Falling For a Ghost? How Is That Even Possible?


I was instantly awakened when I felt my body jerk. I was being carried by Cale, who had just tripped over something.

“Oops, sorry.” Cale set my down on the ground. “You, uh, fell asleep.”

I slowly recalled how I had fallen asleep under the stars with him. (AN: Remember how the old lady could see Cale? Well, I forgot he was supposed to be invisible. So, lets just say that the lady is a medium or something, okay?)

“What time is it?” I asked. It was still dark, and the stars were still shining with all their might.

“About one.”

I nodded. “I’m sorry that you were carrying me. You should have woken me up or something.”

Cale shrugged. “It’s okay. I didn’t mind.”

“Well what if you dropped me or something? I imagine that I’d be extremely pissed.”

He laughed. “Yeah, well, I may have tripped, but I didn’t drop you. That’s pure skill right there.”

I rolled my eyes as we continued to slowly walk down the sidewalk. “Cale, I somehow doubt that you were single back when you were alive.”

He flashed a smile at me. “Was that a compliment?”

I blushed slightly at his smile and nodded. “I guess it was.”

He nodded his head with satisfaction then continued. “And to answer your assumption, negative. I did not a have a girlfriend.”

I frowned at this. Why would someone like Cale not a girlfriend? He had an amazing body, black fluffy hair, flawless pale skin, and the most alluring grey eyes. He was nice (most of the time), funny, charming, caring… He was every girl’s dream guy. Even mine.

“This may sound cheesy,” he said. “But I believed in true love and soul mates then too. I was waiting until I met a girl that I instantly felt sparks with, you know? I imagined that once I looked into her eyes and vice versa, there would be fireworks that would light the sky.”

I sighed. “That’s… sweet.”

Cale laughed. “No, it’s not. It’s a pansy statement. I should be ashamed to call myself a male.”

And then it was my turn to laugh. “Guys can believe in soul mates and true love too. Not just girls. At least you weren’t one of those guys that just use girls for sex.”

He nodded. “True. I would never do something like that.”

God, I thought to myself. Could there be any better Prince Charming? Suddenly, we were at the doorsteps of my house. “Oh,” I said surprised. I hadn’t even realized we were close to my house. I twisted the doorknob and quietly opened the door. Loud snoring was coming from the living room. I tiptoed up to my room then shut the door behind me. Cale was already there.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered to me. He was sitting on the end of my bed with his head in his hands. “I forgot…I didn’t even think about it…”

I waved it away with my hands and searched through my drawer for some PJs. “Don’t worry about.”

Cale looked up. “Are you kidding, Amy? He hitsyou. That’s not alright.”

I just shrugged and started for the bathroom to change. “Hey, I’m still alive, so I’m not complaining.” I went in the bathroom, shut the door, then stripped and changed clothes. I brushed my hair and teeth, and then went out to see Cale lying on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

“You look deep in thought,” I observed as I sat down next to him.

“Not really,” he said, not taking his eyes away from the ceiling. “I just can’t believe how stupid I was for leaving you here… I didn’t even think about him. I was so selfish-”

“Cale,” I interrupted. “Just stop. You did what you should have done. You left and were upset after I kissed a guy in front of you. I’d probably do the same thing.”

Cale pulled his eyes away from the ceiling, looked at me, and smirked. “Really? You’d be upset if I kissed some girl in front of you?”

I held my breath, trying to fight the blush that was swarming my cheeks. “Um, just a little.”

“Aww, I didn’t know you cared so much.”

“I don’t.”

“Yes, you do.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Sure seems like it.”

“Well I don’t!”

“Fine.” Cale held his hands up innocently. “Don’t bite my head off.”

I glared at him then at my clock. Stupid alarm clock. Why did it have to be one thirty already?

“Hey, don’t glare at the alarm clock,” Cale said. “It didn’t do anything to you.”

I looked at Cale and blinked. “Quit talking.”

He made a face that looked like I hurt him. “Why?”

I pushed his body over against the wall then slid under my covers. “Because I’m going to sleep. Now be quiet so I can.” I closed my eyes. But just before I fell asleep, I felt Cale’s finger tracing patterns on my back. “What are you doing?” I mumbled.

“Nothing,” he said lightly. He made a circle in the middle of my back.

“That kind of tickles,” I commented sleepily.

He chuckled and quit tracing on my back. Instead, he flung an arm over my waist, surprising me.

“What are you doing?” I asked surprised.

“Quit talking,” he commanded.

I flipped over so I was facing him. His face was lying on the pillow only inches from mine, and I could smell his sweet peppermint breath. “What did you just say to me?” I asked with narrowed eyes.

He closed his eyes and mumbled. “You heard me.” Even though he sounded sleepy, he was smiling lightly.

“Cale,” I said quietly. “Why exactly are you here? You know it’d be more appropriate for you to sleep on the floor or something.”

His eyelids opened slowly and he gazed at me. “Amy, if I’m on the floor, how can I protect you? What if someone comes in and take you while I’m asleep?” He closed his eyes again then chuckled lightly. “I’d like to see someone try to take you out of my arms.” Then after a moment of pause he added, “Plus, the floor is really uncomfortable.”

All the blood rushed to my cheeks, and I was grateful he had his eyes closed. I liked having him close. I like the way his arm felt around my waist. I liked the way I could smell his sweet peppermint breath and see every nonexistent pore on his face. I liked the way his chest moved in and out when he breathed, and the way his lips moved when he spoke to me. I liked being in his arms.

I shifted in the bed and moved myself closer to him. I snuggled my head in his neck, and his arm tightened around my waist, and then I closed my eyes and drifted off into one of the best sleeps I’d ever had.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if the story seems like it's dragging on and on and on... I'm trying to think of what's going to happen next though!

Thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and subscribes! I really appreciate it!!!

I'm a little sad about the number of comments I've gotten for the past few chapters *hint hint*