I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seventy-nine

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly on the nightstand beside Tom. He groaned when the music started. I leaned over him and answered.


''Jules? It's Mr. Henry, did I wake you?'' my boss asked.

''Kind of,'' I laughed. ''But it's no matter; what's up?''

''I wouldn't have called before eleven on your day off, but it's quite important that you and Tom are ready at one.''

''Why?'' I asked, totally confused. What did we have to be ready for? The apocalypse?

''The other day after you told me about your current relationship with Mr. Kaulitz, I talked to the band's manager. Now that you two are going to be public with your relationship, we decided to beat the paparazzi to the punch and have you do an interview on the subject.''

It had been about three days since all of our confessions and I had spent the night at Tom's, as I tended to do since he asked me to move in with him.

''How clever.'' I said and then moved the phone away from my mouth as I yawned. We'd been up late.

''Yea,'' my boss chuckled. ''Do you have a pen? I'll give you the information now and Paul and Tyler will be over to pick you up at one.''

''Just one second.'' I got out of bed and went to the living room, not bothering with clothes, to make note of what my boss was saying.

Tom and I were doing a radio interview at a local station to give the details of our relationship so that the paparazzi wouldn't be as crazy as they could be.

I got back in bed on top of Tom and he put his arms around me.

''What's happening?'' he asked.

''We're doing an interview later so you have to look presentable.'' I said teasingly.

''I could go naked and still be presentable.'' Tom replied.

''Yea, but that's for my eyes only.'' I winked as I got up. ''You coming in the shower?''


We were ready by the time the guys got there. They immediately started to tease me about having a security escort and I proceeded to beat them all.

I wasn't surprised that there were tones of screaming girls waiting outside the studio. Whenever any of the band did anything along the lines of an interview, their fans knew about it. Sometimes they knew even before the boys did.

There was no doubt in my mind that all the girls knew why we were there. Plenty of people had seen Tom and I together in the park that day.
The biggest question on my mind though was, how many of them hated me and how many of them were just happy to see Tom happy?
I was going to assume that the ones giving me death glares and yelling 'bitch' were the ones who hated me.

Inside the studio was much quieter. We were introduced to the host –john- and were surprised to see Bill there as well. He said that they wanted his opinion on our relationship too.

''I've never done this before.'' I whispered to Tom as we got settled in the sound booth. He laughed and I smacked him.

''Don't worry about it, it's not hard.'' He assured me.

''So I'm just going to ask you some questions and answer as honestly or dishonestly as you please.'' John said and we laughed a bit as we nodded. The song ended. ''That was Tokio Hotel with 'Scream' and speaking of, I've got half of the band here today. Brothers Bill and Tom, how are you guys doing?''

''Good.'' The twins answered at the same time.

''But as well as having the guys in the studio, we've got Julia Reed here today.'' John said.

''Just Jules.'' I told him.

''Alright Jules. For anyone who doesn't know the story, you were Tom's bodyguard, but now you're his girlfriend?''

''Yea, I still am his body guard actually.''

''Right, you want to tell us about that?''

''There's not much to it really.'' I said.

''Yea, we met, she said 'Tom, you're the best, please date me' and I said 'you're cute, ok'.'' Tom said in that way that he does when he's blowing his own horn.

''Not even!'' I laughed.

''Uh oh, sounds like we've got a scrap starting!'' John said lightly.

''Tom came to me on my day off and said 'please, please go out with me,' and, well, how can you say no to that bod- I mean personality.'' I smirked and saw the fangirls screaming outside as if they were agreeing with me.

''Oh! So the pursue-ee becomes the pursuer!'' john laughed.

''What can I say, she's beautiful.'' Tom said and I smiled as the fangirls screamed again.

''Sounds like you've got some envious girls out there Jules. Speaking of that, you were attacked a few weeks ago over an old magazine article?''

''Not attacked really, but when we were getting the band out of a concert hall after a show, this girl throws her pop on me and goes 'that's for giving Tom more than security!' and I was just like 'what?' because the article was so old.''

''This is the article that started all of this no?'' John said, producing a copy of the magazine with the picture of me pressing Tom against the wall. ''When this came out, were the two of you together?''

''No actually, Tom was still begging.'' I said with a smirk.

''We didn't get together for quite a while after the rumours started.'' Tom added.

''And then there's this picture of Tom with a hooded girl in the parking lot. Is that you?'' John asked.

''Yea,'' I laughed. ''And while we're covering articles and pictures, I'm the blonde too.''

''The first picture was taken right before I walked in on them about to…'' Bill trailed off, his sentence not needing to be finished. The fans screamed again.

''Oh ho! So your sex life is good then?'' John asked and Tom and I laughed.

''Uh, no comment.'' I said.

''Very.'' Tom said quickly. The fans screamed and my cheeks turned red. Talk about holding nothing back.

''On the topic of your life Jules, you were engaged? Tell us about that.'' John said.

''Yea, I was and it's a very long story, but the short version is, I'm not anymore.'' I told him.

''And your job, you said that you're still Tom's bodyguard. Do you think all of this will make your job harder? Or maybe even easier?''

''Honestly, I don't think it will change much. There's been a lot of people who've hated me since the first rumours came out so I don't think the fact that we're official is going to make a difference.''

''Except the paparazzi right? If you're going to cheat you'll have to be way sneakier.'' John said lightly.

''There is no way I could cheat. I get way too tired for that.'' the girls screamed and Tom smirked proudly.

''Jules has had lots of the questions so let's throw it over to Tom now. You're known as the band's resident playboy, never with one girl for more than a night. Is this young lady the one to change all of that?''

''It would definitely seem that way.'' Tom said and I smiled. He took my hand. ''She's not like any other girl I've ever met.'' The fans screamed. I was starting to think the majority was just happy he was happy.

''And over to Bill now. What do you think of your brother's girl?''

''He's my brother you know, so I'm happy that he's finally found someone that he's fallen in love with and loves him for him.'' Bill said and I smiled.

''And what about the rest of the band?''

''They're glad that I'm with one girl because it leaves more girls for them. The girls say 'oh, well since Tom is unavailable, I guess I can date Georg'.'' Tom said and I laughed.

''Well now that we know the whole band approves, let's do a listener question! Kate wants to know what it's like kissing Tom Kaulitz.'' I looked at Tom and he smirked.

''Think of the best kiss you could ever imagine, now times it by a million.'' I said.

Tom leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. The fans outside screamed. Both Bill and John laughed.

''And they've just started making out! Ladies and gentlemen, that was our exclusive interview with the Kaulitz twins of Tokio Hotel and Tom's new girlfriend! Thanks for tuning in!''
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My dear readers, I leave you with this longest chapter of the story before I disappear for a week.
Next week, I will be in Chicago Illinois all week on the second of my vacations this summer. My posting should resume a week from Monday, although I'm a little fuzzy on when exactly I'm getting back. The same thing I said about Cedar Point applies for this trip, if you see me, feel free to say hi, but don't get creepy, I'm a fast runner.

Anyways! I look forward to reading all of your comments when I get back! Thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!