Falling For a Ghost? How Is That Even Possible?


You know what I hate?

When you go to the movies alone and everyone feels bad for you. They see you alone and begin to pity you. They begin to think that you’re a nobody, that you’re antisocial and have some attitude problems. They stare at you while you get your popcorn and mini Butterfinger bites, when you walk into the specific room, and all the way to your seat.

And you know what I think?

I set my extra buttery popcorn and mini Buttefinger bites down and face everyone (I like to sit in the back, that way I can see whoever looks at me and pities me. Sometimes I like to flip them off too.) And all eyes are on me.

“Watch your fucking movie!” I yelled. Instantly a few people sitting closest to me jumped in their seat at my sudden outburst. I smirked. Serves them right.

I sat down in my comfortable seat and popped some popcorn in my mouth. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a horrible person. I’m not the one to pick a fight, but that doesn’t mean I back down when someone else shoves one in my face. You know what I think? People just need to mind their own damn business.

I chuckled and shook my head. Listen to me today. So much cussing. I tossed some more popcorn in my mouth when the commercials finally started. War of Silver. It was supposed to be really good with lots of fighting in it. Something about ghosts, I think.

“Excuse me,” someone said, wanting to get by.

I looked to my left. (I always sat in the middle row and first seat in the back.) I almost choked on my popcorn when I saw the guy. He was about my age – 17 or 18. He looked around 6 feet tall, lean but with muscle, black hair that almost fell in his eyes (not emo-ish style), and the most beautiful grey eyes. His skin was smooth, incredibly pale, and luminescent. His plain grey T-shirt was the perfect color for him and his jeans were loose but not too lose. Overall, he was a normal most beautiful guy in the world. In his hands were a box of mini Butterfinger bites and a tub of popcorn, just like me. He smiled, showing a set of perfect white teeth.

“Uh, yeah,” I stuttered idiotically. I stood up, and when he brushed by I suddenly felt cold and empty. I watched him until he disappeared into the darkness at the other end of the row somewhere.

Half way into the movie, I was really into it. And I mean, really, really into it. I was in one of those moods were you just completely zone out, don’t recognize where you are, don’t hear anything else around you. Currently, there was a huge fighting scene going on between the ghosts and some army. Nothing could have pulled me out of that movie. Nothing., except…

“Hey, sweet thing,” a male voice said next to me in the aisle. I was beyond pissed when he crawled over me and plopped himself in the seat next to me. He had shaggy brown hair and green eyes. He wasn’t bad looking, but not really my type.

I ignored him and shoved popcorn in my mouth. Crunch.

He made a face. “Aw, come on, don’t be like that. I just wanna talk.” He moved his hand on my knee. “What’s your name?”

Just breathe, I kept telling myself. He’ll leave when I don’t respond. I stuffed popcorn in my mouth and chewed loudly.

He slid his hand up further…a lot further. “Hey, come on…I just wanna have a little fun…”

Alright, that was it! I slammed my popcorn down, grabbed his wrist and threw it away from me. “Get your fucking hands off of me!” I said loudly. It was like a yelling whisper. I didn’t want to disturb other people’s movie. After all, I already yelled at them.

He took his hands back and raised them up in innocence. “Whoa, calm down, sweet cheeks. I was just saying that maybe you and I could go back to my place…You know, on second thought, right here is just as fine too.” He smirked and moved closer to me. “Dark, in the back, loud movie, no one will hear a thing…” He placed his hands roughly on my arms, holding them down, and then he moved to where he was practically sitting on my legs, making me completely unable to move or get away.

“Get off of me!” I yelled it this time, and everyone heard.

Suddenly, the guy was pulled off of me and into the isle. He fell down a couple stairs then popped up. His eyes were frantic as he looked at me and all around. Then, he took off running.
My eyebrows were raised in response.

I turned to my savior.

“You okay?” the guy asked.

I blinked. Whoa. The totally hot guy just saved my life…well, not really, but you understand. “Uh, yeah,” I stammered. “Thanks for that.”

He smiled and took a seat next to me. “Do you mind? Just in case he brings some of his friends with him.”

I smiled back at him, I couldn’t help it. He made me feel different. I felt warm inside, but something about this was different, and I couldn’t quite place it. “Yeah,” I said. “That’d be nice.”

We watched the movie together in silence for the rest of the time. The guy never came back, and I couldn’t help but recall the way he looked at me. He looked confused, angry…confused. I shook it off. Oh well.

After the movie was over, my rescuer and I walked out together. He walked me to my bright little yellow jeep.

“Thanks,” I said again. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you did.”

He shrugged. His black hair was blowing gently in the wind and his face was lit up by the parking lot lamps. He looked breathtaking. “Don’t mention it. If he didn’t start putting the moves on you, we probably wouldn’t be here right now, so I’m glad he did.”

I smiled and blushed. What a compliment… I looked at my watch. 10:35. “Oh crap.” I reached into my bag and searched for my keys. I didn’t know the movie was going to end this late. The info at the ticket booth said the movie was supposed to last an hour and forty-five minutes, but it really lasted three full hours.

I pulled out my keys and unlocked my door, then turned to him.

“Maybe I’ll see you around sometime,” I said hopefully. But as everyone knows, things like that never happen. You say you’ll see them around and you never see them again in your life, or, until after you’re married and with five kids.

When he grinned, his whole face lit up. “Yeah. Definitely. See you around.” He turned and started to leave, but I then I realized something.

“Wait!” I yelled. He stopped and looked at me with beautiful, mysterious grey eyes. “I never caught your name.”

He grinned and shoved his hands in his jean pockets. “Cale.”

I smiled. Nice name. “Amy.”

After a few moments of us watching one another, I got in my car. I sat there thinking for a few seconds, thinking of his smile and how different he seemed. Then I turned to watch him walk away, but he was already gone. Weird. It had only been like…three seconds.

I shrugged and drove home, thinking of nothing than the mysterious, beautiful Cale.
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First chapter's up! YAY!
And I just want to let my readers know that this story will never be deleted (by me at least...haha) and I will do my best to keep it from ever getting deleted. PROMISE!

Thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and subscribes! I really appreciate it!!!