I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Eighty-one

Tom and I spent two days unpacking almost all of my boxes and finding places for all of my stuff. On the second night, we'd quit early to break in his apartment now that I officially lived there. We'd been up until at least two and my head had damn near exploded from all the times Tom got me off.

Unless you've ever been up all night banging Tom Kaulitz, you can only imagine how tired, and therefore angry, I was the next morning when he woke me up.

''Go away.'' I grumbled as Tom kissed my face.

''You have to get up.'' he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

''Fuck you.'' I slammed my pillow over my head.

''Come on.'' Tom laughed as he rubbed my back.

''You think you can use me as your sex slave all night and then just wake me up at an obscenely early hour?'' I asked bitterly from under my pillow.

''You weren't objecting last night. It was actually more of a 'yes! Yes! Yes!''' Tom said and I threw my pillow at him.

''Shut up, I only make that much noise for the benefit of your ego.'' I said as I sat up.

''I'm sure that's the case.'' Tom said sarcastically.

''It is. Now why did you wake me up at…'' I couldn't see the clock.

''Noon.'' Tom laughed.

''Why did you wake me up at noon?''

''Because we're going out.'' He told me.


''I have to pick up my new guitar.''

''Why do I have to come?'' I asked.

''It's a surprise. Now get dressed.'' He said as he left the room.

''You know I might not be able to walk right?'' I called after him.

''You could have said stop!'' he called back, his smile audible again.

''I was too busy stroking your ego!'' I yelled playfully.

''That's not the only thing you were stroking babe!'' he replied and I laughed.

As soon as we pulled out of the parking garage at Tom's apartment building, cameras started to go off.
I knew for a fact that the paparazzi had been waiting. Ever since Tom and I had gone public with our relationship, they had been trying desperately to get pictures of us together.

We were the hot item at the moment and simply reporting the facts of our relationship was good enough for now. I knew it wouldn't be long though before they started speculating about Tom's faithfulness and whether or not I was pregnant.

Tom and I both knew that the rumours were going to start flying eventually. In order to keep it from putting too much of a strain on our relationship though, we'd made an honesty pact. The rumours could fly all they wanted as long as we were honest with each other. We'd both agreed wholeheartedly to it, even if it meant one of us admitting to the other that they'd gotten drunk and had a same-sex sexual encounter.
If that last ever happened on my part, Tom had said that he not only wanted a confession, but a videotape of the encounter or –even better- an invitation.

Even as we drove, the camera flashes continued. I was pretty much used to them after working for the band for so long. What I wasn't used to though was the fact that they were taking pictures of me now too. It wasn't just Tom they wanted anymore, it was 'Jom' or 'Tules'.

The shop Tom pulled up to wasn't the usual place he got his guitars from. It was a custom shop.

''Why are we here?'' I asked as Tom put the car in park.

''It's a surprise, how many times do I have to tell you?'' he said lightly.

''I don't play guitar so I really have no idea what could possibly be surprising me here.'' I said.

''That's the point isn't it?'' Tom replied and I rolled my eyes playfully.

Tom took my hand as we walked up to the shop. The cameras continued to go off, but from a distance. I got the feeling that they hadn't forgotten the fact that I was still his bodyguard.

''Mr. Kaulitz! How are you?'' the shop owner said when we entered the store.

''I'm fine. Is my guitar done?'' Tom asked.

''Yes sir, I finished it last night.'' The owner disappeared into the back of the store. Tom and I looked idly around the shop as we waited for him to come back.

''Here you are.'' The owner pulled Tom's guitar out of the case and held it out for Tom's inspection.

''It's perfect.'' Tom said.

''It looks exactly the same.'' I stated.

''No, look.'' He held the neck of the guitar towards me. There were a few, what looked to be, diamonds now dotting it.

''Diamonds? Is there something you're not telling me?'' I asked, half expecting and 'I'm gay'.

''No, they're jewels.'' Tom said. As I understood what he was saying, I felt my cheeks flush and I laughed a bit. Tom Kaulitz had put jewels on his guitar because I was Jules.

''You are such a tool.'' I laughed. I put my hand on his cheek. ''But I love you anyway.''

''I love you too.''

And with that, I pressed my lips against Tom's and sent the photographers reeling.
♠ ♠ ♠
An early post because I'm not going to be home tonight.
With the way this is going, this story will be finished before the end of the week.

I'll see you all tomorrow night! Thanks for reading!