I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seventy-eight

The second I walked into Tom's apartment I was met with a hug and was lifted off the ground.

''I missed you too.'' I laughed. It'd been all of an hour, but I'd been withholding information all day and he was desperate.

''So? What did your boss say?'' Tom asked, setting me on the counter.

''I'm fired. You ruined my career Tom Kaulitz.'' I said seriously and Tom looked horrified. ''Kidding.'' I rolled my eyes playfully and he scowled at me.

''It's not nice to screw with people Julia.'' He said. I slapped him lightly.

''Don't call me Julia.'' I said firmly. Tom smirked.

''Julia, Julia, Julia!'' he sang, stepping away from me.

''Shut up!'' I yelled. I tried to run at him but he put his hand out and held me at arm's length by my forehead.

''You bitch.'' I muttered viciously after trying to swing at him and failing miserably.

''What are you going to do about it…Julia?'' I needed to wipe that smirk off his face.

I grabbed the arm that was holding me back and twisted it up behind Tom's back. It was like my signature move.
I pushed him so that his hips were against the edge of the counter and mine were against his ass, pinning him. I leaned up to his ear.

''Anything I want.'' I whispered seductively.

Using that voice was like flipping Tom's 'on' switch. Suddenly, my playful boyfriend was gone and my personal sex god had come out to play.

I let him out of my hold and he turned around, his lips meeting mine in a fiery kiss.

As his hands groped at my ass, I grabbed the front of Tom's shirt and pulled him towards the bedroom.

I backed into the door and Tom was quick to get it open. Once we were inside, the door was shut when I pressed him against it.

I yanked his belt out of the loops and his baggy pants fell around his ankles. He kissed and bit at my neck as he expertly undid my pants.

Before he could even start to move them from my waist, I grabbed the front of his shirt again, pulling him off of the door and pushing him towards the bed.

The back of his knees hit the mattress and he sat down. I pulled my shirt off and then his.
I straddled his lap as I ran my hands up his sculpted torso and down to his crotch.
Tom leaned back on his hands as I started to rub him through his boxers.

''It feels good doesn't it?'' I asked.

''Mmhm.'' He practically moaned, his eyes closed.

''Not that.'' I giggled, stopping.

''What do you mean?'' his eyes opened and they were filled with 'what the fuck'.

''Not having secrets.'' I said, kissing him.

''I hate secrets.'' He grabbed my waist and turned so that I was on the bed next to him.

He straddled me as his hands ran up, over my stomach to my covered breasts. He began to massage them as he ravaged my neck with his lips and teeth.

I arched my back and reached behind to undo my bra for him. Tom pulled it off my arms and threw it across the room.

He kissed down my torso to the top of my pants where he continued what he'd started before. He followed my pants down my legs with a trail of kisses.

My underwear was taken off in the same fashion and I decided to return the favour.

When we were both completely naked, I pulled one of the condoms from Tom's nightstand. I rolled it on and he moaned slightly.

Considering that sex was better when Tom was on top, that's the position he took before thrusting into me. I moaned loudly as he did so.

Tom picked up a steady pace and my moaning matched his thrusting.
He kissed and sucked on my neck, adding that extra pleasurable feeling to the millions that were already exploding in my body.

As the building inside of me reached its peak, my body writhed underneath Tom's. His thrusts were getting sloppier and I knew he was going to come soon.

Electricity shot through me, pleasure exploding from every nerve in my body as I came. Tom came with me, no doubt experiencing the same ecstasy.

After riding out our orgasms, Tom collapsed beside me. Both of us simply laid there until we could breath again.

''You're right.'' Tom said, draping one arm over my waist. We were lying on our sides, face to face.

''About?'' I asked, idly tracing his facial features with my index finger.

''Having no secrets feels amazing.'' He smirked and I giggled before he kissed me softly. ''I love you Jules.''

''I love you too Tom.'' I replied.

''So move in with me.'' He threw it in there so fast that I wasn't even sure if I'd heard what I thought I'd heard.


''Move in with me.'' A smile spread across my lips. It was something I had never expected to hear out of the mouth of Tom Kaulitz in a million years and it made me feel special. With this request came the realization of just how much I meant to him.


And just like that, I was moving in with Tom Kaulitz.
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Well that was a fun chapter!

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