I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Eight

''Good morning sunshine.'' I said with a smile when Michael trudged out of his room, looking like he was still half asleep.

''How do you get up so early and make it through the day?'' he asked as he pulled the fridge open.

''Practice?'' I replied.

''So what exciting task is on your agenda for today?'' he asked, getting a glass.

''I'm going to a photo shoot.'' I told him rather proudly.

''Oh, sounds like fun. Where is it?''

''I don't know, some studio. I have it written down. Apparently they've done it up to look like a desert.''

''A desert?'' Michael raised one eyebrow.

''I have no idea.'' I laughed.

I looked at the clock on the wall behind him and quickly downed the last of my coffee.

''I've got to get over to their studio so that we can escort them to the shoot. I'll see you later.'' I said as I grabbed my keys.

''Have fun sweetie!'' Michael called after me. I laughed as I flipped him off and closed the door.

I got in my SUV and started to drive to the recording studio where I was supposed to be meeting the rest of the team and the band.

The little bit that Paul had told me about the shoot today made me wonder. A desert? Really? It seemed a little odd to me. I thought that Paul might be having me on though.

My phone suddenly started to ring. Speak of the devil.

''What's up?'' I asked when I opened my phone.

''There's been a change in plans.'' Paul said. ''You're going to get Tom at his apartment and take him to the shoot.''

''Why?'' I asked. Was he that lazy?

''Apparently he slept in.'' That answered my question.

''Alright, give me his address.''

As Paul told me Tom's address, I typed it into my GPS. I hung up when he was finished and adjusted my course so that I was headed to Tom's apartment.

My GPS remained silent. I had shut the voice off. I hated that bitch, always telling me where to go. I could follow the colored line on my own thank you very much.

I pulled up in front of a rather swanky apartment building and a star flashed on the screen of my GPS, telling me I had arrived.

I parked near the door and went inside to get Tom. He was on the sixth floor and I took the elevator up.
When I got to his floor, there was a pretty brunette girl waiting to get in. I smiled politely and headed down the hall past her.

I counted the numbers on the doors until I found Tom's. I stopped short. His door was open a bit. Oh shit. I was supposed to be picking him up and he'd gotten himself kidnapped by some insane fangirl. Perfect.

I pushed the door open slowly and stepped inside, ready to kick the ass of said insane kidnapper.

''Tom?'' I called out, my tone slightly unsure.

''In here!'' he called back and I let out a relieved breath.

I went to his bedroom, the source of his voice, and scoffed slightly.

''It smells like sex in here.'' I said and he smirked. I rolled my eyes as I realized what he was doing.

''Grab that corner will you?'' he asked, pointing to the corner of the sheet.

''Yea, I'm your body guard, why not help you change your sheets after a night of wild sex.'' I replied.

''Jealous?'' Tom laughed.

''Of course.'' I said sarcastically, although my sarcasm may not have been totally justified.

''So I take it you didn't sleep in then?'' I asked.

''No, she did.'' he told me and I laughed a bit.

When we had finished putting on his sheets, Tom and I left his apartment and headed out to my car. Tom opted to ride shotgun and when I opened the door for him, he made a crack about feeling like a girl and I laughed.

''Can I drive?'' he asked when I got in.

''No.'' I answered flatly as I did up my seatbelt.

''Why not? I need to get back some of my masculinity. I'm practically growing boobs after that thing with the door.'' He pleaded and I snorted with laughter.

''Because other people don't get to drive my car. I think your masculinity will survive.'' I said and he rolled his eyes. ''Besides, you'd be a very pretty girl. I'd get on that.'' I added and he furrowed his eyebrows but couldn't help the smirk that came to his lips.

''You'd get on this even if I wasn't a girl.'' Tom retorted playfully.

Absolutely. ''In your dreams.''

''Every night.'' He winked and I laughed.

It was quiet then and I fiddled with the radio via the controls on the steering wheel. When I couldn't find anything decent, I turned it off in frustration and let the silence loom.

Tom was staring out the window and I was ninety percent sure that he didn't see me look at him the several times that I did it. Every time I looked at his flawless features, his lips especially, I went back to that night and I felt a slight pulling sensation in the pit of my stomach.

I was looking back at the road when I saw Tom looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I had seen him smirk before, but the smile that briefly tugged at his lips at he looked at me while he thought I wasn't looking, was something that I hadn't seen before. It made me wonder what he was thinking when he looked at me.

''So how often do you do that?'' I asked, breaking the silence.

''Do what?'' Tom replied in a tone that said he thought he'd been caught in the act.

''Have hot one night stands with hotter girls?'' I asked.

''Why is my sex life any of your concern?'' he replied.

''I'm just making conversation.'' I told him honestly.

''Sure you are.'' He smirked. ''We can arrange something if you want.''

''No thanks, that's not my style.'' I said and he laughed.

''Scared you'll find something you like?''

Very. ''Maybe.''

''I don’t know how you can keep saying no to me, I'm rather irresistible, or so I've heard.'' Tom said.

''And modest too.'' I rolled my eyes.

''But that's beside the poi-are you a virgin?'' his eyes were wide.

''I don't see why my sex life is any of your concern but no I'm not.'' I said.

''When was the last time you got laid?'' he asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

''A while.''

''How long?'' her persisted.

''It's been just over a year since I had a proper boyfriend.'' I said. It wasn't a total lie.

''So get plastered, go to a club and find someone. It wouldn't be that hard for you.'' He said, smirking a bit.

''I personally have morals and they tend to outweigh my sexual needs.'' Barely true. The fact that I was engaged to my best friend tended to outweigh my sexual needs.

''You need to get laid. When you decide to throw your morals out the window, give me a call. I'll rock your world.'' Tom said and although he was joking I could hear some honesty in his sentiment, particularly towards the end.

''Will do.'' I said sarcastically.

That put an end to the conversation about our sex lives and my apparent need to get some, but I couldn't figure out why there was a nagging voice in the back of my mind saying that I was going to take him up on his offer.
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Longer than usual and it seems to have broken my bad streak. SO! Posting will go back to it's usual schedule, updates being posted between 7 and 8 EST.

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