It Was Only a Dream...I Hope

Deeper Into Despair

It was summer and the weather was starting to get nicer. This made her walks become longer and longer. Sometimes she wouldn’t come home until after dark, which made Andrew and his family worry about her. They didn’t like the thought of her being out after dark. She didn’t care; she was never out past eight o’ clock anyway. She figured that if she could survive her mother’s death and her father’s sudden violent behavior, she could survive walking around London for a short amount of time after dark. She started to think less and less of her step-dad and the life she once knew and became an unofficial member of Andrew’s family.

One day, the girl felt bad about leaving her step-dad all by himself to grieve. She knew he didn’t deserve it, but he had taken care of her and her mom for a long time. She thought she would at least go by and see how his grieving process was going; even if it was just looking through a window. She got to the house and found the door unlocked.

"That’s odd." She thought. "He never leaves the door unlocked." She took a cautious step inside. She heard some muffling and another man’s voice. She tried to be as sneaky as possible; she wanted to know what was going on, but she also didn’t want her step-father to catch her. She crept down the hall and towards the source of the voices, the step-dad’s room. The muffling got louder and she didn’t recognize the other man talking. His bedroom door was slightly opened so the girl looked through that tiny opening. She was shocked at what she saw.

Her step-dad was bound and gagged, sitting on the floor. The other man wore all black, a ski mask, and was pointing a gun right at the head of the girl’s step-father. She saw the man’s finger wrap around the trigger.

“NOOOOO!!!!!” The girl shouted at the top of her lungs. But it was too late. There was a loud blast, and her step-father collapsed on the ground, dead.

She could not believe what she had just seen. Her step-dad murdered right before her eyes. She couldn’t move, she could barely even breathe. Unfortunately, the gunman heard her yell, opened the door, dragged her inside, and beat her to, what he thought was, an inch of her life. She was unconscious for several hours. When she woke up, it was dark and pouring down rain. She looked across the room; his body was still there. She doubted that the cops were even called. No one would notice until the body started to decay. She wanted to call them but who would listen to some teenage girl who looked like she was covered in blood and bruised? They would just think that she killed him. She didn’t know what to do. So she ran. She ran as fast as she could to her alley. She didn’t care that the rain was soaking her to the very bone. She wanted to run straight into Andrew’s arms and hear him comfort her, but she knew all he would do was ask questions. Questions that she wasn’t ready to answer. So she ran into her alley, curled up and sobbed.