I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seventy-seven

With my parents taken care of on the confession front, the only other people in need of the truth were the guys I worked with and my boss. Sure, the general public didn't know, but they really didn't need to.

After we'd told my parents the truth and they'd decided that we were in the clear, they had invited us to stay for dinner. So we'd eaten at their house as my dad pelted Tom with questions about his life and his intentions with me, and my mom threw in the odd not-so subtle question about our future wedding and children.

And after the wonderfully awkward dinner at my parents', Tom and I had gone back to his place and had some happy, relieved, amazing sex.
Oh I showed him my stethoscope alright.

I'd left shortly after because I had to go into the office in the morning to drop the bomb on everyone who was still unaware.

When I got into the office, Paul, Owen, and Tyler were in the lobby. I'd asked them to meet me there before we went to the studio to pick up the band.

''Hey guys.'' I said when I walked in.

''Hey Twigs.'' Owen said.

''What's up?'' Paul asked.

''There's some stuff I need to tell you guys.''

''You're banging Tom Kaulitz?'' Owen asked.

''Yea.'' I answered, a lightly blush coming to my cheeks. The guys laughed.

''We know.'' Paul said.

''Since when?'' I asked.

''Since- what? That day we were at the gym…the day after when the two of you came in glowing.'' Tyler said.

''Why didn't you say anything?''

''We know the rules as well as you. You're not supposed to get involved. Plus, we figured if you hadn't told us you had a good reason not to.'' Paul said.

''Yea, but if I knew that you guys knew then I could have been on that a lot more than I already am.'' I said and the guys laughed.

''Sorry you little horn dog.'' Owen laughed.

''Hey, if you were getting it like I am you'd be a horn dog too.''

''Don't get too excited there Twiggy.'' Tyler said.

''Yea, you still have to go in and see the boss.'' Paul reminded me.

''Oh yea.'' I muttered. ''I guess I'd better go do that.''

''Have fun.'' Owen said.

''Good luck.'' Tyler added.

I walked down the hall to Mr. Henry's office. I was almost as nervous about telling him as I was about telling my parents. Almost.

I wasn't too worried about telling the guys. They were my best friends and I knew they'd be with me no matter what.

With telling my boss though, there was a huge risk. For one, he could take me off of the assignment and I wouldn't get to work with the guys anymore and I'd only get to see Tom after work. The latter wasn't that bad, but I loved with working with my friends.

There was also the possibility that Mr. Henry could fire me altogether for breaking the rules.
You're not supposed to fall in love with your assignment.
Sure you can be friends, but when you're dating the person you're assigned too, it's hard to be under the radar. When all the fangirls hate you and all the tabloids know your name, it's hard to be invisible as security is supposed to.

I knocked on the door and heard Mr. Henry call ''come in''.

''Jules! How are you? How was your wedding?'' my boss asked happily.

''I'm alright, I didn’t get married though.'' I said and Mr. Henry furrowed his eyebrows.

''I could have sworn the four of you requested the weekend off to go to your wedding.'' He said, starting to look for the request sheets in his drawer.

''We did, and we went, but I didn't get married.''

''Was the date moved or something? Your fiancé didn't die did he?''

''No no, the reason I didn't get married is the same reason I came in here.'' I said.

Suddenly, the easy going feeling that had been filling the room when I first walked in was gone. My boss no longer looked happy and my confession got that much harder.

''What's this about Miss. Reed?'' Mr. Henry asked.

''I'm in love with Tom Kaulitz and we've been seeing each other in secret for a few months now.'' I said all in one breath. My boss' expression didn't change. ''I never meant to fall in love with him but I can't control who my heart chooses.''

I'd said my piece so then I waited. Mr. Henry squeezed his eyes shut and started to rub his temples. He was quiet for about two full minutes.

''The press is going to have a field day with this.'' He finally said. ''We're going to be known as the company that sleeps with its clients.''

''So I'm fired?''


''Off the assignment then?''

''No.'' I cocked an eyebrow. ''I've thought about it and, if anything, you'll do your job better because of this. You've been doing fine all this time you've been together so the fact that I know shouldn't change that.''

''Thank you so much sir!'' I was ecstatic.

''I wouldn't be making this exception if you weren't one of my best.'' he said.

''Thank you.'' I said again.

I left his office practically flying.

It's amazing how light you feel with no secrets to weigh you down.