It Was Only a Dream...I Hope

New Friends

She went back home the next day expecting to be let in. She got home to find the door locked. She knocked on the door.

“Who’s there?” mumbled the step-dad angrily.

“It’s me.” replied the daughter.

“Who’s ‘me’?”

“Who else do you know in London?”

“Oh. You. Get the hell out of here!”


“You heard me. Get out of here!”

“You’re kicking me out?!”

“What? Am I speaking French here? Go away!”

“What? Where am I supposed to go?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care. Just go away!”

The girl didn’t know what to do. She just got kicked out of her own home and she didn’t know anyone else. She wandered around looking to see if anyone would be kind enough to let her stay a night or two in their home, but no one would. When she told the people what happened, they didn’t believe her and slammed their doors in her face. She finally gave up and sat down on the pavement, gathering her thoughts, trying to figure out why her step-dad was acting the way he was. She sat there for a few hours, when suddenly, a young man walked up to her and gave her some money.

“Here. This should be enough to get you something to eat tonight, at least.” he said.

“Oh. Thank you. But I don’t need any money. I’m not homeless. My dad, er, step-dad, just had a bit too much to drink and kicked me out. He should be sober soon and I can go back in.”


There was a small pause. Then the mysterious lad asked, “Would you mind if I sat with you?”

“Um…I guess not. Go ahead.” the girl felt a bit lonely so she figured some company wouldn’t be too bad.

They sat there for a while, talking. The boy introduced himself as Andrew and they became fast friends. As it turned out, they were the same age. They just sat on the pavement, talking the hours away, and not realizing it until it got dark. When they finally realized the time, Andrew offered to walk the girl home and she gladly accepted. Upon arriving at the girl’s home, they were greeted with loud, angry shouts from her step-dad, and the door slamming in their faces. The girl sighed and prepared to head to her alley. But Andrew was worried for his new friend and insisted on her sleeping in the guest room at his house. The girl accepted hesitantly. Andrew took the girl home and introduced her to his parents. When he told his parents the girl’s story, they told him that he should have brought her earlier. They were more than hospitable to the girl. That night, the girl got a very good night’s sleep.
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Anyone having any trouble knowing who is doing what? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! If I get a good number of complaints about it, I will give the girl, and maybe her step-dad, a name.