I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Nine

The rest of the ride to the photo shoot was relatively quiet. There was no more talk of Tom's sex life or mine. He mostly watched out the window and stole the odd glance at me when he thought I wasn't looking. I didn't mind, it wasn't like I wasn't doing the same thing.

We got to the studio where the shoot was after everyone else. Paul, Tyler and Owen's cars were already parked. We weren't that late though, only a few minutes.

When Tom and I went inside, the other members of the band were in hair, makeup, and wardrobe. A very chipper stylist promptly snatched Tom and took him to a chair where she began to work on him.

''He doesn't exactly look like he just woke up.'' Owen said when I joined the other bodyguards.

''He was changing his sheets when I got there.'' I told them.

''Why would he be- ohh. Brunette?'' Owen asked.


''I figured he liked dark haired girls. That's why he wants you so bad.'' Owen teased.

''What does Michael think about him?'' Paul asked.

''You know Michael, he's happy that I'm happy.''

''So he doesn't know that your new boss totally wants in your pants?'' Tyler piped up. For being the quiet one in our group, he always had something cheeky to say.

''I don't think he would care.'' I said and the four of us laughed. The guys were well aware of exactly how my relationship with Michael was and the reasons behind it.

While the band was being primped for their photo shoot, we were pretty much off duty so we stood out of the way and talked idly.

I had absolutely no clue why they were doing this shoot in a 'desert' and still thought they were having me on, but when we followed the band to the actual set, I saw that they weren't.

As we arrived on the set, so did a perky, relatively young, blonde girl carrying a camera and wearing an unnecessarily low v-neck shirt. I was wary of her the second every set of male eyes in the room locked on her ample bosom. I mean, I was a full C, but she gave new meaning to the term 'double D'. I elbowed Owen hard in the side when he didn't stop staring.

''Hi, I'm Carrie. I'll be taking the pictures.'' The well-endowed photographer said as she shook everyone's hand. I couldn't help but notice how she held Tom's hand a little longer than necessary.

''Alright! Let's get started then!'' she said after everyone had introduced themselves.

Carrie put the boys into position and told them what she wanted them to do and then stepped back to take pictures.
She took about a million pictures of them as a group before letting Georg and Gustav sit while she took a million pictures of just the twins.

After that, everyone took a break and gravitated towards the refreshment table. Carrie gravitated towards Tom. I moved closer to the two, I was his bodyguard after all.

''I've looked at some of the pictures, you're really a natural at all of this.'' Carrie said to Tom as she grabbed a drink.

''Maybe you're just a good photographer.'' Tom replied with a charming smile. I could practically see her going weak in the knees.

''Maybe it's both then.'' She replied. ''Could you pass me that-'' she leaned towards Tom, reaching for something behind him on the table, no doubt purposely squeezing her enormous boobs together.

As he turned to help her, her drink that had been nowhere near him two seconds ago, miraculously tipped and spilled all down the front of his shirt. I knew there was no way in hell that had been an accident.

''Shit that's hot!'' Tom yelled as he practically ripped his shirt off.

''I'm so sorry! Let me help.'' Carrie said as she dipped some napkins in the ice water on the table and pressed it to hisamazingly toned stomach. I could see the sense of accomplishment in her eyes as she touched him.

I had to put an end to this.

I grabbed a shirt, any shirt, from the rack the wardrobe people had brought in and walked towards the skanky photographer and the rock star currently in my charge.

''Here.'' I said, shoving the shirt towards Tom and the skank out of my way with my shoulder.

''Thanks.'' Tom said as he pulled on the clean shirt.

I could see Carrie trying to murder me with her eyes and I turned and smiled viciously at her, raising one eyebrow slightly. She clearly wasn't happy that I had won this little game.

The photographer walked off in the direction of her camera in a huff and I stayed with Tom who was looking curiously at me.

''What was that about?'' he asked.

''Your shirt was dirty.'' I said simply.

''Not that part, when you,'' he nodded towards Carrie.

''She almost burned your stomach off. It's my job to keep you safe.''

''That's all it was?'' I nodded. ''You weren't jealous?''

Quite. ''No.''

''Are you sure?''
