Falling For a Ghost? How Is That Even Possible?

Dance Dance!

Cale and I stepped up onto the Dance Dance Revolution machine and took our spots. No words were spoken and no eyes were met. This was War.
Cale scrolled through the songs and picked one on the medium level: I Don’t Care by Fall Out Boy. The song started and we began.

Half way through, a twelve year old kid came up to up me. “Hey, lady, can I play with you?”

I missed a step when he asked that. Darn him! Now Cale was leading. “Uh, no, sorry,” I said.

“Why not?” he complained. “You’re taking up both places and you’re the only one playing.”

I grinded my teeth. “No. Go away.”

The kid made a face then stomped away. After another minute, the song ended and Cale had won. The score was 97,233 to 153,998.

“Just admit my awesomeness,” Cale smirked.

I glared at him. “I could have beaten you, but that kid came up to me and started talking! That wasn’t fair! I demand of rematch!”

Cale chuckled. “No. I won.”

My mouth dropped open. “What? No way!”

“Yes way.”


Cale sighed. “Fine, fine, fine. One more.” He popped in four tokens and let me pick the song. I chose level hard, song: Down with the Sickness.

The music began and off we went.

Half way through with our scores dead tied, on a not so fast part, Cale did something much unexpected. He quickly reached over the railing that separated us two, and gave me a little push. I stumbled just as the hard part came.

“Cheater!” I yelled.

Cale laughed and went on dancing.

Fine, I thought to myself. Lets see how he likes this… Now, I’m not really a shy person. I don’t mind getting up in the front of class and give a speech or anything like that. So, I didn’t get bothered by the strange looks I received after I took off my shirt and threw it down to Cale’s feet.

And boy did that mess him up.

His feet got caught in the shirt, and he kept his eyes focused on the screen, but they also strained to stay on the screen and not at me. His points were slowing down and my were skyrocketing upwards. Yes! Victory is mine!

After the game ended, I had gathered quite the crowd. They applauded when I was done, and I smiled then bowed. Cale and I jumped off the machine, and I tossed my shirt back over my head. I smiled at him proudly.

“That was so cheating,” he said.

I shrugged. “I know, but you did it to me first.”

“You took off your shirt!”

I looked at him dead in the eyes. “Yeah, so? I’m not shy.”

He stood there gaping at me. “I, um, have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

After he left, a guy with a red “Play Center” vest came up to me. Gosh. I was probably going to get thrown out for stripping. He had shaggy brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. Not that bad looking I might add, but not nearly as amazing as Cale. No one could compare to him.

“Excuse me?” he asked.

I tried to play innocent. “Yes? Me?”

He nodded and smiled. “I really enjoyed your performance.” He took a step towards me and lowered his voice. “Maybe if you’re not doing anything later, we can go over to my place and, you know…” He smirked at me and thrust his hips forward a little. I nearly gagged.

I shook my head. “No thank you. I have a boyfriend.”

He cocked his head then grabbed my arm. “So? He doesn’t have to know-”


The guy fell to the ground like someone had just shoved him and looked around frantically. Cale was suddenly in front of me and looking down at the guy. His face was hard and angry, and his eyes were threatening.

“What was that?” the guy asked wildly.

I stepped forward next to Cale and shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe a ghost.”

The guy looked at me with wide eyes. “G-g-ghost?” He quickly got up and ran away.

Cale turned to me and looked deep into my eyes. “Are you okay?” he asked.

I half smiled and nodded. “I could have so taken him if he tried to drag me off somewhere.”

Cale’s face softened. “Yeah, sure. I bet you could have.”

“I’m just awesome like that.”

He rolled his eyes then we headed towards the food court. He took a seat down at a booth and smiled at me. “I’d like a number five with… Pepsi.”

I smiled at that. “Pepsi? Really?”

He nodded. “I feel bad for it. No one ever drinks it anymore.”

I laughed and headed off to get some food. I would have told him to get his own damn food, but well, he was kind of invisible. I walked up to the counter and order two number fives, one with pepsi, and one with orange juice. Once the food was ready, I brought it back over to the booth and sat down across from Cale. He raised his eyebrows when looking in my cup.

“Is that orange juice?” he asked.

I plopped a crunchy, saltly, golden, fry into my mouth. “No. It’s urine.” I rolled my eyes. “Yes, of course, it’s orange juice.”

He took a bite of his club chicken sandwich. “You are so…weird.”

“Says the ghost to the human.”

After we finished off our food, we just sat there for a while and talked.

“So, I hear prom’s coming up…” Cale said casually.

I blinked. “Uh, yeah. I don’t know if I’m going though. I’m really not a dance person. I can’t even dance.” And not to mention that I was supposed to go with Austin, and I have no idea if I am anymore.

“What? But it’s prom. You have to go!” His black hair was all messy from the Dance Dance Revolution, and his with his anxious expression, he looked amazingly cute.

I frowned. “Um… I guess I’ll think about it?”

He smiled and leaned back in his seat. “Good. You can’t miss prom. That’s where everything happens. Memory that you’ll never forget.”

“Okay, okay,” I said. “Enough. If I go, you can go, okay?”

He grinned. “Good. But promise me something.”

I cringed. “What?”

“I get the last dance.”

Oh. “Um, sure.” I paused. “But I really don’t think I’m going…” His soft eyes and beautiful smile made me trail off. Maybe I would go. For him. God, listen to me. I’m starting to do things I would never do, and all because of some guy. I am not going to be one of those love sick puppies!

“You know… we still have some time left,” Cale said getting up from the booth.

I held my hands up defensively. “No! I am not rollerblading! You can’t make me.”

Cale laughed and took my hand in his. “No, get up, Amy. We’re not skating.”

I couldn’t ignore the tingling sensation that was shooting through my arm. His skin was soft and cool like silk. “Um, then what, uh, are we doing?” Geez, he made my head dizzy. And just from the touch of his hand too.

He smiled at me and announced like it was s brilliant idea. “We’re going glow bowling.”

A slow smile spread across my face.
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139 reader and 56 subscribers! Yay yay!!!
And I'm sorry nothing's really happening in the story right now. I just want to make it longer, and I like writing these fun little chapter anyways. I'll only make one more I think.

Thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and subscribes! I really appreciate it!!!