at mine, the night at her, come over after work, and repeat.
All the driving wasn't very environmentally friendly to say the least.

So I'd come to a final decision on the matter. I was going to ask Jules to move in with me.

It was a huge step that I'd never taken before, but I'd never dated a girl like Jules before.

So I was hoping that if everything went ok and we weren't forbidden to see each other, I'd be able to ask her soon.

''Honestly,'' Michael said. ''I'm just as nervous as Jules at this point.''

''Why?'' I asked. ''She was the one who ran out.''

''According to her parents, I'm just as bad for letting her leave. She told you her mom fainted right? 'I do. I don't.' Boom!''

I laughed a bit. ''But those are her parents. They don't really have the right to freak on you.''

''Her parents may as well be my parents.'' Michael told me. ''We've known each other forever.''

''How?'' I asked.

''We've lived across the street from each other since we were born until we moved out and in together.'' He laughed a bit. ''When we were little, we used to play doctor in the tree house behind my house.''

''Really?'' I laughed.

''Yea, she was the first girl to see my cash and prizes.'' He said and we both laughed.

''Doctor though, I'll have to ask her about that.'' I wiggled my eyebrows a bit.

''I think she's still got her stethoscope.''

''Are you guys talking dirty about me while I'm in the next room?'' Jules asked. Her arms were folded as she came out of her bedroom.

''Of course.'' Michael told her with a big smile. I laughed.
It killed me how honest they were. I thought girls were only like that with other girls.

*~Jules' Point of View~*

''You look nice.'' Tom said, changing the topic after Michael had ratted them out.

''So you can't tell I'm about to puke then right?'' I asked.

''Nope.'' Michael replied with a smile.

Tom walked over and kissed me. ''I'll go get the car.'' Michael said, realizing that this was his exit.

Tom wrapped his arms around me and I leaned against him.

''I'm so nervous.'' I told him.

''I know.'' He said. It was quiet for a minute before he spoke again. ''Michael said you used to play doctor? Do you still have your medical license?'' he asked and I couldn't help but smile.

''If everything goes well tonight, I'll show you my stethoscope.'' I replied and a huge grin spread across Tom's face.

Despite my flirting, my stomach was still in a knot as we left my apartment.

''We're off to see the wizard.'' Tom sang in my ear as we walked.

''You are so not helping.''
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Surprise post! But it's also making up for my lack thereof last night. I didn't get home until 9 and was totally wiped.

Thanks for reading!