It Was Only a Dream...I Hope

What His Parents Didn't Know

Meanwhile, back at Andrew’s house, his parents were pacing back and forth. They were worried sick. Andrew, on the other hand was not concerned in the least.

“Where could she be?” Andrew’s father said.

“Would you guys relax? She’s probably on her way home from a walk right now.” Although his words sounded relaxed, he was quite on edge.

“It’s pouring rain out there! She could be getting sick!”

“I’m sure she is alright, Mom. In fact—“

He didn’t have time to finish his thought. The news show Andrew had been watching came in with breaking news.

“Breaking news! A man was arrested today for murdering a middle-aged man and a girl who appeared to be in her teens and is assumed to be the man’s daughter. Apparently the gunman committed this crime and then boasted about it to a friend of his who notified authorities immediately. The crime was committed on the outskirts of town. The dead man has not been identified yet, but police are releasing a picture of him. Here it is.” Andrew stared wide-eyed, mouth agape at the TV screen. “The girl’s body has not been recovered and it is possible that she is still alive.”

“Oh my God.” Andrew said in disbelief.

“What?” His parents asked simultaneously.

“That’s her step-dad.”


Andrew started up, grabbed his coat, and started for the door.

“Just where do you think you’re going in this weather young man?” asked his mother.

“I’m going to bring her home.”

“But how do you…” Andrew was out the door before his mother could finish her sentence.

“I knew it.” Said Andrew’s father.


“You can’t see it?”

“See what?”

“I thought girls could pick up the signs of love better than guys.”

“Love? Andrew? Are you sure?”

“I’m quite sure of it. I’m surprised that you didn’t figure it out earlier. They’re acting just like
we used to when we were their age.”

“Now that you mention it. I have noticed that playful behavior between the two of them.”

“And have you ever seen Andrew that happy?”

There was a long paused before Andrew’s mother answered.
